BBC Newsnight hatchet job on Patriotic Alternative

The BBC’s flagship show Newsnight will tonight (20th September) broadcast a long-planned attack on Patriotic Alternative, whose activists have been campaigning for many months against the abuse of hotel facilities across the UK to house ‘asylum seekers’.

Due to travel plans, H&D will not be able to publish an analysis of this programme until Friday.

But readers should check out the excellent response that PA have already published on their website.

Boxing promoters aid anti-White racial propaganda war

Even more than Hollywood, the cynical world of professional boxing has this weekend displayed subversive racial propaganda at its worst.

Promotional material for last night’s heavyweight bout at London’s O2 Arena showed a calm and civilised looking negro, facing a snarling, posturing White barbarian.

The ‘British’ challenger (in fact of mainly Nigerian ancestry, mixed with a bit of Irish on his father’s side) was Anthony Joshua (full name Anthony Oluwafemi Olaseni Joshua).

Despite being awarded the OBE four years ago – i.e. he is an ‘Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire’ – Joshua has taken several opportunities to show his contempt for the White civilization that created the multi-millionaire lifestyle he now enjoys.

Anthony Joshua at a ‘Black Lives Matter’ rally

In 2017 Joshua used Instagram to preach about “the superior black race”. Had anyone written about “the superior White race” on Instagram their account would swiftly be terminated, their career would be over, and they would probably be arrested.

Joshua then used his Snapchat account to praise the genocidal, anti-White, Zimbabwean dictator Robert Mugabe.

And in 2020 he addressed a “Black Lives Matter” rally, calling on his fellow blacks to discriminate against White businesses.

Joshua has been in trouble with the law more than once. Aged 19 (and already starting out as an amateur boxer) he spent two weeks in prison on remand for violent offences, and as a condition of his release was forced to wear an electronic tag for a year.

Then in 2011 he was convicted of possessing cannabis with intent to supply, and was very lucky to escape a prison sentence: instead he was made to do 100 hours of community service work.

Yet White British boxing fans are either remarkably forgiving or masochistic. They flock to support this black racist criminal.

And boxing promoters cynically produced posters that presented Joshua as ‘cool’ and civilized, while his opponent appears to be a crazy thug.

In reality Robert Helenius (a Finn based in Sweden) has no criminal record and (unlike Joshua) no record of ‘racism’. His image on the posters was simply playacting, living up to the image the promoters wanted.

Those promoters also knew that Helenius (who is 39 years old, at the end of his career, and only fighting at this level because a last minute replacement was needed) was almost certain to lose to Joshua. And as expected, Joshua knocked out Helenius in the 7th round.

The promoters had the result they wanted: Aryan barbarian given a beating by ‘cool’ negro.

EDL yobs disgracing their country by urinating on Westminster Abbey

Sadly, very many racial nationalists are just as keen to live up to the ‘barbaric’ image that fits our enemies’ script.

The popular image of a racial nationalist in 2023 is of a lout – in American terms a ‘redneck’ – his face contorted with hatred as he impotently rails against ‘superior’ liberals and non-Whites. In the worst examples, hooligans on anti-Muslim demonstrations are photographed urinating on one of Britain’s most historic buildings, Westminster Abbey, because they have consumed so many cans of lager on the way to the demonstration that they are unable to control themselves.

The truth of course is that racial nationalists are the defenders of civilization. Just as German forces (assisted by brave volunteers from many other countries, including Spain, France, Belgium, Ukraine, and the Baltic states) defended Europe’s front line against Stalin’s semi-Asiatic barbarians in 1945, racial nationalists today fight a political and cultural war (and sometimes a literal one) against various forms of anti-European barbarism.

Yet we allow ourselves to be portrayed as though we are the barbarians. Robert Helenius was innocently acting that role for the cameras, as part of the show business side of his sport. As politically aware racial nationalists, we have no such excuses and should have more sense.

‘Anti-fascists’ and TV dramatists condemned by Labour MP

Matthew Collins – ‘anti-fascist’ thug in the firing line.

