Madrid authorities seek to jail H&D writer in blatant political prosecution

Madrid prosecutors aim to jail Isabel Peralta, H&D’s European correspondent, for her comments at a demonstration last year.

Isabel Peralta – European correspondent of H&D who recently addressed our meeting in Preston – is in court this week in Madrid, where the authorities aim to jail her for three years.

The case has been brought under Spain’s equivalent of the UK’s racial incitement laws, but as our assistant editor Peter Rushton explains in this article, Isabel is being targeted in blatant political machinations: not only by the Spanish government, but also by lobbyists working in the interests of the Moroccan government.

For this and other reasons which we shall disclose in a later article, the prosecution of Isabel Peralta is a disgrace to Spanish justice. If she is convicted, the matter will be appealed if necessary as far as the European Court. Spanish politicians and Moroccan lobbyists are the true criminals, working against the interests of Spain and against the interests of Europeans.

Isabel Peralta addressing H&D’s event in Preston a few weeks ago

The case dates back to 18th May 2021, when a demonstration was held outside the Moroccan Embassy in Madrid by a Spanish nationalist youth group. Isabel was at the time a leading activist in this group.

In an interview and speech, both of which were later broadcast on YouTube, Isabel explained the purpose of this demonstration: to draw attention to the attempted blackmail being exerted by the Moroccan Government, who were threatening to flood Spain with immigrants unless Spain accepted Moroccan control over Western Sahara.

This is a diplomatic dispute that has been going on for more than half a century, ever since Spain gave up its colonial control over the province once known as Spanish Sahara. Morocco seeks to grab the entire area for itself, but is opposed by an independence movement called Polisario Front, which is backed by Algeria.

It is in Spaniards’ economic interest to back the Polisario, partly in order to remain on good terms with Algeria, which supplies Spain with natural gas. But for the past two years the Moroccan government has exerted blackmail on Spain.

Spain’s shameless Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez being entertained by leading politicians in Morocco in April 2022 after his government’s surrender to Moroccan blackmail.

Morocco’s main weapon is control over illegal immigration into Spanish territory. They have indicated that they are prepared to turn the immigration tap on or off. And Spain’s socialist government is naturally unable or unwilling to take firm action against the consequent flood, just as it fails to resist mass immigration from elsewhere.

Essentially this was the background to the demonstration addressed by Isabel Peralta in Madrid in May last year. The demonstration targeted both the Moroccan government’s blackmail, and the Spanish authorities’ weakness.

Isabel’s interview and speech was making a serious and well-informed case. She explained that the demonstrators had come to the Embassy “to stand up to the indecency of our politicians who look the other way, while we suffer unprecedented racial replacement”.

She emphasised that “the problem here is not Morocco. The problem is what purports to be our own government, which with impunity sets off this explosion: the arrival of immigrants on a massive scale.”

Since politicians were not prepared to stand up to the Moroccan government’s blackmail, Spanish nationalist youth had to come forward. Isabel concluded her interview with words that require some explanation to British readers: “We shall not allow another Green March.”

Moroccan invaders on the ‘Green March’ in November 1975

The Green March – on 6th November 1975 – was the deliberate incursion by 350,000 Moroccans (organised by their government) into what was still Spanish colonial territory, in what is now Western Sahara. Because Spain was beginning its decolonisation, its soldiers were ordered not to open fire and to accept what was essentially an invasion.

So the Green March was a Spanish surrender, abandoning their responsibility to their former colonial subjects. Spain signed the so-called Madrid Accords, which effectively rewarded Morocco for their illegal invasion. (Part of the problem was that this was happening during the last weeks of General Franco’s life: he was dying and incapable of exercising any political authority.)

During her speech to the rally outside the Moroccan Embassy, Isabel picked up the theme that had concluded her interview: “Now as in 1975, they are trying again and they are coming with force, and 5,000 now seems like a lot to us, but in ten years they will seem like few, because if we do not stop them this will be our future: immigration in Europe will supplant our race, our diversity, our religion and our culture, and we are the only ones who are going to fight for it.”

