Media hype assorted cranks and loons in effort to criminalise nationalism

Benjamin Hannam, the young police recruit arrested in his bedroom, whose Hollywood Nazi fantasies have been portrayed as ‘terrorism’ and led to his conviction last week.

During the last fortnight several criminal convictions in English courts have provided further ammunition for those seeking to restrict political freedoms in Britain.

The UK has not had anything approaching ‘free speech’ on racial matters since the first Race Relations Act in 1965, and as H&D has explained in several detailed articles over the years, these restrictions have been progressively tightened. This dishonest campaign by the political establishment has involved deliberately distorting the truth about serious crimes.

Of course most H&D readers would rightly regard the entire structure of race law as a sinister infringement of what were once traditional British freedoms, and as part of a concerted effort quite literally to change the face of Britain.

However this does not mean that we should regard everyone prosecuted under these laws (or the related extension of terrorism laws to encompass a range of non-violent if unwise political activities) as some sort of hero or heroine.

To do so – to campaign on behalf of everyone convicted under these laws as though they were all quite simply free speech martyrs – would be foolish and counter-productive: indeed it would be to play the enemy’s game.

For example, two of those recently convicted under the ‘terrorism’ laws were autistic children who had bought into the imagery of ‘nazism’ rather than anything substantial.

It really was pathetic to see national newspapers give front page treatment to the case of 22-year-old London police officer Benjamin Hannam, who as a confused teenager with a Jewish step-grandfather and a Muslim girlfriend had briefly been involved with the now-defunct National Action and one of its offshoots.

He had also downloaded the ‘manifesto’ of a real terrorist maniac, Anders Breivik, and in common with several of his ilk seemed to view Breivik – an ultra-Zionist whose beliefs and actions were the very antithesis of national socialism – as some kind of ‘nazi’ / ‘fascist’ comrade.

Anders Breivik, the Zionist fanatic whose ‘racist’ murder spree has led him to be regarded as some sort of ‘nazi’ / ‘fascist’ hero by fools on the fringes of our movement

There are one or two people on the fringes of our movement who indulge such dangerous nonsense, and it’s time for responsible racial nationalists, national socialists, historical revisionists – indeed all of those involved in the broad campaign for the rescue of historical truth and national, racial, and cultural integrity – to draw the line.

Racial nationalism is not the mindless promotion of hatred, and racial nationalists are the very opposite of nihilistic terrorists. National Socialism is not Hollywood nazism or psychotic satanism. Historical revisionism is not a platform for crank conspiracy theory or vacuous Jew-baiting.

There is serious work underway – led by individuals with decades of experience as well as new recruits of high calibre – to defend serious racial nationalist politics and historical revisionist work in post-pandemic and post-Brexit Britain.

We are not going to be derailed by fantasists, cranks, or enemy informants – nor by those thousands of miles away who issue grand proclamations while utterly ignorant of the personalities and realities involved.

UKIP – an American View

UKIP’s Nigel Farage seeks to avoid any taint of “racism”.

(a guest article by H&D reader Max Cunningham)

The Citizens Informer of the Council of Conservative Citizens has performed an outstanding service to the pro-White political world by publishing an amazingly instructive article entitled “UKIP: The Model Right Movement.” The author, Taylor Rose, presents a timely and cogent argument about the proper approach of pro-White forces to the ugly problem of successfully pushing a pro-White, anti-Immigrant, economic-growth-for-Whites political program in a politically-correct world where White countries are dominated by alien elements.

My position on this article is that its basic premise is misleading and destructive. Here it is: The road to political success and power for pro-White forces is to pre-emptively surrender, to haul down the pro-White banner in political discourse, ignore it or openly oppose it in public, while surreptitiously promoting anti-nonwhite-immigration and pro White-working-class legislation or political positions. The UKIP Way: Be a wimpy Republican and Conservative in public, but a patriotic White Nationalist in private.