Rosie Cooper, who is retiring this month as Labour MP for West Lancashire, has today spoken out against the ‘anti-fascist’ organisation Hope not Hate and ITV dramatists who worked with them on The Walk-In, a recent fictionalisation of a ‘murder plot’ against Ms Cooper in 2017.

The ITV drama sought to exploit this story to build up Hope not Hate and their ludicrous ‘head of research’ Matthew Collins as heroes.

The real Matthew Collins is a semi-literate thug who found it amusing to poison children’s pet fish at a London infants’ school.

Rosie Cooper MP spoke out against Hope not Hate and ITV, accusing them of exploiting her story

Speaking in the House of Commons today, Rosie Cooper called the series “stupid, stupid, stupid”, and added: “I have been used as a marketing tool by both Hope not Hate and ITV. …So, let’s test the public defence, the public interest defence, to their despicable behaviour and I call on Hope not Hate and ITV to donate all money and profits generated from this TV series, both here and abroad, every single penny should go to the Jo Cox Foundation.”

We can assume that Mr Collins will already have drunk at least some of the profits from the book published in his name as a spin-off from the TV series, but perhaps after Ms Cooper’s comments his friends can organise a collection for the foundation?

Savage sentence on National Action founder as judge redefines ‘terrorism’

Alex Davies addressing H&D’s John Tyndall Memorial Meeting in 2014

Earlier today Alex Davies – co-founder of the national socialist youth group National Action – was jailed for eight and a half years under the ‘Terrorism Act’.

The sentence was imposed in the historic setting of Court No. 1 at the Old Bailey – perhaps the most famous courtroom in the world. Readers might imagine that Mr Davies is an exceptionally dangerous individual convicted of serious crimes involving weapons or planned acts of violence.

Yet in fact his ‘terrorism’ consisted quite simply of attempting to recreate a political organisation in a new form after it had been banned. He was never even accused of any actual or planned acts of violence, nor of any weapons offences.

National Action certainly engaged in some unwise strategies and foolish rhetoric which we have criticised on many occasions in H&D. But it’s important to realise that Alex Davies was not being tried for anything done during the existence of National Action.

His ‘crime’ was to have created a new group based in South West England and Wales after NA was banned in December 2016. Although his trial did not take place until April this year, he was arrested in September 2017 and the criminal charges were based on messages exchanged with fellow former members of NA. His new group was eventually called NS131 (which stood for ‘National Socialist Anti-Capitalist Action’).

Alex Davies at a National Action demonstration before NA was banned under the Terrorism Act

In fact it was very clear from evidence revealed during the trial that by 2016-2017 (i.e. the only period relevant to his ‘crimes’) Mr Davies was distancing himself from some of the wilder rhetoric of NA’s earlier days and adopting a more mature analysis and strategy. Yet while passing sentence Judge Mark Dennis QC repeatedly emphasised that he viewed the defendant’s crimes as particularly serious because Mr Davies is an unrepentant national socialist.

The judge said that during Mr Davies’s trial the court had been “chilled” by his description of policies of repatriation to create a “White Britain”. Of course until a couple of generations ago it would have been taken for granted that Britain was and should remain an almost entirely White country. Yet now merely to advocate such a policy is deemed part of a ‘terrorist’ outlook.

Similarly, until very recently it would have been assumed that a Briton could take whatever view he wished on historical personalities. Britain was at war with Napoleon for longer than we were at war with Hitler, but no one within the past two hundred years would have been criminalised for admiring Napoleon.

As so often, Adolf Hitler and Jews are the exceptions. Those who take a positive view of Hitler and a negative view of Jews (for whatever reason) are deemed to be a special category of thought criminal, deserving a special redefinition of ‘terrorism’.

