Police state cracks down on Patriotic Alternative

Sam Melia, Yorkshire regional organiser of Patriotic Alternative, was arrested on Wednesday under Britain’s notorious race laws and questioned for five hours.

Laura Towler and Sam Melia of Patriotic Alternative

Mr Melia and his wife – PA deputy leader Laura Towler – had their computers and phones seized.

While H&D would not normally comment on an ongoing police investigation, we can say with some confidence in this instance that Mr Melia is being persecuted for material that is well within the normal definitions of sensible, legal, racial nationalist politics.

This is emphatically not an example of lunatic fringe behaviour, as has been the case with some recent ‘political’ convictions.

Dr Jim Lewthwaite speaking at the 2017 John Tyndall Memorial Meeting, organised by H&D

While we are to some extent restricted in what we can report about this case, we are pleased to note that the heavy-handed police actions have not deterred PA from supporting the election campaign of H&D patron Dr Jim Lewthwaite, British Democratic Party candidate for Wyke ward, Bradford City Council.

Best of luck to Sam, Laura, Jim and all the activist teams working this weekend!

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