Taylor Rose argues in “UKIP: The Model Right Movement” that the UKIP pursues an ingenious new approach to promoting the pro-White agenda and is superior to all others, and that the UKIP general political strategy is uniquely successful and right because:
· Traditional conservative, “right-wing” parties or organizations forsake the White Working class by advocating “cuts” to welfare and other entitlements that poor Whites need to survive. Quote: “… Republicans are too dumb to realize that going into blue collar areas and talking about budget cuts and reducing welfare, is a dumb thing.”
· UKIP avoids the “harsh rhetoric” of aggressive White Nationalist or Right-wing Nationalist organizations: “Unlike the British National Party, . . . UKIP has discovered how to attack the correct issues, while shelving the coarse, blunt rhetoric that off sets every person it comes in contact with.”
· Nigel Farage is an excellent leader and sincere in his message

Before I continue on let’s give credit again to The Council of Conservative Citizens, which is an outstanding White-first patriot group in USofA, with inspired leadership, decades of experience, and a superb Citizens Informer (CI) newspaper which is published sometimes quarterly and sometimes semi-annually. Editorial and feature articles in CI usually are of the same timbre and political origin as articles one will find in The Nationalist Times, The First Freedom, and Heritage and Destiny. This time around, the January-June 2013 issue contains this article that gets my White Patriotic Nationalist hackles up!

I have many objections to the article’s fawning over Mr. Farage and his UKIP, and here are several:
· Farage and UKIP frantically race away from any individual or group who directly asserts that the reason for wanting to eject non-Whites and non-Britons from Britain is that their presence is the product of many decades of treachery, treason, and skullduggery of the NWO ruling elite (especially the extended Bank of England) with a deliberate goal of replacing White Britons with pliable non-Anglo-Saxons from wherever they can be obtained they are undesirable, unproductive and dangerous elements in a British and White UK
· The UKIP strategy of avoiding “harsh rhetoric” is a continuation of the decades-long pussy-foot approach to racial politics which has not only failed but is the premier behavior in assuring victory for the anti-White, pro-immigration NWO forces
· The best chance? “… despite some of UKIP’s dogmatic Free Marketism, UKIP stands as the best chance for taking back Great Britain and accomplishing these goals [defeat of international socialism and mass immigration] and that is what matters.”

In several places in the article, Taylor Rose suggests that disingenuousness is the right road to go: Pro-White Nationalists should be politically Pro-White, passionately so, but should lie about it in public discourse. Here’s one paragraph: “Ideologically many on the Right would entirely prefer the more nationalistic, British National Party (BNP) to UKIP, however great lesson learned from the BNP, is that rhetoric is not enough. In order for right-wing politics to succeed, there must be a level of fact used, rather than spitting out the hard truth everywhere one goes – especially on the issue of race.”

Rose’s article does make some positive, accurate and welcome points about the struggle of our peoples to rid our homelands of the international Socialist elements at the top and the anti-non-White occupying forces all over that make our lives so miserable and our institutions so dysfunctional! Here are some good aspects of Rose’s article:
· The wimpy GOP in America and the even-worse Tea Party are ineffective and fraudulent, primarily because they are NOT in favor of reversing non-White immigration, are not in favor of elevating the economic position of non-rich Whites, yet command much of the White vote
· Whites in America and UK are correct in mobilizing the best they can to reverse the demographic disaster of replacing Whites with docile Third Worlders
The BNP and Nick Griffin in particular are spectacular failures, and Taylor refers to the Griffin BNP as “much like the legendary Soviet [-era] space program where in the Cold War we could watch videos of Soviet rockets launched fail fifteen seconds after an apparently successful launch.”

Another aspect of the article that irritates me is the lack of information about the author. Who is Taylor Rose? Is Taylor a he or a she? Is the name a nom-de-Guerre? Does Rose represent a particular political party or organization? Is Rose a Briton, American or other nationality? Rose’s article appears in Citizens Informer, which caters mainly to heavy-duty pro-White racialists in America, but attracts readers and members in “Right-wing” and Nationalist organizations from conservative Republican all the way up to militant Skinheads. I’ve never heard of this person. H&D readers, have you?

