UKIP’s rabbi candidate exposed in bizarre scandal

UKIP's Rabbi Shneur Odze (right) canvassing for the party with then leader Nigel Farage.

UKIP’s Rabbi Shneur Odze (right) canvassing for the party with then leader Nigel Farage.

Regular H&D readers will remember the name Shneur Odze.  He’s the rabbi from the fanatically pro-Zionist Lubavitcher sect who has long been influential in UKIP, and is contesting this week’s Greater Manchester mayoral election for Paul Nuttall’s rapidly fading party.

Previous scandals involving Rabbi Odze have included the following:[spacer height=”20px”]

  1. More than a decade ago while serving as a Tory councillor in Hackney, he was censured and suspended from the council for three months for a serious ‘breach of trust’.
  2. At the start of the mayoral campaign a month ago, he was targeted by Liberal Democrat opponents for his politically incorrect (and religiously motivated) refusal to shake women’s hands.
  3. Just a fortnight ago, the national press reported that Rabbi Odze had burned a copy of the New Testament outside his synagogue.

Now comes what must surely be the fatal blow to Rabbi Odze’s political career.  The Mail on Sunday reports that UKIP’s rabbi has been conducting an affair with a young woman he met via a “bondage and sadomasochism website”, where the rabbi had posed as a Roman Catholic priest.

Full bizarre details of this scandal are described on the Mail on Sunday website.

Shneur Odze (right) with successive UKIP leaders Nigel Farage and Paul Nuttall (left)

Shneur Odze (right) with successive UKIP leaders Nigel Farage and Paul Nuttall (left)

Yet the most shocking aspect is that UKIP has been so desperate to acquire its own ‘Court Jew’, so keen for insurance against accusations of ‘racism’ or links to the BNP/NF, that it has tolerated any amount of disreputable behaviour from Odze, which would surely have led to the dismissal of any other candidate. In February 2014 Dr Fred McGlade resigned as UKIP’s North West regional organiser because the party leadership had refused to back his view that it was inappropriate for Odze to be a candidate.

Indeed UKIP continues to indulge the rabbi.  A party spokesman told the Mail‘s reporter: “This is a personal matter for Mr Odze. He has broken no law, and therefore we have no comment to make.”

As with other Christian Zionists and Friends of Israel, the truly masochistic aspect of this whole saga is UKIP’s persistent and degrading surrender to any and every outrage committed by even the most marginal and perverted representatives of Zionist Jewry.

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