The context is very clear: Isabel is correctly comparing the surrender in 1975, when the Spanish government gave in to Moroccan invaders and betrayed the indigenous people of Western Sahara, to the potential surrender in 2021-2022, when today’s Spanish government is similarly weak in the face of Moroccan threats.

Isabel addressing the Embassy rally in May 2021. Her accurate analysis of Spain’s surrender to Moroccan blackmail has resulted in Isabel herself – not treacherous politicians and lobbyists – facing trial!

It turned out that Isabel was absolutely correct. Not only has the Madrid government continued to allow floods of immigrants, it has also surrendered to Morocco’s blackmail. In March 2022, almost a year after Isabel’s comments, Spain’s socialist government carried out a U-turn and adopted a pro-Moroccan position, abandoning the decades-long Spanish policy that Western Sahara’s future should be settled by a referendum of its inhabitants.

The U-turn threatens vital trade deals including the supply of natural gas from Algeria.

The entire situation is a shambles, rooted in the inability of Spain’s socialist government to stand up for Spanish interests.

As so often across the West, when the arguments of nationalists are vindicated, the authorities’ response is to persecute us. And as so often, weakness in the face of an invader or a blackmailer merely invites further invasion and further blackmail.

This time it is our correspondent Isabel Peralta who is on the frontline. As they prepared their surrender to Morocco, the Spanish authorities launched a prosecution of Isabel, which has come to court in Madrid this week. Prosecutors are asking for her to be jailed for up to three years.

In presenting her interview and speech as inciting racial violence, prosecutors have deliberately ignored its political context. They have not only deliberately distorted her speech, they have even omitted crucial words from the transcript. Isabel clearly said that the demonstration was anti-immigration, but not motivated by hatred of any race. Such hatred, she emphasised, would be absurd since our entire political outlook is based on recognition of racial differences. We are motivated, she pointed out, “by admiration and devotion to our own race in the face of a threat to its very existence”.

The political manipulation at the heart of this case is obvious from official papers that I have examined.

Mohammed Chaib (above, third left) at an official Moroccan event with his good friend Karima Benyaïch, the Moroccan Ambassador to Madrid, plus socialist MP Ricardo Garcia and Spain’s honorary consul in Morocco, Khadija El Gabsi. Chaib has extensive Moroccan business interests – an employee of his foundation brought the only criminal complaint against Isabel’s speech.

Ten days after the demonstration, Madrid’s political police were visited by Sofia Bencrimo, an employee of a charity that promotes the integration of immigrants. Later the same day these police officers sent a report to the prosecutors: this was the first step in the process leading to Isabel’s criminal trial.

The political police (duly followed by prosecutors) presented Ms Bencrimo’s complaint against Isabel as though it reflected a charity standing up for ordinary immigrants who felt threatened by Isabel’s words. In the entire prosecution dossier of more than 90 pages, which I have studied in detail, Ms Bencrimo’s is the only complaint from anyone outside Spanish officialdom.

Yet the organisation this complainant represented – the Ibn Battuta Foundation – is not as simple as police and prosecutors pretend.

Its president is Mohammed Chaib Akhdim, a veteran politician and businessman with close personal and financial ties to the Moroccan government – the very people whose actions were being exposed and criticised in Isabel’s speech.

Chaib is a former MP in both the Catalan and Madrid parliaments for the left-wing party PSC (Socialists Party of Catalonia). But he is also a wealthy businessman with financial interests in his native Morocco, and in particular stands to benefit from Morocco taking control of Western Sahara. Since 1992 he was been director of business development in Morocco for COMSA Industrial, a company with vast interests in engineering and construction projects in Morocco, including the disputed territory of Western Sahara.

Mohammed Chaib (second left) with Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez. Chaib’s business will profit greatly from Sánchez’s surrender to Morocco over Western Sahara; meanwhile the politicised Spanish police prosecute Isabel Peralta for drawing attention to the treachery of Sánchez’s government. An employee of Chaib’s foundation brought the complaint that facilitated this prosecution.

It is a remarkable coincidence that the “charity worker” who brought the complaint against Isabel Peralta was an employee of Chaib’s foundation.

H&D fully supports our brave and brilliant comrade Isabel. We look forward to her victory over this politically motivated prosecution – however long that victory takes.

