John Tyndall Memorial Meeting Report

John Tyndall Memorial Meeting Report

(by Martin Kerr)

Some fifty something Nationalists from a variety of political formations and tendencies gathered in the old English city of Preston, Lancashire, on 9th October for the Fifth Annual John Tyndall Memorial Meeting. The commemoration was hosted by Heritage & Destiny magazine.


‘JT’, as he was affectionately known by his many followers and admirers, was a former chairman of the National Front, the founder of the British National Party, and the foremost racial nationalist leader of the modern era.

Among the organizations represented at the memorial were (in alphabetical order): Blood & Honour, British Freedom Fighters, British National Party, British Movement, Democratic Nationalists, England First Party, National Front, National Socialist Movement-Britannia, North West Nationalists and the Racial Volunteer Force (sorry if I’ve missed any out).

The meeting was chaired by long-time movement activist and founder member of the BNP, Keith Axon. Mr. Axon, a Nationalist ‘old-fighter’, was a good friend and comrade of John Tyndall, and he spoke movingly of JT’s dedication to the cause and of his soul-stirring abilities as an orator.

The first speaker was Dr. James Lewthwaite, an Orangeman and former archaeology lecturer, who was an elected BNP councillor from Bradford City Council (2004-2007) and was a co-founder of the Democratic Nationalists (2008). Dr. Lewthwaite’s remarks were entitled “A Regional Solution to the Problems of Post-BNP British Nationalism”. Dr. Lewthwaite quite correctly pointed out that both the BNP and the even more liberal BNP Reform group were not going anywhere and that a more radical regionally based alternative movement was needed.

Second up was Paul Ballard, former organizer for the Croydon NF and BNP, former publisher of The Rune magazine and co-defendant in the infamous Harrow Race Trial, in the 1990s. Mr. Ballard is a leading campaigner for jailed ‘thought criminals’ across the UK and Europe. He spoke on the continuing persecution of Stephen Whittle and Simon Sheppard, known as the ‘Heretical Two’, who have been targeted by the British government for dissident Internet activism. (Ironically, Mr. Whittle is currently imprisoned in a jail in Preston, just a short distance from where the meeting was taking place.)


Next up was my good self: Martin Kerr. I am the assistant editor of H&D for the United States, former editor of White Power (tabloid newspaper of the old NSWPP) and was the national organiser for NSWPP (1980-84). I am currently in the UK on holiday. I gave a brief first-hand account of a racial nationalist speech which John Tyndall delivered at a meeting of the right-wing Populist Party in the Washington, DC, area in 1991.

After my talk, Chairman Axon announced a break, during which the audience enjoyed a generous buffet, provided courtesy of the H&D editor’s girlfriend.

After the break, Mr. Axon read a letter from Simon Sheppard, one of the ‘Heretical Two’, who is currently imprisoned for posting online – from a web site based in the US – opinions deemed impermissible by the British government.

Peter Barker spoke next. An ex-soldier with the Royal Engineers, Peter served in Ulster and Germany. He was the former BNP regional press officer for the North West and was an NF and BNP organizer for Rochdale. He is also the founder of the North West Nationalists website and later blog ( Like others at the meeting, he has been expelled from the BNP for opposing the policies of Nick Griffin, and he began his remarks by suggesting that there are now enough victims of Griffin’s purges to form their own club. Peter spoke at length about JT and how the British nationalist movement – which is now at its lowest ebb since the 1980’s – could really use JT’s leadership skills talents right now.


The keynote speaker of the day was Peter Rushton, who in 2002 became one of the first BNP members purged by Griffin. Mr. Rushton is an assistant editor of Heritage and Destiny, a co-founder of the England First Party, and founder and editor of Mr. Rushton began with a tribute to John Tyndall. He read from a vituperative obituary of JT that appeared in a mainstream newspaper, noting that it is a badge of honour that even in death he had earned the undying hatred of the enemies of the British peoples.

Mr. Rushton went on to attack the policies of both New Labour and the new Conservative-Liberal coalition in relation to the pointless war in Afghanistan. He said it was fitting that this memorial meeting was being held in a Hall dedicated to the Preston Pals – who fought so bravely but sadly died for almost nothing during the battle of the Somme in World War One – “The Great War” – or the “War to end all Wars”. He compared today’s war with World War One, pointing out that both were fought against the interests of the British people – but it was young British men who paid the price for the folly of their Government.

After Mr. Rushton’s impressive speech, there was a Raffle. Twelve items had been donated to the meeting by various comrades and were raffled off. The main prize, a hardcover copy of Pat Buchanan’s Churchill, Hitler and the Unnecessary War was won by former BNP councillor and EFP candidate Mark Leat. (For a review of this volume, see Heritage and Destiny number 41.)

Finally, a football scratch card was won by veteran Nationalist activist Les Andrews, a founder member of the BNP and lifelong comrade of John Tyndall. Les, who just turned 80 years old, came all the way to Preston from Bedford, and serves as an inspiration to today’s new generation of radical English Nationalists.

At the conclusion, meeting steward Ken Shapcott of Burnley spoke from the audience, thanking the speakers and the meeting chairman for making this year’s memorial a success. H&D editor and EFP leader Mark Cotterill spoke last, and thanked everyone for their participation and attendance, and said that he hoped to see them again at future gatherings.

Murphy and Tyndall

Heritage and Destiny produced a special Souvenir Programme for the occasion, expertly printed on quality paper, which is still available post-paid for £5.00 or $10.00 (email – to place your order).
or click below

Plans are currently being discussed for next year’s memorial, which will be held in a central location, making it convenient and affordable for as many Nationalists as possible to attend.

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