Moves to nationalist unity at North East Patriots meeting

newcastleKen Booth (former North East regional organiser of the BNP) hosted a wide ranging meeting in Newcastle on 27th May, under the banner of North East Patriots.

Main speakers in the first half of the meeting were Andrew Brons, MEP for Yorkshire & Humber; Richard Edmonds, former national organiser of the BNP and now a member of the National Front; and Peter Rushton, assistant editor of Heritage & Destiny and election agent for the England First Party.

Many other groups were represented by members who contributed to discussions in the second half of the meeting, including the Democratic Nationalists, the UK Independence Party, the English Defence League, the Freedom Democrats, and numerous independent nationalists, as well as dissident members of the British National Party.

The consensus of the meeting was that Nick Griffin has destroyed the BNP as an effective electoral force, though that party is likely to continue a feeble shadow existence thanks to a recent legacy of £500,000 which has helped to service the debts built up by Griffin’s mismanagement.

Andrew Brons warned that the present pattern of nationalist factionalism is producing an ideal solution for nationalism’s enemies, since several groups have broken away in directions which only a small section of the movement would ever be able to follow.

Andrew Brons, Richard Edmonds and Ken Booth

Andrew Brons, Richard Edmonds and Ken Booth

These include the very able group of ex-BNP activists who have defected to the English Democrats, a party so committed to non-racial civic nationalism that it promotes a mixed race couple on the cover of its party literature.  Meanwhile the Islam-obsessive wing of the movement have taken over the British Freedom Party – now allied with the EDL – and wrap themselves in the Israeli flag, again ensuring that large sections of nationalism will never follow them.

One central conclusion can be drawn from Sunday’s meeting: a reunified post-Griffin nationalist party is urgently needed, but will not be easily created.

Further announcements will appear this week, detailing the difficult process of reuniting our movement.

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