We shall be reporting further on the development of this case, and on the related political persecution of Isabel in Germany, which was assisted by border security in our own country who disgracefully detained her for more than six hours a few weeks ago during her visit to England. Check this website and our January edition of H&D for more extraordinary revelations about the state of European justice.

British Expat Says: “No Matter Bad the U.S. Immigration Disaster, the U.K. Is Worse”

John Derbyshire (above left with Peter Brimelow of VDARE and Sam Dickson) is a expatriate Briton long resident in the USA. This article was first published at

We just got numbers for illegal aliens apprehended on our southern border last month: a tad short of 240,000 . That’s the highest number of migrant encounters recorded in one month ever. It brings total encounters in Fiscal Year 2022 to more than one and a half million.

That’s “encounter,” mind. The actual encounter being tallied there is one between an invader and a Border Patrol officer. Either the invader presents himself to Border Patrol with some plausible claim for entry, or he tried to sneak in avoiding the Patrol but got caught by chance. Some large but unknown number of sneak-ins did not get caught.

The good news is that 42 percent of these encounters were deported—or at any rate, “processed for deportation”—under Title 42, the Trump-era protocol allowing deportation on health grounds that Joe Biden tried to end until he was thwarted by a judge.

The other 58 percent are being processed under Title 8 of current immigration law. That will result in some number of them being deported. How many: fifty percent? a hundred percent? ten percent? I don’t know.

For a clue I have this from Washington Examiner:
“More than 2 million migrants were stopped while attempting to enter the U.S. from Mexico illegally in the calendar year 2021 [not to be confused with fiscal year] … Of the 2 million, roughly 1.1 million were immediately expelled back to Mexico or flown to other countries. Some attempted crossing multiple times, inflating the numbers. But nearly 800,000 were released into the U.S.”
(‘Two million stopped while illegally entering US from Mexico in 2021’, by Anna Giaritelli, January 24, 2022)

As dumb and treasonous as our current immigration policies are, they fairly glow with integrity, efficiency, and patriotism by comparison with Britain’s. I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say—and I say it in all earnestness—that Britain’s clueless, brainless, worthless government is currently perpetrating the greatest immigration fiasco since Chinese General Wu Sangui opened the gates of China to the Manchus in 1644.

I’ve been reporting to you, most recently on June 3rd, about the swelling numbers of illegal aliens crossing the English Channel from France—more than ten thousand so far this year.

This is the fourth year it’s been happening. The numbers for these four years, to the nearest thousand: 2019—two, 2020—eight, 2021—twenty-nine. Estimates for this year’s total start at fifty; and once again, these are thousands, so that’s fifty thousand.

Essentially none of these invaders get expelled. They plead asylum or refugee status, although that is a priori preposterous: they’re coming most recently from France, where they could also have claimed asylum. They destroy their identity documents so they can’t be deported. The British authorities conscientiously process their bogus asylum claims anyway, putting them up in good hotels while the processing is under way.

For three of those four years the invasion went on with the British government doing nothing at all about it. This, incredible to report, is a government of the Conservative Party; but these are metropolitan progressives led by a Prime Minister who has, all through his political career, been well-known as an enthusiast for multiculturalism.

Then, earlier this year, pressure from voters became too strong to ignore. The government grudgingly agreed to do something about the invasion.

A Rwandan hotel for the poor, oppressed ‘asylum seekers’

What did they do? They cut an agreement with the black African country of Rwanda to take in some of the illegals while their obviously-fake asylum applications were processed. We first heard that 700 illegals would be shipped to Rwanda, to be accommodated in that country’s hotels.

Britain, however, is choc-a-bloc with well-funded groups who favor mass illegal immigration. They got busy lawyering. That 700 was quickly whittled down to 130—which is still a good plane-load.

By the time the first flight to Rwanda was scheduled for Tuesday last week, the 130 had been further whittled down to seven. The pro-illegal activists swung into action on Tuesday, blocking exit routes from the airport detention center and lawyering up a frenzy. By late Tuesday it seemed there was just one illegal left on the plane.

Then some outfit called the European Court of Human Rights issued an injunction to prevent that one illegal being deported. So the flight was cancelled. Number of illegals deported: zero.

