Julian Assange is no hero
His strangely assorted fan club of ageing hippies, libertarians, and Putinists have greeted Julian Assange as a hero today, after the Wikileaks founder was released from prison following a plea bargain with US authorities.
Assange admitted breaching the Espionage Act, but having already spent five years in an English prison awaiting extradition, was allowed to fly home to Australia.
Due to Hillary Clinton being among the most famous victims of data published by Wikileaks, some H&D readers will be tempted to see Assange as “our enemy’s enemy” – but he is no friend of British nationalists, and he is no hero. Nor is he any sort of champion of “free speech”. There are many people in Europe (including in the UK) who, unlike Assange, are imprisoned solely because of expressing their opinions, but neither Assange nor his fan club ever lifted a finger to defend the likes of Sam Melia, Vincent Reynouard, or Ursula Haverbeck.
We should never forget that Assange eagerly published the home addresses of British National Party members, thus putting their families at risk from physical attack or intimidation from “anti-fascists”.
No doubt this (like his other “leaks”) had the blessing of Assange’s allies in the Russian intelligence service.
Wikileaks acted for years as the de facto partner of Putin’s espionage network. It was entirely fitting that Assange faced conviction and imprisonment under the Espionage Act.
At no time did Assange act as a bona fide investigative journalist. His method was simply to obtain vast quantities of data (sometimes with the help of Russian intelligence) and then publish it, without any assessment of its value, and without any consideration of those whose lives he turned upside down.
Unfortunately the “dissident right” in the UK and US contains many who would fit Lenin’s appraisal as “useful idiots” – useful that is for “anti-fascists” and for the Kremlin. They are certainly no use to nationalism.
The rational nationalist response to Julian Assange would be to say: good riddance to bad rubbish. Let us hope that he never sets foot in the UK again, and that we hear no more of this cynical, irresponsible opportunist.
Codename CROOK – how a leading “anti-nazi” spied for Moscow
A new article on the Real History blog describes how one of the earliest “Holocaust” propagandists was a corrupt congressman – Sam Dickstein – who acted as a paid agent of the Soviet intelligence service NKVD (later KGB).
(H&D readers will have seen a passing reference to Dickstein’s espionage as part of a book review in Issue 118 of the magazine.)
Dickstein also sold his congressional influence as chairman of the House Immigration Committee to obtain US permanent residence visas, in return for a $1,000 bribe in each case.
During the 1930s and 1940s he was a prominent lobbyist for Jewish causes, both “anti-Nazi” and anti-British, including support for propaganda operations run by the terrorist Irgun’s representative in the USA.
At a time when “anti-fascist” lobbyists are again trying to abuse immigration laws, both to allow floods of non-European migrants and to deny European patriots – notably our European correspondent Isabel Peralta – the right to travel, it seemed the right time to tell the strange history of Soviet spy and Zionist criminal, Congressman Sam Dickstein.
Click here for the full story.
The Martin Luther King race relations industry
Among the most ludicrous products of the worldwide ‘race relations’ industry is the veneration of Martin Luther King.
This cult’s latest emanation is a sculpture unveiled this week in Boston, Massachusetts.
Amid controversy about the sculpture, critics and supporters alike have missed its essential absurdity.
The artist responsible for this work says he was inspired by a photograph of King embracing his wife: but nothing could be more ridiculous than seeking to venerate the ‘martyred civil rights leader’ as, of all things, a faithful husband.
By today’s moral standards, Martin Luther King would be condemned as a serial adulterer. Indeed one of his main political enemies – FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, who viewed King as a crypto-communist – had by the time of King’s murder compiled many volumes of evidence about his infidelities.
Had King not been the victim of a literal assassination, there was ample evidence to assassinate his character. One FBI document records how King laughed as he watched a colleague rape a woman.
This and many other shocking allegations were discussed almost four years ago in a mainstream magazine article by a respected biographer.
But all this has to be written out of history, because King’s status as patron saint of black liberation is simply too important for our rulers to allow facts to contaminate the legend.
The oligarch who hedges his bets
Today Spanish police seized a £70m ‘superyacht’ belonging to one of Vladimir Putin’s closest oligarch cronies.