This ‘antifa’ sticker is not seen as evidence of ‘terrorism’ but any national-socialist equivalent will get you a long jail sentence

Judge Mark Dennis also highlighted during his sentencing the fact that Alex Davies had produced a sticker showing a petrol bomb. The judge is presumably so ignorant of the recent history of nationalism and ‘anti-fascism’ in Britain that he does not know of the most famous logo of Anti-Fascist Action (AFA), which showed an ‘anti-fascist’ throwing a petrol bomb!

No ‘anti-fascist’ group has yet been banned under the Terrorism Act, even though two AFA leaders were convicted and jailed for real acts of terrorism – the IRA’s bombing of Harrods – and other ‘anti-fascists’ were responsible for planting the infamous IRA bomb in Warrington that killed two young children.

Claire Fox – a long-term apologist for IRA terrorism – served as a Member of the European Parliament for Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party and now sits in the House of Lords as ‘Baroness Fox’. IRA veterans and their families exercise political power in Northern Ireland.

Meanwhile, of all the political philosophies in history only national socialism is so feared by those in power in 2022 that they have set out to redefine ‘terrorism’.

A full analysis of the Alex Davies case and its implications will appear in the next edition of Heritage and Destiny.

Real ‘anti-fascist’ terrorism did not lead to any of their groups being banned under the Terrorism Act

The liberal race industry in action: Yorkshire cricket in the dock

Not content with the wave of wokeness that has drowned top-level English football, the race relations industry has now moved on to our true national game – cricket.

Footballers at Premiership grounds across the country ‘took the knee’ yet again this week in a gesture that deliberately overshadows and insults the sacrifices of previous generations whom we are supposed to be honouring in minutes of silence, ‘Last Post’ buglers, and poppy displays this week and next.

The ‘Unknown Soldier’ now counts for little compared with the all-too-well known American criminal George Floyd.

But the big headlines on UK front pages as well as sports pages this week have been about a previously obscure cricketer, Pakistani-born Azeem Rafiq, who played 39 first-class matches for Yorkshire between 2008 and 2018. He took 72 first-class wickets for the county at an average of 39.73, and had just one five-wicket haul in his career. For those H&D readers who don’t understand cricket, that adds up to a modest if perfectly respectable career achievement. By all accounts, he is a player who didn’t quite live up to his youthful potential.

Yet Rafiq’s dossier of complaints about ‘racism’ at Yorkshire have plunged the county cricket club into a media storm and consequent financial crisis. The chairman has resigned and been replaced by former Labour minister Lord Patel, but it seems that the Rafiq saga will rumble on for years to come and become a cricketing equivalent to the endless White abasement that has followed the virtual canonisation of Stephen Lawrence and George Floyd.

Rafiq’s celebrity legal team at Doughty Street Chambers (above) worked alongside ‘PR consultancy’ Powerscourt to promote his cause among the wokerati.

While we can’t comment on the full story (since neither we nor any of the eager media commentators actually know the content of the controversial dossier and report), H&D readers can draw their own conclusions from the fact that almost a year ago Rafiq began to be represented by a celebrity PR and legal team with long experience in promoting previous woke heroes.

This includes Australian ‘human rights lawyer’ Jennifer Robinson from Doughty Street Chambers, whose notable former members include Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer. Ms Robinson is perhaps most famous for representing another media heroine, actress Amber Heard in her successful libel battle against ex-husband Johnny Depp.

In the Heard case as now in the Rafiq case, Ms Robinson worked alongside the PR consultancy Powerscourt, whose director Mark Leftly boasted: “Team Amber, Team Azeem – these are great causes and we look forward to raising awareness of this case in both the media and in parliament.”

Whether or not these are “great causes” is a matter of opinion, but one thing’s for sure: it’s not cricket!

Gross dishonesty of Murdoch press attack on British nationalist

We have become used to the gross dishonesty of the British press when attacking racial nationalists. A prize example is in today’s Sunday Times, which devotes half a page to the supposed ‘scandal’ that Mark Collett, a former BNP official now prominent in the ‘Alt Right’, has made money from YouTube videos.

The fact that these profits were entirely legal and normal makes no difference to Rupert Murdoch’s scandalmongers.