Wait: Didn’t the Brits unshackle themselves from Europe? How come they have to obey this ruling by a bunch of Frogs, Krauts, Dagos, and Wops? I have no idea. Nobody in Britain seems to have any idea, either.

While all this was going on, of course several hundred new scofflaws landed in Britain and were escorted to nice hotels.

Did I say “fiasco”? This makes our own Border Tsar—or “Tsarina,” I guess—this makes Kamala Harris look like a strategic mastermind.

As an ex-Brit, in a spirit of nostalgic affection for the old place, I hereby offer my advice to the British government free of charge.

  • Arrest everyone who lands in your country illegally. Confine them in special secure camps, with the right to self-deport at any time. (What, you don’t have those kinds of facilities? Then build them, dammit. When COVID came up the ChiComs built a 1,500-room hospital in five days.)
  • Children should be placed in care facilities with adequate nutrition and basic education. If I remember my Charles Dickens correctly, Britain used to excel at this.
  • You are welcome to my suggestion that you restore the excellent former system of hulks: surplus ships fitted out with secure cells, like those used to handle the overflow from Britain’s prisons in the 18th and 19th centuries. Hulks have the advantage that they can be moored well offshore, so they don’t cause offense to the pleasant British landscape the way on-shore camps would. They also spare the hassle of getting land rights and so on. Hulks: what’s not to like?
  • The tens of thousands of illegal aliens already in Britain as a result of these past four years of inaction need to be rounded up and incarcerated as above.

The easy way to do this is to rescind any rights they have been given to work in your country. To avoid them working illegally, establish an E-verify system based on National Insurance Number (that’s the British equivalent of a Social Security Number), with brutal penalties for employers who hire without checking.

That should take care of the problem.

No, no, no need to thank me. You’re welcome!


John Derbyshire writes an incredible amount on all sorts of subjects for all kinds of outlets. (This no longer includes National Review, whose editors had some kind of tantrum and fired him.) He is the author of We Are Doomed: Reclaiming Conservative Pessimism and several other books. He has had two books published by com: FROM THE DISSIDENT RIGHT (also available in Kindle) and FROM THE DISSIDENT RIGHT II: ESSAYS 2013.

For years he’s been podcasting at Radio Derb, now available at for no charge. His writings are archived at

Full acknowledgements to VDARE and John Derbyshire for letting us reprint the article: news – America’s Immigration Voice.
The VDARE Foundation, PO Box 211, Litchfield, CT 06759, USA

Editor’s note:
John Derbyshire was born in Northampton, in the south Midlands, in June 1945. He attended the Northampton School for Boys and graduated from University College London, where he studied mathematics. He emigrated to the USA in the 1960s. Before turning to writing full-time, he worked on Wall Street as a computer programmer. John worked as a writer at National Review until he was terminated in 2012 because of an alleged “racist” article published in Taki’s Magazine.
He then moved on to work for Vdare, where he could write more freely.

In 1996 he wrote the novel Seeing Calvin Coolidge in a Dream which was a New York Times “Notable Book of the Year”. His 2004 non-fiction book Prime Obsession won the Mathematical Association of America’s inaugural Euler Book Prize. A political book, We Are Doomed: Reclaiming Conservative Pessimism, was released in September 2009.

I met John over 25 years ago at an American Renaissance Conference in Northern Virginia, and recently sent sent him a copy of Heritage and Destiny magazine.

Isabel Peralta reports on her arrest – new video update + new Instagram link (March 27th)

Isabel Peralta, the 19-year-old student who during the past 12 months has emerged as the brightest leader of a new generation of European nationalists, was stopped by border security at Frankfurt airport last Tuesday (15th March).

On searching her hand baggage she was immediately detained, even though the only item found was a copy of Homer’s Iliad – which dates back to the 8th century BC!

Spanish and German security services whose officers were waiting for Isabel at the airport had clearly planned her detention in advance and had files ready on her political activities, none of which are grounds for deportation from Germany.

As explained in the video below, a process was under way to deport Isabel from Germany on grounds of “threat to national security”, long before her other bag was retrieved from the plane’s hold. Other items in that bag (widely reported in the media) were her private belongings and therefore not an offence under Germany’s ‘public order’ law. In fact the authorities had no grounds under the Schengen treaty governing EU travel even to search the bag.

