Released after 70 years: the true story of how British intelligence banned Jewish recruits

Seventy years ago a document recording discussions at the highest level of British intelligence was locked away.

This week it was released at the UK National Archives, where H&D‘s Peter Rushton became the first person outside the UK intelligence bureaucracy to read it.

This document forms part of a long-term research project into decades of complex relationships between International Zionism and the British secret state, and H&D readers will learn much more of the historical context and importance of these discoveries later this year.

But we thought it important to publish analysis of this new document as soon as possible: so click here to read Peter Rushton’s article ‘Anti-semitism’ or duty? British intelligence and the secret banning of Jews.

For more on this and other developing stories, whether historical, cultural or political, subscribe to Heritage and Destiny magazine. While we are expanding our social media and other online operations, our main focus will continue to be on bringing out six issues each year of the 32-page magazine, which has now reached Issue 106.

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