Nevertheless, Taylor Rose’s article is a very welcome event to me, because it tees-up that wonderful debate about the prime, number-one issue for the immediate White Race battle – just Who it is that will lead the Race War and Whites-First forces in Europe and America in the immediate future. Most especially in UK, just pick up a copy of H&D, or Candour, or Broadsword, or even IMPACT and the battle royal is displayed – not of White Nationalism versus the New World Order, but Leaders vs. Pretenders within the leadership ranks of pro-White forces.

So here we are again with the Rose premise: The road to political success and power of pro-White forces is to pre-emptively surrender, to haul down the pro-White banner in political discourse, ignore it or openly oppose it in public, while surreptitiously promoting anti-nonwhite-immigration and pro White-working-class legislation or political positions. The UKIP Way: Be a wimpy Republican and Conservative in public, but a White Nationalist in private.

Tell me true, White Patriot: Are you inspired by this approach? Will you embrace the Taylor Rose idea, and the Nigel Farage strategy? Who am I to surmise that they are wrong? In my limited time to analyze the article, which is to its credit, jam-packed with discourse on what pro-White strategy should be, I have left out several related arguments (some valid, others dubious) made in the article. In particular, a deep analysis of the reasons for UKIP’s “electoral success”, and the actual quality of this success, is not attempted in the article.

I invite all H&D readers to obtain a copy of the January-June 2013 Citizens Informer and examine the article for yourself. Then I invite the H&D Editor and Staff to provide counterpoint and analysis. I think you will find the article fertile ground for discussion about pro-White and Nationalist political strategy. I and many other Nationalists find the UKIP approach and leadership to be dubious in their contribution to the cause of restoring UK to its traditional, White inhabitants, or of being a model for White forces worldwide. Let’s analyze!

Max Cunningham [proud American Nationalist]

Former CofCC leader Gordon L. Baum, David Duke’s daughter Kristin and H&D editor Mark Cotterill: New Smyrna Beach, Florida 1999 – sorry about the knees!

Nick Griffin disgraced

Clive Jefferson, the thug at the centre of Nick Griffin's criminal frauds exposed by the BBC.

Clive Jefferson, the thug at the centre of Nick Griffin's criminal frauds exposed by the BBC.

On 10th October the BBC’s Panorama – the world’s longest running television current affairs programme – exposed Nick Griffin’s criminality to an audience of millions.  No British political leader in history has been so comprehensively discredited.  The Griffin cult – which succeeded in fooling many hundreds of good nationalist activists and thousands of voters at various stages during the last decade – is over.

Nick Griffin will never be trusted again – by nationalist activists or by the wider electorate.

Nick Griffin will never be trusted again – by nationalist activists or by the wider electorate.

Prof. Michael Power of the London School of Economics told Panorama: “Technically the party is insolvent.”  All that remains is to find out who catches Griffin first: the police; the European Parliament fraud squad; court bailiffs; or friends and family of his aggrieved victims, including a lady from Ulster interviewed by the BBC who was effectively kidnapped by Griffin’s thugs.

Dave Hannam, former BNP Treasurer, who exposed to the BBC Nick Griffin's emails ordering criminal fraud, but who tragically died a week before the broadcast.

Dave Hannam, former BNP Treasurer, who exposed to the BBC Nick Griffin's emails ordering criminal fraud, but who tragically died a week before the broadcast.

To begin where the programme ended: former BNP Treasurer Dave Hannam, who died aged just 30 a week ago, had revealed to the programme makers that Nick Griffin ordered him to fake an invoice.  The BNP had been left with a surplus of £4,000 following a trip to Brussels funded by the European Parliament.  Obviously this £4,000 of taxpayers money would have to be returned once receipts were submitted.  So Griffin ordered Dave Hannam to make up completely invented costs for security and organisation to cover this £4,000.

