New interview: Nick Griffin attacks BNP leadership

Tonight (September 12th) the latest BNP split escalated after an outspoken interview with former party leader Nick Griffin, broadcast on the Radio Britain station hosted by leading Griffinite Lynne Mozar.

Once regarded as a BNP star, Ms Mozar has been purged by the new party leadership, who will try to prevent members hearing the interview below.

Mozar: How did your very succinct and private report get out to the general public, and can you tell me your personal reaction on this?

Griffin: Yes Lynne.  I don’t know about succinct, because it’s a 36-page report, which as you know I sent to Adam Walker and all members of the Executive Council – and only the Executive Council – now some weeks ago in fact, saying to people this is an executive issue and it shouldn’t go any further than that.  And actually I’m pleased to say that there was enough discipline and it didn’t, for quite some considerable time.  It has now of course leaked into the public domain on Facebook and so on, which is regrettable in one way, that this should all have been dealt with by the governing body of the Party, which is the Executive Council.

Mozar: Immediately, at the time of course.

Griffin: At the time, or very promptly, a meeting should have been called.  Clearly, because there is a crisis, it’s blatantly obvious, and it was for the Executive – that’s the governing body of the Party, not the leader – and we should have had a meeting to thrash it all out and avoid this, where we are now.  Because that meeting was refused, I think it was inevitable that someone was going to lose patience and say: ‘Well then this has now got to be for the rank and file of the Party to decide because this is a crisis.’  I don’t know who leaked the report.  I think there is at least one person in the clique that has seized control who’s not just doing it for themselves, they’re actively out to cause trouble for some reason or another.  So the leak could have been from them.  It certainly wasn’t from me,  and I don’t know who leaked it.  However, it was certainly coming on for the time that this went wider, because you see when I said that this is for the Executive Council to decide, I was working on the basis of an Executive Council as constituted until recently, and without any intimidation or changes.  And as you know, that’s not now the case.

Mozar: No, that is true.  Which actually brings me on to my second question.  The various officials and members who have been, not sacked, but they’ve been removed from the Executive Council with obvious reasons in mind – what is your opinion on this as President of the Party?

Griffin: Well, I think that sacking is absolutely the right word for it.  Obviously there’s a growing wave of disciplinary actions and expulsions of various people.

Mozar: I know!

Griffin: And in terms of the sackings, of course you’re one of them.  It’s very significant that you’ve been replaced without warning as South West Regional Organiser, even though you were I believe aiming to hand over…

Mozar: Yes, I had an arrangement with Clifford Jones to actually hand over in January, which was between him and me.

Griffin:  Yes, but of course being removed now means that even if we get this promised Executive Council meeting…

Mozar:  I can’t sit on it.

Griffin: …some time in November, you can’t sit on it and neither can Chris Thornton, who very significantly is the North East Regional Organiser, appalled by what’s been going on, and has been removed for no good reason whatsoever.   And so straightaway you’ve got people being removed who happen to be the people who said: ‘Look, we need an EC and failing that (or as well as that) we need an Emergency General Meeting to let the members decide.’  And we don’t appear to have a leadership, we have a dictatorship.  If you don’t agree, you don’t toe the line, you’re immediately out.  And on top of that, we now know that they are not only refusing an Executive Council meeting, they’ve also said that there’s no chance, people can jump up and down all they like – the members, the people who pay their wages can jump up and down all they like, we’re not getting an EGM until some time in November.  And they haven’t even fixed a date for it yet.

Mozar:  No.  And apart from that I was actually speaking to Adam the week before, he rang me up and asked me when I was going to hand over, and I said January and he didn’t say a word.  He just said thanks and goodbye, sort of thing.  And the next thing I knew, I got a registered letter.  It wouldn’t have hurt him – manners actually – to say: ‘I’d rather bring the date forward.’  I would have said fine, yes, I couldn’t stop it.  But it was a done deal, and of course now he’s also appointed a regional chairman for the South West, which is unheard of because they do have to be elected.

Griffin:  Yes, indeed, all sorts of things are going on.  In terms of decency and common sense, how long have you been doing The World at 8?  I know you’ve got a very loyal and enthusiastic listenership of hundreds every single time – how long have you been doing that for, then?

Mozar:  I’ve been doing that for six and a half years.

Griffin:  Six and a half years: it’s three times a week, isn’t it?

Mozar:  Yes.

