NF Directorate member on Britain’s “day of betrayal, day of infamy”
Posted by admin978 on March 31, 2019 · Leave a Comment
Richard Edmonds of the National Front Directorate writes:
The 29th March was meant to be the day Great Britain left the hated European Union. The Prime Minister, Mrs. Theresa May, had promised in Parliament no less than 106 times that the 29th would be the day we leave. What a lie. What a deception. What a betrayal. A day of Infamy when May’s Tory government was exposed as totally lacking all honour, honesty and principle.
But what did people expect from Parliament ? Three quarters of the MP’s voted Remain at the Referendum in 2016; Mrs. May herself voted Remain at the Referendum. The vast majority of Members of Parliament are committed Globalists and Internationalists who each year give billions of pounds of our money to ungrateful Third World countries.
Against the will of the British people they have brought millions of ungrateful Third Worlders into our country, including muggers, child-rapists, benefit-fraudsters and terrorists. The vast majority at Westminster clearly have no love for Britain and care nothing for the welfare and interests of the British people. Tory governments, Labour governments, Tory Liberal-Democrat coalition governments have turned our major cities into permanent crime and riot zones where no self-respecting Briton would want to live or raise a family.
Theresa May’s Tory party has spent the last two years lying to the British people. It is clear that the plan has always been that we will not leave the European Union. The party politicians at Westminster want us locked in for ever. The party politicians despise the British people. They think that they can thwart the wishes and ignore the seventeen million plus British patriots who cast the biggest vote in our history when they voted to LEAVE at the Referendum.
We in the National Front have always warned the British people that the politicians of the old failure parties, will ALWAYS betray us. Tory, Labour, Liberal makes no difference, they are the same and they will always betray us. It is time now for the seventeen million Brexit voters and all patriots to focus on the seriousness of Britain’s situation. We are ruled by traitors who despise us. No more fudging, let us all face the grim truth because together we can win. Only the principles and policies of the National Front will save the British people.