Panorama broadcast an email from Griffin to Hannam dating from July 2010 which amounted to an instruction to commit a criminal fraud against the taxpayer.

Earlier in the programme Jim Dowson, the professional Ulster-based fundraiser who was hired by Nick Griffin to boost BNP finances, revealed how he had raised hundreds of thousands of pounds for the party – which will leave many long suffering party activists wondering just where did the money go?

Jim Dowson gave the BBC extensive details of the BNP's fundraising operations, and of his ultimate disgust at Nick Griffin's criminality.

Jim Dowson gave the BBC extensive details of the BNP's fundraising operations, and explained his ultimate disgust at Nick Griffin's criminality.

“He’s a wily old boy, Mr Griffin,” said Jim Dowson. “He could see right away this is a potential gold mine.  We can unleash hundreds and hundreds of thousands of pounds – if not millions – from doing this.”

One of the most famous examples of this fundraising was the appeal to buy the so-called ‘Truth Truck’, which Griffin bought from Dowson himself for just under £20,000 but for which about £170,000 was raised.  By 2009 (the last full year of Dowson fundraising) BNP income had risen to almost £2 million.

Yet the party’s accounts for that year (submitted six months late at the start of 2011) are dismissed by the BNP’s own auditors with the words:
“they cannot be classed as ‘true and fair’ under the usual definition of that term.”

Three donations of above £5,000 were not recorded in the 2009 accounts, according to Panorama.

Former BNP Treasurer John Walker showed the BBC accounts submitted by the BNP that included a fictitious payment to him of almost £40,000.  He described BNP excuses for accounting failures as "an absolute lie".

Former BNP Treasurer John Walker showed the BBC accounts submitted by the BNP that included a fictitious payment to him of almost £40,000. He described BNP excuses for accounting failures as "an absolute lie".

Former BNP Treasurer John Walker told Panorama that the BNP’s explanation of accounting problems – that they had only just introduced computerised accounting – was “an absolute lie”.  He added that another gross deception in the accounts was a false statement that he had been paid £37,450.  This was completely untrue, said John Walker:  “Obviously they couldn’t account for a large sum of money and they had to put it somewhere.”

Another Griffin fraud against his own members and supporters was described by former BNP webmaster Simon Bennett.  When the party website was targeted by a so-called “denial of service attack” – a fairly common occurrence for controversial sites – Griffin sent out an urgent appeal to raise £5,000 for remedial technical work, even though in reality this work cost less than £200.

The next interviewee was Alistair Barbour from Carlisle, who had been recruited to Griffin’s European parliamentary staff in 2009.  Mr Barbour told Panorama that while paid by the taxpayer to carry out parliamentary business he had in fact spent all his working hours on “party work” – even though the BBC interviewer reminded him: “But you’re not allowed to do that.”

Alistair Barbour explained how his work in Nick Griffin's parliamentary office – paid for by the taxpayer – amounted to working out how much expenses could be claimed from the European Union.

Alistair Barbour explained how his work in Nick Griffin's parliamentary office – paid for by the taxpayer – amounted to working out how much expenses could be claimed from the European Union.

Mr Barbour concluded: “This is what it was all about: party work, and trying to figure out what expenses we could get out of the European Union.”

A particularly effective witness deployed by Panorama was Marion Thomas, who had run the Belfast office.  She explained that Griffin’s infamous enforcer Clive Jefferson had ordered her to stamp a printing invoice for Romac Press as “paid”, even though it had not been paid.  (Romac Press is still owed £45,000 by the BNP and has now gone out of business.)  This is an especially serious criminal fraud, because electoral law states that all invoices for election material must be settled within a strict deadline.

Mrs Thomas had strongly objected to carrying out this fraud, telling her BNP superiors: “You cannot do that.  That is fraud.”

Richard Barnbrook was Griffin's 2010 election agent in Barking and was ordered to submit fraudulent accounts.

