Eddy Morrison calls for White Nationalist resurgence in Britain

NPD march

Every White British Patriot knows that the whole of British nationalism is both stagnated and at its worst point in the last seventy years.

There is a preponderance of nationalist parties in the United Kingdom and they have two things in common:

  • They are minuscule in numbers from numbers in the few dozens when only ten years ago the British National Party numbered in the thousands
  • They will NEVER unite. Each is lead by either one person or a small clique of ‘leaders’ who are ego driven. Common sense and the fact that we, the so-called vanguard of the White Nationalist fight back in Britain which is in serious and possibly irreversible decline, is displaced by their own egos and the fact that they and they alone have the ‘right answer’.

That is why ‘Nationalist Unity’ in any sense is not only undesirable but actually impossible. The Egotists will always put their own interests and/or the interests of their ‘Movement’ in front of any sense of urgency. A sense of urgency that is calling out from every part of our beleaguered Nation that the time is coming when there will be NO White European Race any longer.
We are being bred out of existence and led down that path by a traitorous and truly evil gang that are determined to carry on with the agenda they have been chasing for two centuries or more – and that is the end of all individuality, both national and racial, to be overwhelmed instead by billions of faceless automatons, all of which are one universal colour and one universal race.
Above them will sit – in fact is already sitting – the power crazed Internationalists who are holding the levers of power and heralding in the darkness of the New World Order.

Unbelievably many of the leaders of these ‘parties’ are still falling over themselves to deny that they are racist, Fascist or Nazi – the political swearwords of the Liberal Left. Instead of saying yes in their beliefs they put their race first and if that makes them racists, fascists and Nazis then so let it be.


I can only see one possible last attempt at reforming White Nationalism into a meaningful political force that instead of pathetically denying in a moaning defeatist voice that they are not racists, but to go on the offensive and show what Racialism really is – the natural choice of putting your own people first – as Nature indeed intended, and throwing off all the stupid Globalist accusations.

Instead of a seemingly bunch of political cowards, the Enemy will see a far different opponent. A fierce and uncompromising opponent determined to win this final bitter struggle to secure the very existence of our White Race and a future for our future generations.

I am writing this not for the attention of those who cannot see beyond trying to get a meagre and shameful number of votes in a ridiculous ‘local election’. No my appeal is to the young White Nationalists who have shown over the past decade that they have the potential to make this last defiant fight into a reality.

I am also calling to all the veterans of the three or four generations who still believe in White Nationalism or National Socialism (call it what you will – it’s the same thing), to act as k the guides and leaders at every level to bring up this vast sea of potential recruits into a movement that can truly call itself a MOVEMENT!

They can ban us; arrest us or even try and kill us but they cannot kill the idea of a White Nationalist Revolution.

If this means forming or resurrecting a new White Nationalist Party with the will, the principles, the organisation and the vision to ensure that this time we win!

Eddy Morrison blogs at and is editor of the White Voice e-newsletter: to subscribe email

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