BNP would love it here, Emma Thompson tells Exeter students

Actress urges students to carry on fighting prejudice; claims Rwandan-born son endured ‘unpleasant’ experiences.

GUARDIAN, 6 Nov 2009: The actor Emma Thompson has urged a university to work to stamp out racism after her adopted son endured “unpleasant” experiences while studying there. Thompson says Rwandan-born Tindyebwa Agaba suffered because of the colour of his skin during his first year studying politics at Exeter University.


On Thursday, during the debate entitled All Africans Now: Artistry and Activism, a member of the audience raised the issue of the BNP and comments by its leader that London was no longer a British city because of its racial diversity.

Thompson replied that Griffin “would feel very comfortable here”. The questioner asked: “What can we do to change the whiteness of Devon and Cornwall? How can we expand our university?”

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