Former White Nationalist Derek Black defects to “the other side”

(H&D editor Mark Cotterill reports)

Derek Black (second right) with a group of racial nationalists after the 2000 AFBNP 'Red, White & Blue' festival in Port St Lucie, Florida. Others present include then AFBNP webmaster Carl Clifford, AFBNP chairman Mark Cotterill, Don Black, and international guest speaker Paul Thompson, from Darlington BNP.

Derek Black (second right) with a group of racial nationalists after the 2000 AFBNP ‘Red, White & Blue’ festival in Port St Lucie, Florida. Others present include (far left) then AFBNP webmaster Carl Clifford, AFBNP chairman Mark Cotterill, Don Black, and (far right) international guest speaker Paul Thompson, from Darlington BNP.

In our previous news item yesterday, we reported on David Duke’s latest race for US senate. Duke is currently running at between 5 – 8% of the vote in Louisiana and has qualified for a live TV debate on November 2nd.

Duke is the godfather to Derek Black, son of Stormfront founder, and long standing White nationalist Don Black and Chloe Black (Duke’s former wife).

Derek Black, now in his mid-20s, who was raised in the white nationalist movement, continues to embarrass and confound his family. A few years ago, Black shocked the movement in general and his family in particular when he announced he was renouncing his white nationalist beliefs.

Derek claimed to be sorry for the damage he had done by his actions and his past endorsement of white nationalism.  He wrote in a letter to the Southern Poverty Law Center: “I can’t support a movement that tells me I can’t be a friend to whomever I wish or that other people’s races require me to think about them in a certain way or be suspicious at their advancements.” Derek claimed he came to this conclusion after going to college and travelling abroad (including a trip to the Irish Republic).

He had been seen by many in the movement as a rising star in the white nationalism.  Derek had his own radio show and ran for a seat on the Palm Beach Republican Executive Committee. Derek and Don Black were also once pictured with former GOP presidential candidate Ron Paul at a Council of Conservative Citizens (CofCC) meeting. He dated the daughter of the late CofCC leader Gordon Baum and travelled all over the American South (mainly with his father) attending nationalist and conservative meetings.

Don Black speaking at a February 2001 meeting of the American Friends of the BNP, in Arlington, Virginia.

Don Black speaking at a February 2001 meeting of the American Friends of the BNP, in Arlington, Virginia, with H&D Assistant Editor Martin Kerr (left) and David Duke.

Derek’s family were of course furious with his rejection of white nationalism and his new life style, after he walked away from the movement he had been involved with since a small child.

However, those who knew Derek – through the movement – will tell you that he was always unstable, and it was only a matter of time before he jumped ship. I met Derek and Don many times between 1995 and 2002, and they stayed at my home(s) in northern Virginia five or six times. I visited their home in West Palm Beach shortly after my arrival in the States in 1995, and I went with Don to the cinema to see the Mel Gibson (anti-English) classic Braveheart.

Don was always more of an Anglophile than the rest of the Duke/Black family. Chloe his wife was very pro-Irish.

Don spoke at a number of meetings of the American friends of the BNP (AFBNP) and almost always brought Derek along with him. During my final month in the States, in October 2002, before I was excluded, I met Don, Chloe and Derek in Miami, for a final farewell dinner. (Nick Griffin and his family were also there – but that’s another story!)  Over the years, I got to know both Don and Derek very well.

Duke’s younger daughter Kristin stayed with me at the famous “Wacky-House” in Vienna (northern Virginia) for a couple of months. Kristin was always very close and protective of Derek. In her eyes (as in those of her mother Chloe) Derek could do no wrong.

Derek Black's godfather David Duke (far right) with H&D editor Mark Cotterill and National Alliance organiser Chester Doles, in Arlington, Virginia, at the AFBNP's St George's Day rally in 2000.

Derek Black’s godfather David Duke (far right) with H&D editor Mark Cotterill and National Alliance organiser Chester Doles, in Arlington, Virginia, at the AFBNP’s St George’s Day rally in 1999.

Derek quit (Infant) school when he was in the third grade, because he did not like it. Later he blamed non-Whites for bullying him, which may or may not have been true, but I guess he just hated the discipline of school life. So from the age of seven he was “home-schooled”, which to be fair a lot of movement children in the States are.

Derek basically did what he wanted, as his mother Chloe and big (half) sister Kristin had read a book by a liberal child psychologist academic which suggested that parents let their young children do whatever they want, whenever they want!

To give you one example, Derek wanted to have very long hair. Don did not want this as it made him look like a girl (he had quite feminine features anyway). Chloe/Kristin over ruled Don on this (and many other matters to do with Derek) so he ended up having very long hair. I recall a number of times while out in restaurants. The waitress would ask Derek “and what does the little girl want to eat/drink”. This was of course very embarassing for Don – but at the end of the day there was nothing he could do about it.

Chloe Black was the only one with a real job: she paid the bills that kept Stormfront running, as well as food on the family table. So what she said regarding Derek went. She would of course regret her actions many years later, when Derek defected to “the other side”!

I remember Zach (a member of our local northern VA chapter of the CofCC) who later went on to become a successful Virginia Lawyer, predicted that it would be Kristin who in years to come would defect to “the other side” and give their story to the SPLC and would be on “the Jerry Springer show” with a black boyfriend slagging us all off!

Zach was very wrong, Kristin, to her credit stayed the course and stayed loyal to the White nationalist movement, whereas it was Derek who defected and talked to the SPLC, and may in future appear on Springer with his black girl (or boy) friend – who can tell?

For the full story in the Washington Post, click here.

H&D editor left holding the baby! Mark Cotterill (far right) in West Palm Beach with members of the Duke-Black family including Kristin Duke, Derek Black (foreground second left) and Kristin's newborn baby Chloe Duke.

H&D editor left holding the baby! Mark Cotterill (far right) in West Palm Beach with members of the Duke-Black family including Kristin Duke, Derek Black (foreground second left) and Kristin’s newborn baby Chloe Duke.

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