This and many other aspects of the case – including the fact that Isabel was for many hours denied access to a lawyer – are now being pursued.

After being detained overnight Isabel was deported back to Madrid, where on Friday evening (March 18th) she gave the live interview above, now available with English subtitles.

Commenting on Instagram earlier today, H&D‘s assistant editor wrote: “Isabel Peralta is the bravest and best comrade I have encountered in any country. She has sought to direct the new generation of nationalists in a principled, intelligent but strategically sensible manner. She is the very opposite of a terrorist or criminal. Her treatment yesterday and today is a disgrace to the Federal Republic and I have every confidence that her legal representatives will ensure she is not treated in this manner in future. All friends of the real Europe should give Isabel every support.”

Later we shall report further details of this disgraceful abuse of power by the authorities of the Federal Republic. Legal proceedings continue and we are confident that Isabel’s German lawyer will resolve the matter in her favour.

An article by Isabel Peralta will appear in the May-June edition of H&D. Our readers will be hearing a lot more from this excellent representative of European youth. Click here for Isabel’s YouTube channel.

For an update on Isabel’s case in Madrid against the professional liars of the international media, please click here.

UPDATE 20th March: On Friday evening Isabel appeared on a live broadcast from Madrid, in which she answered a range of questions about her unconstitutional detention. The story is very different from that told by the mainstream media. Please click here to watch an English-subtitled version of this broadcast. We apologise for very occasional passages that are unsubtitled for technical reasons.

UPDATE 27th March: Isabel Peralta has a new Instagram account at See her introductory video below (with English subtitles).

Isabel writes: “Following the censorship suffered by people and organisations critical of the state welfare system – a system whose highest values according to the constitution are ‘freedom’, ‘equality’, and ‘political pluralism’ – I feel compelled to open another account. All Europeans must have the right to know the true ideas of their blood.”

A practical plan for the migration crisis – new video

Lady Michèle Renouf – campaigner for the right to normal free research and historical argument in Europe – outlines a practical proposal for Europe’s migration crisis. The ‘Modified Sachs Concept’ was developed by retired medical scientist Dr Gunther Kümel as an extension of the international aid proposals published by Dr Jeffrey Sachs, an American economist.

Many people complain about the migration crisis: very few offer any detailed practical proposals such as those discussed here by Lady Renouf.

This speech was delivered earlier this month at a conference hosted by Patriotic Alternative, and Lady Renouf is introduced here by PA’s chairman Mark Collett.

Please note that in the event of any problem streaming the video from this site, it is also available via H&D’s Instagram account at

Many thanks to videographer Tony Avery for all his excellent work on this project.

Madrid government surrenders to immigration blackmail

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez meeting King Mohammed VI of Morocco, who has blatantly blackmailed the Madrid government over immigration.

The Spanish government has been humiliated, conceding to Moroccan blackmail over illegal immigration. Simultaneously, by a strange non-coincidence, politically motivated prosecutors in Madrid have leaked news that they are preparing a criminal case for ‘racial incitement’ against H&D’s Spanish comrade Isabel Peralta, over an anti-immigration speech that she gave outside the Moroccan Embassy in May last year.

Socialist Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez has surrendered control over Madrid’s diplomacy, because he has proved unable or unwilling to exercise control over immigration.

And the consequences could be severe for Spain’s access to natural gas, and the prices paid for energy by long-suffering Spanish consumers.

This all concerns Western Sahara, a former Spanish colony, where control has since 1976 been disputed between Morocco and an independence movement called Polisario Front, which is backed by Algeria.

Until this week, the Madrid government backed the Polisario – i.e. backed Western Sahara’s independence from Morocco – partly in order to remain on good terms with Algeria, which supplies Spain with natural gas.

Brahim Ghali, head of the Polisario Front

For a year or more, Morocco has sought to blackmail Spain into changing its position on Western Sahara. Morocco’s main weapon is control over illegal immigration into Spanish territory. They have indicated that they are prepared to turn the immigration tap on or off. And Spain’s socialist government is naturally unable or unwilling to take firm action against the consequent flood.

