The spy exposed in his own words
Posted by admin978 on January 19, 2023 · Leave a Comment
Madrid lawyer Armando Rodríguez Pérez was exposed this week as a spy operating inside the Spanish nationalist movement and seeking to subvert international anti-Zionist networks.
Now further information has come to light, drawn from this infiltrator’s own former Twitter account.
Armando first began to infiltrate radical nationalist circles at the end of 2020 and later became co-leader of a militant national-socialist group, Bastión Frontal.
As explained in a detailed investigation earlier this week, his past record involved working for a staunchly pro-Zionist and anti-Nazi academic institute. He disguised this past record from his new comrades.
Now the extent of Armando’s personal commitment to the Zionist cause can be revealed in his own words.
During May-June 2017 – when retweeting and commenting on tweets from an official Israeli government account, Armando publicly declared his commitment to the hardline Zionist position of “reuniting Jerusalem” as the Jewish capital.
On 27th May 2017 after a hardline pro-Zionist resolution by the Czech Parliament had condemned UNESCO for its criticism of Israel and endorsed Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, Armando wrote that the Czechs had set a “great example” and said to the Israeli government account: “Let’s hope that many others follow this example at once.”
Ten days later, celebrating the 50th anniversary of the notorious Israeli aggression known as the ‘Six Day War’, which resulted in the Zionist seizure of vast swathes of territory from its Arab neighbours, Armando tweeted: “In my opinion, the study of the Six-Day War and the reunification of Jerusalem can help us understand many things: brilliant!”
Though most of his old Twitter account is devoted to his cycling hobby, the political tweets/retweets reflect a consistently militant pro-Zionist and “anti-Nazi” stance – curious in man who three years later was to reinvent himself as a leading national-socialist and ‘radical’ anti-Zionist pursuing links with Iran.
Armando never at any stage explained this curious ideological journey, and until now none of his new comrades had checked up on his record.
While there can be many reasons (including irony) for retweeting something you disagree with, it is obvious when seen in the context of his own words above, and his own record already described in detail in the earlier article, that Armando Rodríguez Pérez was retweeting in celebration of anti-nazism and Zionism.
For example, in recent months he has been an outspoken Anglophobe and enemy of all things American, yet on the 2017 anniversary of the Anglo-American D-Day landings in Normandy (6th June 1944) Armando tweeted in celebration of this decisive blow against the Third Reich.
He also retweeted anti-Nazi and pro-Zionist resolutions such as the one below from the European Parliament.
And in response to terrorist attacks in Egypt and Barcelona, the people Armando set out to retweet were for some reason the Israeli Foreign Ministry and Israel’s extremist Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Taken in isolation any one of these might be seen as a one-off, provoked by Islamist terrorism. But taken together (and bearing in mind his own extreme Zionist sentiments expressed above) we can perceive Armando Rodríguez Pérez as a committed anti-nazi and supporter of Israel who set out to infiltrate national socialist and anti-Zionist groups.
In doing so he disguised his true allegiances and past record from his own client, Isabel Peralta, and betrayed her when she was visiting Germany during 2022.
The spy has now been exposed, and our movement will emerge stronger from this unfortunate experience.