Today’s Sunday Times attack on Mark Collett

Typical of their sly distortion is a passage towards the end of the article:

He was tried over race-hate claims in 2006. He had reportedly said Asian men “are trying to destroy us” and had pledged to “show these ethnics the door”. The jury failed to reach a verdict.

Collett was later arrested for threatening to kill Griffin as part of a “failed coup” in 2010, but again walked free.

The truth is that the British state twice brought Mark Collett to trial at Leeds Crown Court under the race laws, in relation to secret recordings made with the help of BNP turncoat Andy Sykes for a BBC programme, The Secret Agent, but both prosecutions failed.

In the alleged ‘Griffin murder plot’ case in 2010, Mr Collett was never even charged. This arrest again stemmed from a secret recording: Mr Collett’s fellow BNP official David Hannam – a tragically weak and easily manipulated individual – recorded his telephone calls as part of an internal BNP feud. No charges were brought against Mr Collett because police forensic experts quickly discovered that the tapes had been edited, and Mr Hannam refused to provide the unedited originals.

(The reason being that the unedited originals revealed evidence of financial corruption inside Nick Griffin’s BNP.)

Corbyn in trouble again – media discovers Edwardian “anti-semite”

The reissue of J.A. Hobson’s classic book Imperialism, with a Foreword by Jeremy Corbyn

Jeremy Corbyn is again in trouble with Anglo-Jewry, after prominent Jewish journalist and Tory Lord Finkelstein (formerly Daniel Finkelstein) wrote an article for The Times this morning denouncing the Labour leader for having written a Foreword eight years ago to a book originally published in 1902!

This was the classic tome Imperialism by J.A. Hobson, well known to all serious students of British politics but apparently new to many Fleet Street scribblers.

Hobson was among the most prominent critics of the British Empire’s war in South Africa – the Boer War – in which among other outrages the British Empire pioneered the use of concentration camps to intern Boer civilians.

In the build-up to the war prominent Jewish financiers plotted with the gentile and Rothschild ally Cecil Rhodes to stage a “false flag” incident known to history as the Jameson Raid. This conspiracy failed, but it was not long before some of the same characters had successfully provoked a brutal war. There were almost 50,000 civilian casualties, including more than 26,000 Boer civilian women and children killed in British concentration camps.

Alfred Beit, one of the Jewish tycoons who plotted the Jameson Raid

Before, during and after the conflict, several leading opponents of the war – ranging from Marxists to Labour Party founders to Liberals – explicitly denounced what they saw as the Jewish influence in provoking and sustaining the conflict.

British Marxist (and first-class cricketer) Henry Hyndman attacked Jewish newspaper owners as “poisoners of the wells of public information”; he went on to condemn “this shameful attempt of a sordid capitalism to drag us into a policy of conquest in tropical regions which can benefit no living Englishman in the long run, though it may swell the overgrown fortunes of the meanest creatures on the earth”.

After the failure of the Jameson Raid, Liberal MP and journalist Henry Labouchère wrote of the plotters arrested by Boer leaders: “Many of the prisoners bear English names but are nonetheless mostly of foreign Hebrew origin, the kind of people frequently having a penchant to Anglicise their names”.

British Marxist and anti-war activist H.M. Hyndman

Socialist journalist Harry Quelch (later a friend of Lenin) wrote: “The Jew financier is the personfication of that gold international which today dominates the government and the jingo press of all countries.” Quelch later added: “We have denounced this as a Jew-Capitalist war, and seeing the prominent part Jew-capitalists have taken in the Johannesburg agitation, and seeing their intimate relations with Cabinet ministers here at home and the vituperative fury of their organs in the press, we consider the terms fully justified.”

In September 1899 the radical editor of Reynolds’s Newsapaper, W.M. Thompson, wrote: “The Transvaal policy of the present government is undoubtedly controlled by Jews so that England too is passing under the dominion of the foreigners from the East.”

Labour Party founder Keir Hardie concluded in 1900: “Modern imperialism is really run by half a dozen financial houses, many of them Jewish, to whom politics is a counter in the game of buying and selling securities.”