Tango is registered in the British Virgin Islands – one of the favourite havens for shady international tycoons – and belongs to Viktor Vekselberg, son of a Ukrainian Jew and a Russian. Since 1990 Vekselberg has been head of the Renova Group, a Russian conglomerate with interests in aluminium, oil and other sectors. He has been subject to international sanctions due to his close Kremlin ties.
According to several investigators, Vekselberg’s most interesting international role has been as the man who does the dirty work for Sir Len Blavatnik, his business partner, co-founder of the Renova Group and closest friend since their schooldays.
While Vekselberg has been sanctioned, Blavatnik has earned a teflon reputation which might be connected to his remarkable talent for backing opposite political sides and remaining close to power.
Blavatnik has at various times backed pro- and anti-Netanyahu factions in Israel; Tony Blair in the UK; Bill Clinton, Donald Trump and Joe Biden in the USA. In 2015 a group of international scholars condemned Oxford University for accepting Blavatnik’s money to fund the ‘Blavatnik School of Government’.
Blavatnik however insists that he has distanced himself from Putin, and the likes of Tony Blair and his ‘charitable foundations’ have continued to work closely with the Blavatnik School of Government. Meanwhile Blavatnik has continued to be one of the world’s leading sponsors of ‘Holocaust’ education, including a recent international conference to celebrate “the nearly 1.5 million Jewish men and women who fought in World War II against Adolf Hitler and the Axis powers.” H&D will soon be analysing some of the interesting omissions from this ‘history’!
Perhaps the ambiguities of Blavatnik’s own position will never be fully resolved, but as the Kremlin’s brutality continues in Ukraine, the likes of Tony Blair are feeling increasingly nervous about their ties to Putin’s oligarchs. Whatever their politics, Western politicians (including some so-called ‘nationalists’) have been happy to stick their snouts in the Kremlin trough.
British historian condemns ‘moronic’ wokeness of US National Archives
British historian Andrew Roberts has ridiculed the US National Archives for its latest display of wokeness, after Washington officials placed a ‘trigger warning’ notice next to its historic copy of the 1776 Declaration of Independence.
‘Trigger warnings’ and ‘safe spaces’ have become commonplace in academic and public institutions in recent years as wokeness has taken over. The idea is that minority groups (or just people with ultra-woke ideas) might be offended by any contact with people or writings that convey different ideas, even in a historical context.
As Roberts (biographer of the wartime British Ambassador to Washington, Lord Halifax, and more recently of King George III against whom the Declaration was written) pointed out last weekend to an audience at the Oxford Literary Festival: “Anyone who thinks an 18th century document is not going to be outdated, biased and offensive is frankly a moron. When you go to see the Declaration, you read what it says about Native Americans and so on, you won’t be so offended that you can’t stand up.”
The really interesting thing about this row is what it tells us about American notions of ‘freedom’ and ‘equality’. While liberals like to parrot the Declaration’s phrases about “all men” being “created equal” with “inalienable rights”, they ignore that in practice this meant White men.
Hence the words that are now found objectionable, where the Declaration complains that King George:
“has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.”
Rather than focus their complaint on the word “savages”, the woke brigade might do better to reflect on what this tells us about American values than and now, and about the broader values of liberalism.
Red Indians – now known as Native Americans – supported the British Crown because they knew that the Empire offered them a better deal than they would get under liberal capitalism. The same applied half a century later to the British working-class, exploited as footsoldiers by the liberal middle-class in their campaign for ‘reform’, but then left worse off then ever under the ‘free’ capitalism of early and mid-Victorian England.
As for ‘racism’, Americans might find it uncomfortable to reflect on the fact that their famous Olympic athlete Jesse Owens was treated far better by Adolf Hitler in national-socialist Berlin in 1936 than he was by his fellow Americans!
And the American “rule of warfare” – despite the implication of their own Declaration of Independence, has turned out to be truly destructive “of all ages, sexes and conditions”, from Dresden to Hiroshima to Baghdad.
What this ridiculous fuss about ‘trigger warnings’ really tells us is that it is absurd to try to force history into our 21st century preconceptions. In Washington this absurdity takes the form of placing warning notices next to the Declaration of Independence, in modern Germany it takes the form of locking up 93-year-old Ursula Haverbeck for expressing forbidden historical opinions and daring to ask forbidden questions.