Griffin:  Three times a week, virtually without break for six and a half years.  Well, I think that says it all.  My guess is this will be the last one, and as you know we discussed what we should say here, and decided that this is not the place to wash the dirty linen in public.  There are plenty of problems that need dealing with, but it’s not for the public to listen into.  I’m doing this – we’re having this discussion – for the members, the activists, the officials to understand that this really is a crisis which threatens the very existence of the British National Party, and certainly is destroying its claim to be a democratic party that listens to its members and so on.  And the only way now to address this isn’t to get out and, he said / she said, all over the internet and so on, but is simply to say: we have to have an EGM, so people can say what’s being said, so people can be told what the score is, and so that the members – the people who actually make the Party tick and pay for it to exist and progress – the members decide where we go from here.  I don’t want the job of leader back, I think that what’s needed is an immediate leadership election where Adam Walker can stand if he wants.  But other people should throw their hats in the ring, and again let the members decide.  And if they’re happy when they see what – and it’s not really Adam Walker, it’s the people running the show – when they actually see what they’ve done, if they’re happy with that, with them axeing people right, left and centre; reducing the website to a shadow of its former self; among other things – if they’re happy with that, then let them elect Adam Walker.  But if they’re not happy, elect somebody else, and that will be my recommendation.

Mozar:  Well, I think the recommendation is actually very sound, and I think to have an EGM would be a far better move than having an EC.  Mainly because the EGM as you say includes all the voting members, the people that pay these people’s wages.  And in fact it does no good to really decimate the Executive Council if the idea is to make it a roomful of puppets, because it isn’t the way to run a political party.  It isn’t the way to run a corporation, let alone a political party.

Griffin:  Indeed not.  I can’t stress to people …we wouldn’t have done this, it’s going to cause enormous problems in the Party, this conversation will be picked up probably by people who wish the Party no good at all, but it has to be said – because as it is the Party is on a collision course, a crash course for total disaster.  And the only thing that can turn it around is if there’s an EGM where it’s thrashed out and the members decide.  And at that point some people, one side or the other won’t be happy but they will have to be bound by the constitution.  And providing there’s a free and fair discussion and then very promptly an election, then the losing side will have to – and certainly should, and everyone will know that it should – simply get on with it and accept the wishes of the majority of the Party.  But at present we’re not even being allowed that.  There’s this little group in charge, saying people can jump up and down all they like, we’re not going to do anything.  Meanwhile things go from bad to worse.

Mozar:  No to wind up, Nick, this very short but very succinct report, what final words to you have to say before we go off air?

Griffin:  Well, Lynne, I’m aware and you’re aware and all our people will know just how many, a huge number of people, within the party over years have sacrificed so much for the British National Party and for our cause.  You know, it’s not just money and it’s not just time.  People have had their windows put through by the far left, they’ve had their cars attacked, they’ve had their kids bullied at school.  People have been to hell and back.  People have been divorced because of their love for our Party and our cause, for their commitment to carrying it forward.  We can’t let that go.  We can’t go off and form something new.  We have to do everything we possibly can, using the constitution to save the British National Party and get it back on track.  And I’m not asking people even to make decisions on my report, although I know plenty of people are reading it, or what other people say about it.  I’m simply asking them to accept the blatantly obvious fact that there’s a crisis in the Party, and the only way to sort it out now is to have a really urgent, rapid Emergency General Meeting and let the members decide – and save the British National Party.

Mozar:  That’s right.  Thank you very, very, very much, Nick, and do have a good break wherever you’re going and a good flight.

Griffin:  I’m not on a break, Lynne, and I’m off on a nationalist conference.  There’s different levels to this: I know that a lot of people are going up to Rotherham on Saturday for the latest protest to keep up the pressure to sack the Labour creep who oversaw the institutionalised turning of a blind eye to the abuse of hundreds of our girls.  Rotherham is not the only place: it’s gone on in every single country, every single town and city in Britain with a population of those people.  People shouldn’t take their eye off the ball.  Whatever you think of what’s going on at present, get up to Rotherham and get active, get there and spread the word – because in the end the petty ins and outs of nationalist politics are nothing like as important as the cause and the thing for which we fight, which in Rotherham this coming weekend is justice for those kids and justice for their families, to make sure it’s stopped and doesn’t happen again.

Mozar:  Lovely.  Thank you very, very, very much, Nick, and good luck.

Griffin:  Thank you, Lynne, bye.



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