Even David Lloyd George (who as Prime Minister seventeen years later was to preside over the first official British backing for a Zionist homeland in Palestine) denounced the Tory government’s Boer War policies, sarcastically noting that “all our righteousness, all our hatred of wrongs was reserved for a community of Jews six thousand miles away in Johannesburg who ran away when the fighting came for their own cause.”

Labour Party founder Keir Hardie was among the many pioneer socialists who took an anti-Jewish line

One of the most explicitly “anti-semitic” interventions by an opponent of the war was a speech by trade unionist and MP John Burns in February 1900. Burns told the House of Commons: “Wherever we examine, there is the financial Jew, operating, directing, inspiring the agonies that have led to this war. …The trail of the financial serpent is over this war from beginning to end.”

Partly inspired by Burns, the Trade Union Congress passed a resolution at its conference in September 1900 opposing the Boer War as having been waged “to secure the gold fields of South Africa for cosmopolitan Jews most of whom had no patriotism and no country”.

So the author at the centre of the latest Corbyn controversy – J.A. Hobson – was by no means out of line with the prevailing anti-Jewish sentiments of Boer War opponents. He had first been sent to South Africa to report on the brewing conflict by the liberal Manchester Guardian in 1899, and a year later his Guardian journalism was collected into a book. Writing to Guardian proprietor and editor C.P. Scott, Hobson described how he had begun to perceive the Jewish role in South African events: “Many of these men have taken English names, and the extent of the Jew power is thus concealed. I am not exaggerating one whit. I think I can prove it.”

J.A. Hobson

Hobson continued in his letter to Scott (whose family trust still owns today’s Guardian newspaper): “They fastened on the Rand …as they are prepared to fasten upon any other spot on the globe in order to exploit it for the attainment of huge profits and quick return. This small confederacy of international financiers …chiefly foreign Jews, are the economic rulers of South Africa.”

Unlike those who have so keenly jumped on the bandwagon to atack Corbyn for publishing a Foreword praising the “anti-semite” Hobson, H&D actually knows a bit about British imperial history, including the Boer War. The question should not be whether Corbyn, Hobson and others are anti-Jewish. The question should be: are they telling the truth?

Farage party leader quits over ‘racism’ – despite being married to a Jamaican!

Catherine Blaiklock, who resigned today as nominal leader of Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party

The latest weird development in post-UKIP politics involves Catherine Blaiklock, a former UKIP economic spokesman who is the official registered leader of the ‘Brexit Party’.

It has been widely assumed that this party was created as a vehicle for Nigel Farage’s return to frontline politics, following Mr Farage’s resignation from UKIP and on the assumption that he might need a party of his own to contest European Parliamentary elections in the event of Brexit being postponed or cancelled.

In common with UKIP and its various splinter groups, Farage has always insisted that former BNP activists and other ‘racists’ would always be excluded from his movement.

Assisting this ‘anti-racist’ agenda, it was helpful that Ms Blaiklock was herself married to a black Jamaican, and had previously been married to a Nepalese Sherpa!

Mark Collett speaking at the 2017 John Tyndall Memorial Meeting in Preston

Yet today Ms Blaiklock has been forced to resign for ‘racism’. Her crime seems to have been to retweet messages by former BNP activist Mark Collett, who was a speaker at H&D‘s John Tyndall Memorial Meeting in 2017.

What will be the next fake outrage? Have we really reached the stage where it is unacceptable for anyone in mainstream politics to address racial issues? If so then mainstream politicians are in for a few surprises.

Why not just buy the magazine and watch the YouTube videos? ITV spends fortune on pointless ‘infiltration’ of H&D meeting

On October 6th H&D hosted our latest John Tyndall Memorial Meeting in Preston.  As with all previous such events, this was very widely advertised in advance and reported afterwards both on this website and in the current edition of H&D.  All of the speeches were professionally filmed and are publicly available on YouTube.

