How the Nazis stole Christmas
Posted by admin978 on December 15, 2009 · Leave a Comment
No mention here of how Yule was originally a heathen festival stolen by the Christians…
DAILY TELEGRAPH, 15 Dec 2009: As a new exhibition in the western German city of Cologne shows, the Nazis tried to skew the Christmas story to do away with the Jewish baby Jesus and impose their racist ideology and propaganda on the popular festival.
“Celebrating the birth of a Jewish baby was unthinkable for the Nazis,” said Juergen Mueller, the chief researcher behind the exhibition.
“But Christmas was too popular to be banned. They therefore decided to corrupt it.”
Nazi officials “invented a Germanic origin” for Christmas, renaming it “Julfest” and claiming that yuletide traditions stemmed from ancient rituals surrounding the winter solstice four days earlier, Mueller added.