YouTube bans David Duke and Jared Taylor

Jared Taylor (second right) during a visit to the North of England with (left to right) H&D editor Mark Cotterill, assistant editor Peter Rushton, and former Member of the European Parliament Andrew Brons.

The online video platform YouTube yesterday banned several high profile pro-White and racial realist channels, including those run by former Louisiana state representative Dr David Duke, Jared Taylor’s American Renaissance, and prominent ‘Alt Right’ personality Richard Spencer.

This is the latest stage in an ongoing war against pro-White voices online. As regular readers will know, Heritage and Destiny was banned from YouTube just over a year ago, and from PayPal around four years ago.

We have to be realistic. Outside certain specific legal circumstances (such as making meeting-rooms and leaflet delivery available for election candidates), no one is under any obligation to provide us with a platform. Still less are they under any ‘free speech’ obligation when providing a free service such as YouTube or Facebook.

Sadly pro-White organisations and individuals will face continuing struggles online, having to move to platforms that refuse to censor us. This will risk ghettoising ourselves, since by comparison to YouTube, Facebook, etc. these platforms will tend to be populated mainly by folk who are already sympathetic to our movement.

The lesson is twofold.

(1) There is still an important role for hardcopy publications despite the proliferation of online access. If you subscribe to Heritage and Destiny, we can guarantee that you will receive your six issues each year – whereas if you subscribe to a YouTube channel it might disappear tomorrow.

(2) Pro-White activists must seek opportunities to engage with a wider public, whether online or in the ‘real’ world. When Covid-19 restrictions are relaxed, there will be no substitute for face to face engagement, both with existing movement sympathisers at conferences, rallies and the like; and with the general public via the electoral process and other public activity.

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