England First Party St. George’s Day meeting a great success

On Sunday 20th April – on the 40th anniversary of Enoch Powell’s famous Rivers of Blood speech – the England First Party held their annual St. George’s Day meeting, in the Lancashire mill town of Burnley.

The meeting had been planned for Oldham but, with less than week to go, the owner of the venue cancelled the EFP’s booking, after pressure from outside groups had been put upon him. However all was not lost and Party chairman Steven Smith, quickly found another venue in his home town of Burnley to stage the meeting.

Due to the almost last minute change of venue, numbers were not as high as we had hoped for, but even so almost forty – mainly local, but with a few ‘Southerners’ made the effort to attend the meeting.

EFP St Georges Day Meeting 2008The meeting chairman and MC was well-known Burnley personality and veteran nationalist Ken Shapcott. Ken had claimed he had ‘retired’ from the Movement a couple of years ago, but the thought of speaking in his home town, at the party’s St. Georges Day meeting was just too much for him and he just had to come! We are pleased that Ken has also rejoined the party, so we will probably be seeing him at many more events in the future.

After warming up the audience, Ken introduced the first of the afternoon’s speakers, EFP Chairman Steven Smith. Steven spoke about the progress the party had made over the past 12 months and thanked all the EFP’s candidates and other party workers – all of whom donate their time and services for free. Steven ended by giving us all an interesting history lesson on England’s patron Saint – St. George.

Mark Cotterill addresses EFP St. George's Day MeetingNext to speak was former EFP chairman – and editor of Heritage and Destiny magazine – Mark Cotterill. Mark spoke on the short history of the EFP and explained how much we had achieved in a little of five years. English racial nationalism was now well and truly on the map – thanks to the EFP. Mark also thanked all the EFP candidates who were standing this year (eight in total, including himself) for putting the heads above the firing line. While other so called nationalists on the Internet criticize and attack us, the EFP just gets on with the job.

Steven Smith then returned to the stage to read some English poetry, after which meeting chairman Ken Shapcott announced a short break, so everybody could refill their drinks and browse the literature tables.

First on after the break was Oldham EFP organizer Martin Brierley, who spoke on why he and so many others have quit the reactionary BNP and joined the radical England First Party, and the progress the party was now making in his home town, the EFP will be standing two candidates in Oldham this year, despite the fact that the group was only formed in March!

Next, and back on stage for a third time was party chairman Steven Smith, this time with a young helper and both dressed in Crusader uniforms! Steven with the help of Peter Rushton reenacted part of Shakespeare’s Henry V Eve of Saint Crispin’s Day speech.

Steven SmithThis day is called the feast of Crispian:

He that outlives this day, and comes safe home,

Will stand a tip-toe when the day is named,

And rouse him at the name of Crispian.

He that shall live this day, and see old age,

Will yearly on the vigil feast his neighbours,

And say ‘To-morrow is Saint Crispian:’

Then will he strip his sleeve and show his scars.

And say ‘These wounds I had on Crispin’s day.’

Old men forget: yet all shall be forgot,

But he’ll remember with advantages

What feats he did that day: then shall our names.

Familiar in his mouth as household words

Harry the king, Bedford and Exeter,

Warwick and Talbot, Salisbury and Gloucester,

Be in their flowing cups freshly remember’d.

This story shall the good man teach his son;

And Crispin Crispian shall ne’er go by,

From this day to the ending of the world,

But we in it shall be remember’d;

We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;

For he to-day that sheds his blood with me

Shall be my brother; be he ne’er so vile,

This day shall gentle his condition:

And gentlemen in England now a-bed

Shall think themselves accursed they were not here,

And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks

That fought with us upon Saint Crispin’s day.

After Stevens’s recital, Ken Shappcott announced another break as the buffet had arrived! And what a superb buffet it was too – easily the best we have ever had. Many thanks indeed to the party treasurer Mrs Maureen Birks and her helpers for making and serving up such a fine feast – very worthy of a St. Georges Day meeting.

England First - St. George's DayFirst back on stage after the second break was Mark Cotterill, who with the assistance of two young helpers drew the raffle – with over 30 prizes this year – almost everybody was a winner! Thanks to everybody who bought tickets and to Heritage and Destiny for donating the prizes and last but not least to Andy who had to go round the room selling the tickets.

The next speaker of the afternoon was Peter Rushton, assistant editor of Heritage and Destiny. Peter spoke on the legacy of Enoch Powell – forty years on from his now famous Rivers of Blood speech. He pointed out that if anything Powell under estimated the threat that mass third world immigration would bring to this country. Less than a mile from where he was speaking in Burnley, the Asians were rioting, attacking White people and burning down pubs only a few years ago. It is only a matter of time before it happens again. Peter Rushton - Michele Lady Renouf Peter then went on to stress what an important job the EFP were doing and that by standing in these upcoming elections we can bring the message of radical English nationalism to many thousands of White voters – from Lancashire to Milton Keynes to the Isle of Wight.

After a standing ovation for Peter, Mark Cotterill took the floor for the final time and organized the collection – which brought in over £150 to help with the local election campaign fund.

Ken Shapcott then introduced the afternoon’s final speaker – Michele Lady Renouf. Michele is a former model, turned film maker who also hosts the jailingopinions.com website. She spoke on the clamp down on free speech not just in Europe, but all over the White world now – where revisionist historians can be jailed for simply having an opinion that differs from the mainstream! Michele went on to explain that in Germany now the courts were going after the defendant’s lawyers as well as the defendants themselves! Europe now really is in the grip of twist speak.

A fantastic feeling of comradeship and nationalist togetherness was present in the room. There was no rancour and everybody was made to feel welcome. The spirit of unity was obvious to all. Six of the EFP’s candidates were present at the meeting:

Steven Smith (Burnley);

Mark Cotterill (Preston);

Barry Taylor (Milton Keynes);

Mark Waring (Darwen);

Martin Brierley and Andrew Clayton (both Oldham).

Only two could not attend: Craig Coombs (Isle of Wight) and Nick Holt (Blackburn) – and they both sent their apologies.

Everybody returned home revigorated and ready to carry on the battle for our Race and Nation – into this years local Council elections… Thanks again to everybody who attended. Let’s make next years St. George’s Day meeting social even bigger and better.

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