H&D correspondent pursues court action against usual suspects

This morning in Madrid, our great comrade and H&D correspondent Isabel Peralta was in court for the latest hearing of her civil action against the Simon Wiesenthal Center, Jerusalem Post and others who have deliberately spread lies against her during the past year.
At an earlier hearing in March, a judge had ordered these defendants to appear and answer the charges that Isabel has brought against them.
But today (unsurprisingly) they failed to appear, claiming that they had not received the court’s notification in time.
The Jerusalem Post, Simon Wiesenthal Center and their ilk will continue to duck and dive, but they cannot evade truth and justice for ever.

H&D’s European correspondent Isabel Peralta

The usual lobbyists have tried for the past 18 months to portray Isabel as a criminal, but have consistently failed because even in 2022, telling the truth in Spain is not a crime. By campaigning for oppressed Palestinians and embattled Europeans alike, Isabel has not broken the law.
She is not the one hiding from justice: in fact it is Isabel who has succeeded so far in pursuing a court action against her accusers!
H&D is proud of our comrade Isabel Peralta and her continuing brave fight for the truth. We will have more news from Isabel very soon.

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