Madeleine Albright and Mossad: the Jewess who ‘thought she was a Catholic’
Madeleine Albright – who served as Secretary of State in Bill Clinton’s second administration from 1997 to 2001, has died in Washington aged 84.
Soon after her appointment to the top job in US foreign policy at the start of 1997, Mrs Albright ‘discovered’ that she was racially Jewish, having supposedly been in ignorance of this for her entire life. Her parents had converted to Catholicism during her infancy.
However the Israeli government certainly knew about Albright’s Jewish roots as early as 1994, soon after her appointment as US Ambassador to the United Nations.
Their source was the British publisher George Weidenfeld, who had been a friend of Albright’s father, Czech diplomat Josef Korbel, when Korbel was in a senior role with the Czech government-in-exile in London during the Second World War. (In this capacity Korbel worked with British propaganda and other secret departments.)
H&D can today reveal a few details of Weidenfeld’s career as a Zionist and later Israeli intelligence operative, which make it likely that Mossad was well aware of Albright’s family background for decades – almost certainly as far back as the 1970s, when she worked as congressional liaison for the National Security Council.
Weidenfeld – this close friend of Albright’s father – was closely monitored by Britain’s security service MI5, who knew of his Zionist intelligence work and were concerned that he might be engaged in subversive activities in London on behalf of the nascent Israeli state.
Although his file has not yet been published in British archives and remains entirely secret, we can reveal today that Weidenfeld had a personal file at MI5 numbered PF 604363.
On 27th October 1949 MI5 recorded a conversation via its regular monitoring of a line at the Israeli Legation (later Embassy) in London. Weidenfeld was speaking with Reggie Kidron, a senior diplomat who was responsible for Mossad’s intelligence work in London.
During the conversation Kidron thanked Weidenfeld for certain “contacts”, referring to a recent lunch Weidenfeld had with the senior government minister Herbert Morrison, who was later to succeed Ernest Bevin as British Foreign Secretary.
Whereas Bevin had been staunchly anti-Zionist, Morrison was far more friendly to the new state of Israel. His daughter married the advertising manager of the Jewish Chronicle (London’s main Jewish newspaper) and his grandson Peter Mandelson (now Lord Mandelson) became one of the most influential, pro-Israeli politicians in Britain during the Labour governments of the 1990s and 2000s.
Weidenfeld went on to work for Israel’s first President Chaim Weizmann as “foreign affairs adviser”, before returning to London where his publishing empire served as a convenient means to pass Israeli funds to favoured politicians, in the guise of cash ‘advances’ for books that were never going to generated the sums paid.
Recipients of this largesse included Prime Minister Harold Wilson and his political secretary Marcia Williams.
As we have recently reported on this site, Wilson and Williams had close relationships with several influential Jewish businessmen who were of concern to MI5, either because of their links to Zionist intelligence, or to Soviet bloc intelligence, or their general criminality.
Several of these characters received either knighthoods or peerages from Wilson, notably in his final honours list in 1976, known as the “lavender list” because it was drafted on the personal notepaper of Marcia Williams. The Mossad operative George Weidenfeld – having earlier been knighted by Wilson in 1969 – became Lord Weidenfeld on this 1976 list.
Last week H&D‘s Peter Rushton filed a Freedom of Information request for still-secret official files about this honours list, and the cabal of businessmen and suspected spies surrounding Harold Wilson.
Weidenfeld’s Mossad contact Kidron appeared in a ‘Top Secret’ British intelligence document drawn up in December 1949, listing twenty-five individuals who had wartime access to British secrets but who were now known to be serving the Israeli government. Kidron had been Jewish Agency liaison with the South African armed forces during the Second World War, and was feared to have had access to British military secrets, in addition to his dangerous intelligence work among postwar British politicians via Weidenfeld.
Further aspects of our dossier on the fluctuating relationship between British and Zionist intelligence services, during and after the Second World War, will be published soon.
One strange coincidence which might disturb some on the ‘anti-Zionist’ left, is that the sister of this top Mossad officer Reggie Kidron became one of Britain’s leading Trotskyist activists.