Essentially this was the background to a demonstration addressed by Isabel Peralta in Madrid in May last year. The demonstration targeted both the Moroccan government’s blackmail, and the Spanish authorities’ weakness.

Now the argument of Isabel and her colleagues in the Spanish nationalist youth movement Bastión Frontal has proved correct, but the response has been to threaten criminal charges against Isabel!

Isabel Peralta addressing an anti-immigration rally in May 2021, which drew attention to the Moroccan government’s behaviour and the Spanish government’s weakness

Having for decades argued that Western Sahara’s future should be settled by a referendum of its inhabitants, the Madrid government has this week carried out a U-turn and adopted a pro-Moroccan position.

Consequently the Moroccan Ambassador to Madrid has been reinstated, but the Algerian Ambassador has been recalled, threatening vital trade deals including the supply of natural gas.

The entire situation is a shambles, rooted in the inability of Spain’s socialist government to stand up for Spanish interests.

And as so often across the West, when the arguments of nationalists are vindicated, the authorities’ response is to persecute us. And as so often, weakness in the face of an invader or a blackmailer merely invites further invasion and further blackmail.

H&D readers will hear more from Isabel Peralta, beginning with our next edition in May.

Madrid counts blessings of “democracy” and “diversity” amid immigrant crime wave

Forty-one years ago today – on 23rd February 1981 – Lt. Col. Antonio Tejero of Spain’s Guardia Civil made a last stand against the presumed benefits of ‘democratic’ party politics when he stormed Madrid’s parliament – the Cortes – as part of an attempted military coup by forces loyal to the memory of Spain’s anti-communist leader Gen. Francisco Franco, who had died more than five years earlier.

When H&D‘s assistant editor first visited Madrid for nationalist events in the 1990s, Tejero was still in prison – in fact our delegation (from the Tyndall-era BNP) attended a ‘Tejero Libertad’ rally in central Madrid, which drew a vast crowd.

Today many of us would take a more nuanced view of the Franco years – for a critical analysis of some aspects see Peter Rushton’s H&D article ‘The Cavalry of St George’ – but there can be little doubt that Tejero (who will be 90 in a few weeks time) has seen many of his warnings justified in the past four decades – about democratic corruption and the socially corrosive effects of liberalism.

Even the mainstream media can no longer avoid the epidemic of violent crime on Madrid’s streets, carried out by increasingly notorious immigrant gangs, many of whom originate from the Dominican Republic.

Unlike London, Madrid’s local government is controlled by nominal ‘conservatives’ of the Partido Popular, but the PP’s regional leader recently indicated the bankruptcy of her entire ideological tradition when she protested that the gangs should not be described as alien: “These ‘Latin’ gangs are second-generation immigrants, as Spanish.. as you or I.”

A dog born in a stable does not become a horse – even if its parents were also born in a stable!

One effect of the crime spiral has been to boost support for the nationalist youth group Bastión Frontal, who held an anti-gang protest outside Madrid’s government offices last Friday.

Bastión Frontal leader Isabel Peralta told demonstrators that they should object to the criminals being labelled ‘Latin gangs’. These gangsters are not the descendants of Julius Caesar or Trajan! Bastión Frontal and their fellow Spaniards are the true descendants of the Roman heroes of antiquity, the true claimants to the Latin heritage at the heart of European civilisation.

Left wing activists and journalists are increasingly frightened by the growth of Bastión Frontal, which has just expanded into new branches including the Navarre region.

So much so that the media are playing their usual game of searching for isolated incidents of non-political misconduct by anyone linked to the group, and desperately trying to smear the entire organisation. The typical tactics of opponents who know that they can no longer rely on political argument. If the benefits of ‘diversity’ and ‘democracy’ were so obvious, the media and the left would be able to base their arguments on those benefits – but instead they have to search for discreditable conduct by occasional individuals on our own side.

Bastión Frontal is from a different ideological tradition to many Franco supporters – they look for inspiration not to the late Caudillo but to the socially-conscious Falangism of José Antonio Primo de Rivera and Ramiro Ledesma Ramos.

