PA activists mark Indigenous People’s Day

Patriotic Alternative activists have been celebrating Indigenous People’s Day with a wide range of activities across the UK, highlighting the threat that fake ‘diversity’ poses to real diversity.

Multiracialism implies the extinction of the White Race. PA activists have been in the front line of mobilising opposition to this ‘Great Replacement’.

An especially excellent activity was held at Clifford’s Tower, a 13th century landmark in York built on the site of an earlier 11th century Norman castle.

One particular ethnic lobby group and their fellow-travellers believe that they ‘own’ Clifford’s Tower. In 1190 about 150 Jews are believed to have killed themselves inside the tower rather than convert to Christianity. Jews had become unpopular at the time because of their moneylending activities, seeing themselves as exempt from the Christian ban on charging interest (‘usury’).

In solidarity with these mediaeval moneylenders, 21st century wokeists and fake leftists are outraged that a patriotic group should have carried out a pro-White activity at Clifford’s Tower.

But if the Great Replacement is to be defeated, Britons will have to rediscover the spirit of their ancestors, defy ‘cancel culture’, and assert our own rights in our own land.

Readers can view a wide range of PA activities and discussions at their Odysee page and on the PA website.

Among today’s other celebrations of White Lives Matter on Indigenous People’s Day, PA activists made their point in locations as diverse as the Tullibardine distillery in Auchterarder – gateway to the Scottish Highlands – and Old Sarum, Wiltshire.

(Tullibardine also brews a ‘whisky beer’ called 1488, so called because it was produced for the coronation of King James IV of Scotland in that year.)

Old Sarum was the most famous of the so-called ‘rotten boroughs’ that elected MPs to the UK Parliament before the 1832 Reform Act. Until that reform, Old Sarum (which had once been a substantial town but now comprised only three houses) elected two MPs, while the fast-growing city of Manchester elected none!

The rottenness of today’s ‘democratic’ system is less obvious but even more toxic: Old Sarum was another ideal venue to make the point that White Lives Matter.

Congratulations to Patriotic Alternative and to all those who are fighting for our cause, not only on Indigenous People’s Day but throughout the year.

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