This was Chanie Rosenberg, who died last year aged 99. She was married to the leading Trotskyist in Britain – Tony Cliff (born Ygael Gluckstein), founder of what is today the Socialist Workers Party (SWP).
Even in old age, Rosenberg was an active militant ‘anti-fascist’, travelling to Burnley in 2002 to oppose British National Party election campaigning.
We wonder whether she ever told her comrades about her close family ties to Mossad?
Whoopi loses the victim contest
The George Floyd case and associated ‘Black Lives Matter’ circus convinced many negroes that they were history’s ultimate victims.
After all, if White people across the civilised world are kneeling in homage to a dead criminal, solely because he happened to be black, then surely there can be no doubt who are the masters now?
But actress Whoopi Goldberg has just discovered that however strong the black victim card, there’s another victim card that trumps it every time.
Speaking on a popular US television show The View, Ms Goldberg committed a cardinal sin against the holy ghosts of Holocaustianity. In a rambling commentary that H&D cannot pretend to understand, Ms Goldberg told viewers:
“Let’s be truthful, the Holocaust isn’t about race, it’s not.
“It’s about man’s inhumanity to man, that’s what it’s about. These are two groups of white people…you’re missing the point… let’s talk about it for what it really is. It’s about how people treat each other.
“It’s a problem. It doesn’t matter if you’re black or white, Jews…everybody eats each other.”
Perhaps in parts of Africa everybody does still eat each other, but American Jewish groups were quick to demand action against Ms Goldberg, who was duly forced to apologise unreservedly and was suspended by ABC television for two weeks.
Some H&D readers might have imagined that Whoopi Goldberg is herself (like the late entertainer Sammy Davis Jr.) part-Jewish. But on investigation we discover that the name ‘Goldberg’ – like so much of negro culture and heritage – is pure invention. Ms Goldberg was born Caryn Elaine Johnson and has not a single drop of traceable Jewish ancestry.
So for all her years of ‘stardom’, Ms Goldberg has learned the hard way that in the USA some lives matter a lot more than black lives.
Black immigrant population of USA set to double by 2060
Most people assume that the black population of the USA has lived there for generations and is largely descended from slaves, while they associate immigration into the USA with Asians and Hispanics.
However, a new analysis of census figures today shows that the black immigrant population of the USA (the largest numbers coming from Jamaica or Haiti, but also including many varieties of African) is already about 4.6 million and could more than double to 9.5 million by 2060.
At present about one in ten black Americans are immigrants; with another 9% being only second generation. So that makes almost one in five black Americans who are only fairly recent arrivals.
These immigration trends combine with other demographic factors adding to the pressure on European Americans.
In the recently published issue 106 of H&D, James Knight explains that less than 58% of the US population is now made up of European-Americans, and discusses possible solutions for the White crisis.
Ghislaine Maxwell – daughter of notorious Mossad agent Robert Maxwell – guilty of trafficking teenagers
Within the last hour Ghislaine Maxwell – daughter of the notorious fraudster, arms dealer and Mossad agent Robert Maxwell – has been convicted by a New York jury on five criminal charges including “sex trafficking of a minor”, which carries a maximum prison sentence of up to forty years.
This verdict will lead to many pages and hours of print and broadcast media analysis.
Whether the role of Israeli intelligence in the Maxwell family saga will be properly examined is, however, doubtful!
So for the benefit of H&D readers we publish here the review by our assistant editor Peter Rushton of the most recent book about Robert Maxwell.
As you might expect, this review contains meticulously researched facts that you won’t get from the mainstream media!
9-11 – H&D’s Editor Remembers the Day – Twenty Years On
Today – 11th September 2021 – marks the twentieth anniversary of the famous 9/11 attacks, which saw nineteen Islamic terrorists from the al-Qaeda group take over and then control four planes over the US airspace and turn them into deadly weapons against their number one enemy the USA.
That Tuesday morning, I woke up as usual around 7.30am, and after the standard cup of tea (yes, I still drank tea in the morning – rather than coffee – even after six years of Americanization!) I kissed my (then) girlfriend Jackie goodbye and started to make my way into down-town Washington DC where I worked.
