Vivat Rex Carolus!
Posted by admin978 on May 6, 2023 · Leave a Comment
The UK’s racial nationalist movement – battered and bruised after a grim set of election results this week – will have had mixed feelings about today’s Coronation of King Charles III.
Amid the inevitable wokeness, welcome elements of British tradition remained visible and audible throughout the event.
The spirit of the United Kingdom, the heritage of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, is still alive.
And the same is true of racial nationalism in these dark times.
It will very soon be time for our movement to face some hard truths. This website and forthcoming issues of our magazine will not shy away from expressing these truths in strong terms, even at the risk of offending some readers.
But for today, we wish our new King well, and hope that he and his fellow Britons can interpret the Archbishop’s words at the Enthronement in terms that ensure loyalty to the Union, Race and Nation.
Stand firm, and hold fast from henceforth this seat of royal dignity, which is yours by the authority of Almighty God.
May that same God, whose throne endures for ever, establish your throne in righteousness, that it may stand fast for evermore.