Nick Griffin quits BNP leadership
Posted by admin978 on July 22, 2014 · Leave a Comment
After fifteen years of wasted opportunity, vicious factional cronyism and blatant corruption, Nick Griffin has stepped down as chairman of the British National Party.
The new BNP chairman will be Durham-based activist Adam Walker, whose own North East region has seen one of the party’s greatest catastrophes. At this year’s elections the BNP was unable to field a single candidate in any of the North East’s council areas, and the only nationalist campaigns in the entire region were fought by the rival British Democratic Party.
Mr Walker has already been criticised by some BNP members for having a Japanese ex-wife, for his liaison with Japanese nationalists in 2010 and for the error of judgement which led to his suspended jail sentence and a lifetime ban from teaching, after he had pursued three schoolchildren and slashed their bicycle tyres with a Stanley knife.
Heritage and Destiny will report in its next issue on the latest developments inside the BNP and on the potential for a post-Griffin rebuilding of the British nationalist movement.