H&D editor goes ‘Down Under’
Posted by admin978 on November 28, 2013 · Leave a Comment
Heritage and Destiny editor Mark Cotterill, has just returned from a two week visit to Australia. Mark was able to make this trip of a life-time thanks to two Australian H&D subscribers – both expat Brits – who financed the whole visit.
For most of his visit Mark stayed just outside the town of Port Adelaide, a white suburb about a half hour’s drive from the city of Adelaide, which is the state capital of South Australia (SA).
While Down Under, Mark met a number of nationalists from a variety of different groups, including One Nation Party, Australia First Party, British Australian Community and The Adelaide Institute.
Although no official meetings took place, several informal discussions were held with fellow nationalists on a number of different topics; including how to increase sales and subscriptions of Heritage and Destiny in Australia, and future closer cooperation between nationalists in both countries.
However it was not all politics and while in the Adelaide area Mark attended a football match at the Coopers Stadium – home of Adelaide United FC and a cricket game (between SA and Tasmania) at the famous Oval Stadium, which will host the second test match between Australia and England next week.
Mark also travelled to the former mining town of Broken Hill in New South Wales (NSW) – about six hours north of Adelaide. Broken Hill was built on the world’s richest and largest deposit of zinc-lead ore, and though the mines now employ far fewer, it remains the headquarters of the world’s largest mining company, the giant multinational BHP Billiton. En route Mark and his hosts passed through the small town of Saddleworth – way out in the Outback – in the north-west corner of South Australia. Apart from the amazing Outback scenery Mark’s group got to see both Kangaroos and Emus at very close range!
Sadly after returning to Manchester airport after a gruelling 21 hour flight(s) the British Political Police (formally Special Branch) “lifted” Mark and held him for two hours under their “Schedule 7, Terrorism Act 2000”.
The Political Police held Mark in a small custody room, while they searched him and both his cases. They took away a number of personal items to photograph and/or photocopy and his mobile phone so they could copy all his contact details.
As they knew quite well Mark is not and has never been a “terrorist” or involved in any way in “terrorism”. He is not even a member of any political party. Mark is a former Borough councillor and law abiding citizen, with no criminal convictions for over 30 years.
It seems that the definition of what a terrorist and terrorism is has changed greatly over the last few years. According to the British Political Police a “terrorist” can be somebody who holds “Extreme right-wing views” – which they claimed Mark does. We certainly live in interesting times!
After two hours Mark was released without any charges and allowed to make his way back to his home in Preston. Exhausted and in great need of a pint, but not down-hearted.
The harassment of nationalists like Mark, by the British Political Police, is sadly just part of the course now in modern day multi-racial Britain. While Islamist terrorists are allowed to freely enter our country without any problems at all, law-abiding nationalists are harassed just for having politically incorrect views (which most working class people agree with anyway).
Mark would like to thank the two Australian H&D subscribers who made the trip possible and also to all the Australian nationalists who took time out to met him. It was very much appreciated. A full report of Mark’s Australian trip will appear in a future issue of Heritage and Destiny magazine.