UK border controls in chaos

New data obtained by the Sunday Telegraph from the Home Office under the Freedom of Information Act shows that thousands of illegal immigrants are disappearing through the UK’s inadequate border control system every year.

Particular weak points in the system include the Eurostar train service from Lille, and UK ports handling coach loads of visitors.

During the past year, the newly released official figures confirm that 3,527 immigrants absconded after failing border checks: of these only 846 were later found.  This of course means that almost 2,700 illegal immigrants remained at large even after having once been caught!

The above figures clearly do not include those illegal immigrants who managed to slip through the net without being caught at all, nor does it include asylum seekers, bogus or otherwise.

With the system in such chaos, the UK’s borders remain vulnerable to potential terrorists, though in any case such cases are usually recruited from within ‘British’ ethnic minority groups.

While large ethnic minorities remain in Britain’s towns and cities, illegal immigrants will easily find a pool of similar types among whom to hide, and with whom to find work.  A multi-ethnic Britain is inevitably a haven for illegal immigrants, including terrorists.

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