Jock Spooner, 1943-2016

We greatly regret to announce the death today in Adelaide, Australia, of H&D‘s great friend, comrade and patron Jock Spooner.

Jock will be remembered by many readers as a dynamic NF organiser in Birmingham during the 1970s.

Born on St George’s Day in 1943, he had worked in Australia for many years before retirement, and remained a generous supporter of nationalist causes right up to his last moment. Despite years of serious illness, Jock had an active retirement, travelling the world to pursue his interests in history and archaeology. He was a loyal and valued supporter of many good causes, including the Australian academic Dr Fred Töben who was infamously threatened with extradition from London to Germany in 2008 under a European Arrest Warrant.


Jock Spooner (far left) with comrades (left to right) Dr Fredrick Toben, Joseph Smith, Peter Hartung and Dave Astin at the Newmarket Hotel in Port Adelaide, South Australia, in 2015.

Jock Spooner (far left) with comrades (left to right) Dr Fredrick Toben, Joseph Smith, Peter Hartung and Dave Astin at the Newmarket Hotel in Port Adelaide, South Australia, in 2015.

Several of Jock’s old mates including the H&D team will be raising a glass or three in his memory later today. A full obituary will appear in the next edition of the magazine.

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