Richard Barnbrook was Griffin's 2010 election agent in Barking and was ordered to submit fraudulent accounts.

Additional similar frauds were committed by Richard Barnbrook, Nick Griffin’s 2010 election agent in Barking, acting on Griffin’s orders to claim that printing bills with another company in Durham had been settled, when once again they had not been.

Nick Griffin’s criminality even reached the Arthur Daley style fraud of siphoning off electricity from his taxpayer funded European headquarters into his own party offices next door!

Like any fraud of course, Griffin’s couldn’t go on for ever.  Jim Dowson told Panorama: “If you milk your donors too hard, they’ll stop producing the milk – it’s as simple as that.”

And when the frauds began to unravel, the criminal behaviour of the Griffin cabal became even more vicious.  After Jim Dowson turned his back on the BNP last year, three BNP officials were sent to the small town of Comber, Co Down, to hand over some money that was owed to him and collect some BNP office equipment in return.  In one of Panorama‘s most shocking revelations, Marion Thomas (Jim Dowson’s sister-in-law and office manager) told how instead of handing over the cash, these three Griffinites locked her inside a lorry and held her hostage.

Marion Thomas – BNP office manager – was also ordered to produce fake invoices and was later kidnapped by Griffin's thugs.

Marion Thomas – BNP office manager – was also ordered to produce fake invoices and was later kidnapped by Griffin's thugs.

Mrs Thomas was only released after Jim Dowson telephoned Griffin and remonstrated about the gangster-like behaviour of his employees.  She told Panorama that she now viewed Griffin and his cronies as “scum”.

Right on cue, the Griffinites demonstrated their scumminess in front of Panorama‘s cameras, staging a ludicrous ambush of the production team in which Griffin read out an irrelevant statement in the style of Stalinist prosecutor Vyshinsky, then fled the room leaving the floor to his deputy Simon Darby and chief thug Clive Jefferson.  The result has to be seen to be believed: providing the BBC with the type of stereotypical footage of thugs trying to intimidate journalists, as seen a thousand times in programmes such as The Cook Report.

Panorama ended with the rhetorical question: “Will money rather than racism spell the end of Nick Griffin’s British National Party?”

The answer is already clear to most well-informed nationalists.  Griffinism is over.  At a series of meetings this month, including last weekend’s John Tyndall Memorial event in Preston, and the forthcoming BNP Ideas conference on 22nd October, a plan for the future of our movement will be mapped out.  A decade of Griffinite misrule has ended in the most public and total disgrace ever suffered by a British political leader.

British nationalists are now uniting to build a post-Griffin movement

British nationalists are now uniting to build a post-Griffin movement

Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose

Whitelaw Towers posts this on shenanigans in Aussie Nationalism but it all sounds so very, very familiar…

Whitelaw Towers, 09 Jan 2010: Who says history doesn’t repeat? The APP really needs to get their collective head around this.

It’s 1977. We are all getting sick and tired of re runs from Mash, and one Lyenko Urbanchich an old friend of the Darby dynasty and David Clarke, has just gotten through telling about 20 patriotic type people in a room at the British Ex Services Club, that the Liberal Party is the natural vehicle for Aussie patriotism. He remarks that some softies are in charge and they are morally lax and weak in really standing up to the Reds. His faction will take over the party and restore the hard line of Menzies. “What about immigration?” someone asks. Lyenko says that “traditional sources” are being downplayed right now by the Liberal government, but when the faction gets stronger, that should mean more people “like us” coming in.

Yes what about immigration I bet he didn’t discuss it with the 200 Vietnamese he’d just signed up for Liberal branches? I bet he discussed it with his mate Oleg Kavanenko who said in print that anyone could come to Australia as long as they were anti-communist. Boy, this all sounds so familiar, swap the reds for Muslims and the old boys above for Darby and Fred Nile and bango – it’s 2010. All they need is a Party to string along. Anyway back to Mash re runs.

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