Liam Fox resignation update

liamfox-westminsterWithin a couple of days of our article about Liam Fox, the embattled Defence Secretary resigned from David Cameron’s cabinet.

It is understood that an article in The Times that sealed Fox’s fate was inspired by leaks from within the former minister’s own circle: specifically from Michael Hintze, former executive with Salomon Brothers and Goldman Sachs, and now godfather of the London hedge funds.  Hintze had been one of a cabal of donors who funded Fox, his special friend Adam Werrity, and a web of pro-Zionist think tanks and shell companies.

At all costs this network had to be protected from the extended investigation which would follow if Liam Fox attempted to cling on to office.  So like many another political front man, Fox was jettisoned.

Will investigations nevertheless continue into precisely who was funding the British Defence Secretary and his unorthodox relationship with Adam Werrity?  And if they do continue, will they be reported?

This website will carry regular updates on any further revelations in the Fox saga.

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