Saving nationalism.

Anyone can see that nationalism is going through the wringer at the moment, with its biggest party, the BNP, being given a torrid time, not by outsiders or its natural enemies on the left, but by itself.
A small but increasingly damaging group of liars, thieves, and deceivers are stripping the BNP of its finest human assets, and replacing them with nodding donkeys that never fail to agree with Griffin, Jefferson, or the reptilian Harrington.
And it’s unfortunately the same with the National Front, who have failed repeatedly to regain the prominence they had in the ’70’s, but when you look at them, it’s not hard to see why they are going nowhere.
Their current leader Eddy Morrison, is undoubtedly politically astute, but he has two major drawbacks, he looks like Uncle Fester from the Addams Family, and he will disappear for weeks at a time on Oliver Reed type benders. Now there may be things we can do about the first, but for the leader of a national political party to bugger off for weeks at a time to get drunk, that just isn’t ever going to be good enough for the voting public, and the image they project will never sit well with the electorate, so if they want votes, they need to make changes.

If the BNP would take up the National Front’s stance on the ethnicity of members, and the National Front would pick up the BNP’s proven ideas on public image, we would really be starting to get somewhere.
Now if the two largest nationalist parties would agree to the feasibility of working together to produce- with the input of the smaller, ethno nationalist groups- a basic manifesto of policies upon which there was a majority of agreement, from one end of the country to the other, the people of Britain would understand the main policies behind which we stood, an important achievement.

A British union of nationalists would allow us ethno nationalists to gather together as one, whilst keeping our independence, and work together to achieve advancements for nationalism, and this could easily be achieved if we can keep the ego’s out of the equation, and we are not too far from this kind of an agreement.
Griffin needs to go, or the BNP need to be proscribed by every other nationalist group until him and his yes men go, the NF needs a new leader, and it needs to update its image if it wants to taste of previous successes, and all of us need to stop concentrating on the differences between us, and start working on the things we agree on.
This is the lesson we should learn from our enemies. If they can convince the country that unfettered immigration and the handing of £billions to the unelected communist eurocrooks of the EU, is what is best for the country, it isn’t beyond the realms of possibility that we can convince them of the opposite.

Of course, if we can pick up and hold on to the many fine nationalists being dumped or chased out of the BNP at the minute, this would also be a great help to the movement.
I keep hoping that Eddy Butler and the BNP reform group will do this, to stop these people becoming lost to nationalism, but as of yet, all the reform group seem to want to do is moan and groan, and sit and wait, neither of which are any help at all to the struggle we find ourselves in at the moment, we need to be doing something, the local elections are only a couple of months away, and we need representation, not talk.

And so there you have it in a brief brief, so to speak. If we can concentrate on what unites us instead of what divides us, if we can take on board those proven changes that make us more attractive to the electorate, and if we can keep the ego’s out of the attempt to gather together for the good of the nationalist movement, then we should be looking to take those first small steps towards unity for the cause, and the sooner the better!

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