Jonathan Bowden Dinner
Posted by admin978 on April 9, 2017 · Leave a Comment
Notice is hereby given of the first Jonathan Bowden dinner Friday the 26th of May 2017 in London.
Speakers to include:
- A man of egregious erudition and eloquence, who for discretion’s sake must remain unnamed,
- Mr. Adam Wallace, of the eponymous Youtube channel and WestCoast Reactionaries,
- Mr. Alex Kurtagic who will no doubt update us on the progress of the biography,
- Mr. Michael Woodbridge, the Chairman of the Jonathan Bowden Society.
In order to find an appropriately sized venue, please let me know if you are at all interested in attending,
This dinner will be eaten on the eve of the next London Forum, which will convene around lunchtime on the 27th of May , when, in addition to the egregiously erudite and eloquent speaker cited above, it will be our pleasure to host:
- Dr. Tomas Sunič,
- Dr. George Whale,
- A mystery guest from Eastern Europe,
- Millennial Woes, in his first public speaking engagement in Britain.
(We are considering offering a combined ticket to both events at a reduced rate)