Chaos on the streets of Madrid – H&D correspondent on front line against subversion

As predicted in recent editions of H&D, Spain’s socialist Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez has secured a parliamentary deal to maintain himself in office (at least for a short time), but the price for his self-interested pact is a fundamental betrayal of Spain itself.

Sánchez has offered leaders of the Catalan separatist party Junts an amnesty for their seditious crimes. In addition to Junts and his own PSOE, the Prime Minister relies on a second Catalan party, two Basque parties (including terrorist murderers closely allied to Sinn Fein / IRA), and a collection of extreme leftists.

For almost two weeks now, Spanish patriots – ranging from conservatives to Falangists and national socialists – have been protesting in the streets opposite the PSOE headquarters in Calle Ferraz, central Madrid.

Our own correspondent Isabel Peralta has been on the front line at the barricades, facing an increasingly politicised and brutal police force. Demonstrators have been attacked with tear gas and police batons.

In response to the radicalisation of Spanish youth, Isabel and her comrades are forming a new organisation, Sección de Asalto. As their banner last night – “Defend Europe” – indicated, they do not see this struggle as merely another episode in the party political game.

Indeed, as Isabel made clear in her article in Issue 115 of H&D, the reactionary party Vox and their potential conservative allies in the Partido Popular are merely an alternative face of the same problem. Neither globalist capitalism nor fake “socialism” – and least of all a separatist assault on Spain itself – offers any hope for Spaniards.

Though reactionaries are trying to deny this logic, the “democratic” constitution foisted on Spain in 1978 is part of the problem. Spain requires a national revolution – not an imitation of the Franco dictatorship which wasted the revolutionary potential of the martyred Falangist leaders of the 1930s, but a revival of the spirit and ideals of Ramiro Ledesma Ramos, José Antonio Primo de Rivera, and Onesimo Redondo.

H&D will have further reports soon from the frontline in Madrid, where the sinister forces of subversion that threaten all of Europe are now seen in their clearest light, and are being boldly defied.

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