Isabel Peralta – the brightest star of a new generation of European nationalists – will soon be writing for H&D to explain the differences between this tradition and that of the reactionary, UKIP-style right that is temporarily attracting votes of many Spaniards disgusted by the two-party system.

Government adviser targeted in fake ‘racism’ storm

Paul Collier

The distinguished economist Sir Paul Collier is today at the centre of a fierce row over his views on race and immigration, following his appointment to an advisory council that will guide the British government’s “levelling up” agenda.

The Conservative Party’s election victory in December 2019 was partly based on convincing former Labour voters that the Tories were now serious about tackling social inequalities and lack of opportunity. Senior minister Michael Gove has been given charge of this agenda, and this week Gove confirmed that advisory council members “such as Sir Paul Collier, renowned economist at Oxford’s Blavatnik School of Government, [would be ] providing further support and constructive analysis.”

Woke commentators and the race relations industry today rounded on Sir Paul, condemning his comments that “the indigenous British had become a minority in their own capital”, and his critique of the “easy-access welfare system, which tempts migrants into remaining at the bottom of the social ladder”.

One of Sir Paul’s sins was in the video below, where he dared to ask: “Is London such a great success for the indigenous population? Something rather drastic has happened to the indigenous population in London … I can think of no other major city where the indigenous population has more than halved.”

Other European capitals are set to follow London’s lead, with equally disastrous consequences, if Europe remains dominated by the socially destructive ideology of ‘free market capitalism’.

It is ironic that the so-called left – in their blind devotion to this ‘free market’ – are lining up to condemn Sir Paul Collier. Yet further evidence that radical nationalists should take over the ‘socialist’ agenda and defend the interests of indigenous European workers.

Released after 70 years: the true story of how British intelligence banned Jewish recruits

Seventy years ago a document recording discussions at the highest level of British intelligence was locked away.

This week it was released at the UK National Archives, where H&D‘s Peter Rushton became the first person outside the UK intelligence bureaucracy to read it.

This document forms part of a long-term research project into decades of complex relationships between International Zionism and the British secret state, and H&D readers will learn much more of the historical context and importance of these discoveries later this year.

But we thought it important to publish analysis of this new document as soon as possible: so click here to read Peter Rushton’s article ‘Anti-semitism’ or duty? British intelligence and the secret banning of Jews.

For more on this and other developing stories, whether historical, cultural or political, subscribe to Heritage and Destiny magazine. While we are expanding our social media and other online operations, our main focus will continue to be on bringing out six issues each year of the 32-page magazine, which has now reached Issue 106.

‘White guilt’ liberals ignore vaccine facts

Gordon Brown (above right) with South African terrorist leader Nelson Mandela. Now St Nelson’s country has brewed a new Covid variant, but Brown blames White Europeans.

As soon as a new South African variant of Covid-19 was discovered late last month, British mainstream politicians and journalists were quick to jump on the usual ‘White guilt’ bandwagon.

First of all, we had to stop calling it a ‘South African variant’, lest we ‘stigmatise’ Africans. Many months ago, our lords and masters had perceived that new variants of Covid were likely to come from the Third World, so they imposed a policy of designating variants by Greek letters so as not to hurt the feelings of non-Whites (this being more important than saving lives).

Next, the ‘great and the good’ had to be wheeled out to lecture us that it was our fault that this variant had developed. It was the fault of Britons and other Europeans, because we had selfishly vaccinated ourselves rather than prioritising Africans. Naturally, they demand, we should be sacrificing ourselves on the altar of wokeness.

Former Prime Minister Gordon Brown was first in line to accuse “rich” nations (i.e. Whites) of “hoarding” vaccines, to the detriment of Africans. As a result of our selfishness, Brown argued: “in the absence of mass vaccination, Covid is not only spreading uninhibited among unprotected people but is mutating, with new variants emerging out of the poorest countries and now threatening to unleash themselves on even fully vaccinated people in the richest countries in the world.”

William Hague in his days as Conservative Party leader, enjoying ‘British’ culture at the Notting Hill Carnival alongside his wife Ffion.

