UK immigration backlog ‘tops 500,000’
Posted by admin978 on July 16, 2013 · Leave a Comment
The latest report from the House of Commons Home Affairs Committee reveals that the UK’s backlog of unresolved immigration cases is now more than 500,000 – at the present rate it would take more than 37 years to clear!
This new scandal comes just four months after the scrapping of the UK Border Agency, which was officially responsible for handling immigration cases. Home Secretary Theresa May has created two new departments to replace the UKBA, one dealing with visa and immigration applications, the other with enforcement action against illegal immigrants.
The Committee questioned why the UKBA had paid more than £500,000 to outside consultants during the last three months of 2012.
We suspect that our readers could tell the Home Office much more quickly and cheaply what has gone wrong with immigration policy during the 65 years that have transformed our country since the arrival of the Empire Windrush.
They could start by taking (belated) notice of what their own official experts were saying – right from the start of the UK’s fatal multiracial experiment.
In 1949 the Royal Commission on Population, appointed by Clement Attlee’s Labour government, reported:
“Immigrants on a large scale into a fully established society like ours could only be welcomed without reserve if the immigrants were of good human stock and were not prevented by their religion or race from intermarrying with the local population and becoming merged with it.”
Four years earlier another Labour linked team of experts had spelled it out in a Fabian Society pamphlet, Population and the People:
“Men and women of European stock, between the ages of 20 and 30, are the immigrants best suited to assist population policy. …The utmost care should, of course, be taken to admit only those physically and mentally sound, and free from criminal records, who will introduce a sound stock into the country. The eugenics of immigration cannot be overstressed.”
In 1952 Home Office civil servant J.A. Tannahill, in an official review of refugee policy, commented:
“Apart from offering occasional hospitality to comparatively small groups of refugees (of whom the best-known are perhaps the Flemish weavers of the fourteenth and the French Huguenots of the seventeenth centuries) Britain is not by tradition a country of immigration.”
It’s time for a return to that tradition!