Will the real Nick Griffin please stand up?

You might think that someone from Labour, the Tories or Lib Dems would win the title “grossest hypocritical crook in British politics” – yet this week’s winner is yet again Nick Griffin, former chairman of the BNP.

Less than four months ago, Griffin was taking every opportunity to sneer at the 96-year-old Queen Elizabeth II and her family.

While there is room for a serious debate as to how far the Royal Family shares responsibility for the disastrous trajectory of British politics during the 20th century – especially during the reigns of Elizabeth II and her father George VI – Griffin was characteristically avoiding serious debate and engaging in cheap shots, with implications of weird conspiracy theory.

That’s either because he believes this sort of crass conspiracism, or because he believes that most ‘nationalist’ readers and potential donors have given up on serious politics and are now part of an easily exploited, defeatist cult.

On May 31st Griffin tweeted images of the then Queen and her son (now King Charles III) with two notorious paedophiles – Rolf Harris and Jimmy Savile. Outside the ranks of paranoid loons, no-one believes that the Queen or the future King were aware of or party to these crimes. But Griffin doesn’t care about historical or political truth, he only cares about impressing credulous donors, and he believes (rightly or wrongly) that many of his readers are dupes who can easily be sold this sort of tale.

In another tweet on May 28th, Griffin made a fairer point about the deleterious transformation of Britain during the Queen’s reign, though again with a slight implication that this was part of some weird establishment conspiracy to which the Queen was herself party.

So now that the Queen’s death is the main news headline worldwide, does Griffin take the opportunity to repeat his earlier slurs? Does he even – for once in his life – make a serious point about British politics and the monarchy’s present and historical role?

No, Nick being Nick, he can’t resist the opportunity for yet another hypocritical somersault. He can see a bandwagon, and he attempts to jump on it. Less than four months ago Griffin attacked the Queen as “Elizabeth the Disastrous” and a friend of paedophiles – implicitly part of sinister establishment conspiracies.

Now in Griffin’s latest tweet she is “the rock on which modern Britain was built”. And the privately atheist Nick also indulges in the pseudo-Christian flummery that he has recently embraced as part of his ‘Templar’ scam. The man truly has no shame.

The nauseating hypocrite Nick Griffin was a disaster for British nationalism. Our movement is only now beginning to escape from the wreck he created.

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