More immigration hypocrisy from both Labour and Littlejohn
Posted by admin978 on November 15, 2013 · Leave a Comment
Daily Mail columnist Richard Littlejohn has a good rant this week at senior New Labour politicians of the Blair era, including successive Home Secretaries Jack Straw and David Blunkett. Like many of his ilk, Straw has recently taken to apologising for New Labour’s “mistake” of allowing vastly increased immigration after they came to power in 1997.
Littlejohn correctly points out that this was no mistake: it was a deliberate anti-English policy, as revealed by former Blair adviser Andrew Neather back in 2009.
But the Mail columnist can’t be let off the hook too easily in his effort to score party political points against Labour. The ethnic transformation of Britain was not a consequence of the Blair years, it was an accomplished fact well before the 1997 Labour landslide.
New Labour’s main contribution to multiculturalism was to let in millions of Eastern Europeans, mainly from Poland and the Ukraine but increasingly also from other former Soviet bloc countries. Ironically this has resulted in many inner city areas of England becoming whiter, as these new immigrants often moved into areas that had been dominated by blacks and Asians who had arrived in earlier waves of immigration!
And that of course is the point: the turning point in the transformation of Britain was not Tony Blair’s arrival in Downing Street, but the catastrophic European civil war (better known as the Second World War) of 1939-45. Britain’s supposed ‘victory’ in that war not only bankrupted our national finances and liquidated our Empire, it discredited the very notion of racial nationalism. Anyone even daring to mention racial questions after 1945 could be demonised by opponents deploying the shadow of the legendary gas chambers to silence debate.
Britain started to become a multiracial country with the arrival of the Empire Windrush in 1948, and the process continued throughout the postwar decades. During most of this time – Richard Littlejohn should note – the Conservative Party was in government.
Nevertheless, the fact that even a semi-honest discussion of immigration is now beginning should certainly be welcomed. This week saw a key contribution to that long overdue debate with the publication of a book by the Oxford University economist Prof. Paul Collier – Exodus: Immigration and Multiculturalism in the 21st Century.
The book will be reviewed in the New Year by Heritage and Destiny. In the meantime readers can catch up with a lecture by Prof. Collier given at the LSE earlier this month. Once you cut through the inevitable politically correct introductions, you will hear that even the academic establishment is having to reassess its arguments.