Writing in The Times on Tuesday this week, Brown’s former rival William Hague (ex-Foreign Secretary and ex-Leader of the Conservative Party) weighed in with a similar argument. Hague called for more finance from the World Bank (i.e. ultimately from White countries) and an airlift of hundreds of millions of vaccine doses over the next few months. “All of that could be done,” this leading Conservative insisted. “It just takes a common political will, and the appointment of a senior member of every large donor country to drive it forwards every single day in co-operation with each other. The pandemic will not come to an end any time soon without it.”

The mainstream right and left agree: White people should hang their heads in shame. As the great political satirist Michael Wharton (aka ‘Peter Simple’) used to put it: “We are all guilty!”

There’s just one problem. Look back a few days before the emergence of what we have to call the ‘omicron variant’ and one can find the facts laid out in a report from Reuters. South Africa did not have a shortage of vaccines. In fact (thanks to the genius of mainly White scientists and the generosity of White donors, including the AstraZeneca company who developed their vaccine at Oxford and made it available until very recently on a non-profit basis – one of the most selfless acts in scientific history), South Africa had more vaccines than they could cope with, and had to give some away to neighbouring countries.

The South African health ministry told Reuters: “We have 158 days’ stock in the country at current use. We have deferred some deliveries.”

Former South African President Jacob Zuma (above centre) performs a traditional Zulu dance.

So what is the problem and why have South Africa and some neighbouring countries become a giant petri dish for the cultivation of new variants, later to be unleashed on more civilized nations.

There are two reasons, and neither of them can be blamed on the wicked White Man. The first reason is that Africans are notoriously reluctant to be vaccinated. (This is also the unspoken reality among many African and Afro-Caribbean residents in the UK, including ‘Black Britons’.)

The second reason is that South Africa has more than eight million people with HIV: their weakened immune systems are an ideal environment for the Covid virus. Former President Jacob Zuma exemplified the problem. He was acquitted of rape in 2006, but admitted ‘consensual’ sex with a woman whom he knew to have HIV. Zuma told the court he had unprotected sex with the woman, but thought it was no problem because he took a shower afterwards. Outside the courtroom Zuma greeted a mob of his supporters and sang with them his party’s traditional anthem Awuleth’ Umshini Wami (‘Bring me my machine gun’).

Such are the traditions of the country that brought us the ‘omicron variant’.

White Europeans can hardly be blamed either for African superstition or for African sexual behaviour. But that won’t stop the Woke brigade seeking to drive us over the cliff to racial, cultural and literal suicide.

Successful Pan-Nationalist Day of Action in Leeds

The Holiday Inn at Garforth, Yorkshire

On Saturday 18th September a joint nationalist day of action was held in Yorkshire’s biggest city – Leeds –  with activists from both the British Movement and Patriotic Alternative, holding a number of flash demonstrations against the flood of immigrants – mainly young male so-called asylum seekers and refugees into the city.

A number of big hotels in Leeds have simply closed their doors to the great British public, and given themselves completely over to economic migrants. Then news reached the local BM branch, that a number of other hotels in the city had been “commandeered” by the Home Office for exclusive use by Afghans (as has happened in other cities all over England).

The hotels in Leeds included the Holiday Inn at Garforth; the Gateway Hotel in Micklefield and the Mercury Hotel in Bramham. The Holiday Inn, has now cancelled all “normal” bookings until December 9th, in the hope that the local council will have rehoused the migrants by then, so they can re-open for the lucrative pre Christmas trade.

This was the second successful day of action organised by Leeds BM at very short notice – the first on August 7th, was reported in the “Movement News” pages of H&D #104 (September-October 2021) which was published earlier this month. The day included leafleting and noisy flash demonstrations outside a couple of the hotels mentioned above, and short speeches by BM and PA representatives.

Congratulations to everybody (including a number of H&D subscribers) who attended the pan-nationalist day of action in Leeds. It is hoped that more such demonstrations will now take place in other parts of the country.

Readers wanting more information on the British Movement should write to – PO Box 6, Heckmondwike, Yorkshire, WF16 0XF.

And those wanting to find out more about the Patriotic Alternative should write to – PO Box 275, Pudsey, Yorkshire, LS28 0FQ.

For a full report on the pan-nationalist day of action go to –

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