Humza Yousaf quits: beginning of the end for fake ‘nationalism’
Posted by admin978 on April 29, 2024 · Leave a Comment
Scotland’s First Minister Humza Yousaf has resigned after the end of his coalition with the Scottish Green Party, and his failure to reunite disparate factions of the fragmented Scottish National Party.
The Scottish Parliament now has 28 days to agree on a new First Minister, or else a parliamentary election will be held. (The next election wasn’t due until May 2026.)
The fall of Humza Yousaf and the continuing collapse of his Scottish National Party is a consequence of short-term scandals but (more importantly) long-term ideological vacuity. (In this sense there is a parallel with the simultaneous political crisis in Spain, which H&D discussed yesterday.)
For many H&D readers, the very fact that the Scottish ‘National’ Party ended up led by someone of Pakistani background will illustrate the essential absurdity of Scottish ‘nationalism’.
But the absurdity goes even further than that. The recently collapsed SNP-Green coalition not only failed to recognise any racial basis to nationality, they also became obsessed by the ‘trans’ agenda. Not only did they not know the meaning of Scotsman – they no longer understood the meaning of ‘man’ and ‘woman’.
Just over a year ago, Humza Yousaf came to power after his predecessor Nicola Sturgeon resigned in a maelstrom of scandal. Ms Sturgeon’s husband now faces criminal charges related to this scandal, which means that H&D cannot for the moment make further comment on those matters.
As we discussed last year, the most able politician in the SNP is Kate Forbes, but she lost the leadership election to her Pakistani rival, mainly because she was seen as too ‘right-wing’ both on economics and, more crucially, on social issues. Ms Forbes is a committed Christian who is opposed both to the ‘trans’ agenda and even to ‘gay marriage’, which is nowadays accepted by most of the mainstream political spectrum.
These issues might again make it impossible for Ms Forbes to become SNP leader.
In the medium term the beneficiaries of the SNP’s collapse – and a second tearful press conference within thirteen months – will be the Labour Party. Fake nationalists will be succeeded by fake socialists, though the good news is that the Union now appears safe. If the SNP cannot even control Holyrood, it seems impossible that they could win a Scottish ‘independence’ referendum.
However in the long term, a fundamental realignment of Scottish, British, and European politics is necessary.
Our political leaders have for decades based their ideology on denial of reality and denial of nature.
The task for our movement is to rebuild a new nationalism and a new socialism.