New Zealand votes to keep Union Flag

New Zealanders will continue flying the flag!

New Zealanders will continue flying the flag!

In a referendum that has implications across the old White Commonwealth, New Zealanders today voted decisively to keep their traditional flag, in a resounding defeat for the anti-White, anti-British forces of one-world liberalism. New Zealanders voted 57-43 in favour of the existing flag, with a 67% turnout.

The New Zealand flag is based on the centuries-old Blue Ensign with a Union Flag in the top left corner, and four stars in the pattern of the Southern Cross – a feature of the night sky used to aid navigation, and of great cultural importance for New Zealanders and Australians.

Prime Minister John Key – leader of the supposedly conservative New Zealand National Party – has been closely associated with the campaign to change the flag. Key is part of a tendency in antipodean conservatism that prioritises economic and other ties to Asia, at the expense of traditional links with the “Old Country”. This business elite openly despises race, tradition and Crown.

The Australian equivalent is the anti-monarchy, republican movement backed by newspaper tycoon Rupert Murdoch.  The politician most associated with Aussie republicanism is current prime minister Malcolm Turnbull, a multimillionaire with Jewish family origins.

Australian voters rejected the anti-monarchy cause in a 1999 referendum, and even though the leading republican Turnbull is now prime minister, he has shown no sign of risking a second vote.  However one desperate republican campaigner – Harold Scruby of Ausflag – claimed that the Kiwi vote was even more reason for Australians to remove the Union Flag from their own.  Scruby argues that “Australia’s current flag signals the country’s status as a colony of Britain”, and insists it is unfair that Aborigines do not have a “microdot” of representation on the flag.

In other words liberals like Scruby reject their country’s British heritage in favour of promoting the “culture” of a people who hadn’t even invented the wheel until Europeans arrived.

British nationalists can best respond to this latest vote of confidence by the Kiwis by campaigning to reverse the pernicious trend in our own immigration laws.  Until recently, these laws recognised the essential cultural and racial ties between Britain and the White Commonwealth.  As Britons reassess their relationship with Europe, we should have the courage to state openly what most voters (whether in the Northern or Southern hemispheres) would privately admit as the truth.

Admittance to the UK should favour those who are both culturally and racially our own kin: including Australians, Canadians and New Zealanders – as well as those remaining South Africans and Rhodesians who have British ancestry.

Next in consideration should be those who are racially compatible with our folk, even if from slightly different national cultures – i.e. White Europeans.

The rest of the world should only be in the UK as temporary visitors. The USA is a special case – of course many Americans have close ties with Britain, but unfortunately that element is fast being overtaken by other ethnicities – moreover the US authorities have in recent decades adopted an increasingly anti-British visa policy. So a nationalist Britain’s relationship with the USA must remain open to negotiation.

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