The John Tyndall Memorial Meeting in Preston, October 2017

Nevertheless a television production company sent two young female journalists ‘undercover’ into the meeting, where they secretly filmed speeches that would in any case be broadcast in full on our YouTube channel.  Unfortunately these ‘undercover journalists’ – who used the names Mary McShane and Mary Mead – also claim to have recorded private conversations with members of the audience at the bar and in cars travelling from the event.
H&D greatly regrets this invasion of privacy.  While our own editor and assistant editor have not said anything in private that we would not say in public, we of course have no idea what members of the audience might say in their own private conversations, especially when these are recorded, edited and taken out of context by journalists.

‘Undercover reporter’ using the name Mary McShane at the October 2017 JTMM in Preston

We would emphasise the following points in reply to allegations contained in a letter sent to our assistant editor by the production company (allegations which may or may not be featured in the programme):
Heritage & Destiny is a non-partisan journal reflecting a wide spectrum of nationalist ideas.  Particular articles in the magazine should not be taken as reflecting an editorial line or shared ideology, still less should it be assumed that H&D promotes any particular position or agenda held by authors of such articles.
– Events hosted by H&D similarly reflect a broad range of ideas – as should be obvious from the fact that such speakers often disagree with each other on particular issues and represent diverse parties and groups.
– The London Forum and allied forums in various parts of the UK again feature a diverse range of speakers – the clue is in the name “forum”.
– Some of the individuals featured in the forthcoming ITV programme have no connection whatever with H&D.  For example, while we fully accept Anne Marie Waters right to her own opinions on Islam, and we deprecate attempts to silence her, there have been many articles critical of Ms Waters and her associates published both in the magazine and on this website.  Within the broad spectrum of nationalist ideas represented by H&D, we have sometimes printed articles which conform with Ms Waters’ anti-Islam agenda, but most articles on this theme have been critical of her approach.  In particular our assistant editor’s ‘Movement News’ column has been consistently critical of the EDL, Liberty GB and the rest of the ‘Islam-obsessed’ wing of nationalism.

Dr Jim Lewthwaite speaking at the 2017 JTMM

– It would be seriously defamatory to accuse our assistant editor of expressing sympathy with any form of terrorism during his speech at the October 6th meeting.  What he did say (and repeated in the current edition of the magazine) was that the Terrorism Act makes a mockery of the English language in its designation of a wide range of purely political activities as ‘terrorist’.  These concerns about the wide-ranging remit and potential injustice of the Terrorism Act are widely shared across the political spectrum.  Serious criminal charges have emerged against some individuals since the October 6th meeting.  None of those individuals was present at the meeting, and for obvious legal reasons we cannot comment further at this time.
– Our assistant editor did indeed state at the October 6th meeting that Ernst Zündel, Ursula Haverbeck and others prosecuted under Germany’s notorious laws suppressing free historical research will be seen as “heroes of the Europe of the future”.  Their alleged crimes are not in any way illegal in this country.  H&D does not promote any particular interpretation of Second World War history, and indeed some articles in H&D have suggested that nationalists should avoid association with historical revisionism (while others have argued that defence of academic and political freedom is central to our cause).
– As regards the Brexit referendum, there can be little doubt that concerns over immigration were the main motivation for many (arguably most) pro-Brexit voters.  It should be noted however that a significant minority of British nationalists took a pro-Remain stance in last year’s referendum, and this debate was featured in the magazine.
– In short, to draw “links” between diverse individuals and groups attending a meeting/forum (and in some cases between individuals who have never met or had anything to do with each other) is at best absurd and at worst defamatory.

Peter Rushton speaking at the 2017 JTMM

London Forum hits the headlines!

The April meeting of the London Forum made headlines around the world, with a massive two page article in the Mail on Sunday headlined ‘Nazi Invasion of London’.

This was more than a little ironic, given the political proclivities of the Mail‘s owner Lord Rothermere during the National Socialist era.

If you want to see the reality behing the headlines, here are some videos of the speakers at the notorious meeting targeted by the Mail.


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