Statement on Steven Smith and the National Front by England First Party Chairman Mark Cotterill
Posted by admin978 on April 7, 2010 · Leave a Comment
Following a number of enquiries from our members and some very misleading posts on some of the so-called “Movement” internet forums – as well as a report in this month’s anti-nationalist magazine Searchlight – I fear I need to clarify what has gone on regarding former EFP Chairman Steven Smith and the National Front.
Steven resigned as EFP Chairman at the beginning of 2009. He asked me if I wanted to take the position back. I reluctantly agreed as nobody else wanted to take the job and I did not want to see the party fold.
Steven told me he was going to take a “back-seat” and did not want to be involved in nationalist politics for a while because a) he had lost all faith in the “democratic” process, and b) he was working at the time for the Royal British Legion and did not want to further “embarrass” them with by his active involvement in nationalism.
Towards the end of last year I got reports that Steven had “quit” the EFP and joined the NF. To this date Steven has not sent me any letter of resignation from the EFP or called or even e-mailed me to tell me he had quit. However, as he has not renewed his membership for the EFP for 2010, I can only guess that he is no longer with us?
Reports that the majority of EFP members have quit and gone over to the NF are also untrue. To my knowledge only Steven and maybe two other former Burnley EFP members have crossed over to the NF – and neither of these two has sent in resignation letters either.
The EFP still has a good working relationship with the NF and we hope this will continue under the NF’s new leadership of Ian Edward. In fact Heritage and Destiny assistant editor spoke to Mr Edward less than a week ago to arrange an interview with him for a future issue of our magazine.
Regarding the General Election, as the EFP will not be fielding any candidates, we are urging our members/supporters to vote for NF candidates (including Steven Smith in Burnley) and help them with their campaigns, if they live in the areas which the NF are standing in.
Regarding the local elections the EFP will be fielding a small number of candidates in the North West and the West Midlands. We have agreed not to contest any of the wards that the NF is contesting, so as not to split the racial-nationalist vote.
I hope that this clarifies the situation. However if any readers have further questions, they should contact me; e-mail – – or tel – 07833 677484.
Mark Cotterill
EFP Chairman