As I did almost every morning, I caught the bus – at around 8am – from outside my apartment block in Falls Church, which took me to the Rosslyn Metro Station, in NW Arlington – which is the last stop in Virginia – and transferred onto the Metro train (their version of our Tube train) which took me into DC.
I got off as normal – at around 8.45am – at the McPherson Square Metro Station – a couple of blocks from where I worked on 13th Street NW, (which was about six blocks from the White House) and made my way to one of the many restaurants in the area, where I bought breakfast! Yes, sadly in that respect I had got Americanized into buying breakfast out, rather than making it at home myself – or even getting Jackie to make breakfast (some hope there!).
I bought my standard DC breakfast, a large coffee (as their tea was awful), and a sun-dried tomato bagel, with a tasty egg, bacon, and cheese filling (yes, I know!) and made my way to work on 13th Street, which was around two or three blocks away.
I worked as an office assistant to Dr. Roger Pearson, one of the greatest modern writers on race, eugenic science, anthropology, and Indo-European studies, who had both his home and office on 13th Street, NW. The office from where he ran three publications, Mankind Quarterly (MQ), The Journal of Social, Political and Economic Studies (JSPS) and his pride and joy, The Journal of Indo-European Studies (JSPS), as well as publishing dozens of books and monographs every year.
I got into the office on time, which was a couple of minutes before 9am and started to drink my coffee (I would do the typically American thing of eating my bagel while walking to work!). Up until then – as they say – it was just a normal day at the office!
Dr. Pearson was already in his office (which was the room next door to mine) hard at work. He normally got there before me around 8.45am most mornings. However, he did not have very far to travel – as he lived in an apartment (flat) just above the office, on the 4th or 5th floor (I think). We said our usual pleasantries, and I then got on with going through the mail from the previous day (I did not normally work on a Monday) and from the weekend.
Looking back on it, around the time I was getting my breakfast, around 8.46am, New York was turning into a scene of devastation after the first of the two planes smashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center. And around the time I was sitting down at my desk and starting to open the mail, around 9.03am the second plane was smashing into the South Tower.
Both 110 story towers collapsed within an hour and forty-two minutes, leading to the collapse of the other World Trade Center structures including 7 World Trade Center, and significantly damaging all the surrounding buildings.
Of course, Dr. Pearson and I, were oblivious to all this, as we did not have a radio or TV on in either office, and it was just before the days of smart phones.
The first we knew that something was wrong, was when Dr. Pearson’s wife Marion rang him from their upstairs flat, where I guess she was watching the events unfold on TV. He told me what she had told him, but to be honest it did not really sink in there and then what was going on. So, we just carried on working as normal.
I guess five minutes later, just before 9.20am we got another phone call which I answered this time. It was BNP leader Nick Griffin! He told us basically what Mrs. Pearson had just told us, that two hijacked planes had crashed into the Twin Towers at the World Trade Center, but then added that two more planes were now on their way to DC to blow up the White House and Capital Buildings, and that we needed to get out quickly!
Of course, even if we wanted to get out – which we didn’t – where were we meant to get out to? However, Nick meant well, and I appreciate him warning us anyway, even though there was nothing we could do about it. I thanked him and told him we would not be moving from the building at this time, but if he could ring back with any updates, that would be very useful.
I talked over the situation with Dr. Pearson, and he said he did not think the planes would even reach DC, and even if they did, their targets were so far away from us that we would “probably be ok”! So, we sat back down at our desks and carried on working.
However, we had only been back at our desks for a couple of minutes, when we heard a hell of a commotion going on outside our building. At 9:37am, the third of the hijacked planes crashed into the west side of the Pentagon (the headquarters of the American military, as well as a large underground shopping mall), which was just over the Potomac river in NW Arlington, Virginia, causing a partial collapse of the building’s west side.
To give you an idea of distance, the Pentagon is about three miles south east of our office, maybe a ten-minute drive away. It’s just south of Arlington National Cemetery, and just north of Alexandria.
I can remember hearing an explosion, and then the noise of hundreds of other office workers, and locals outside our office on the streets. I said to Dr. Pearson that I was going outside to see what the heck was happening, because we had no windows in the office so I could not peer out. Once outside I could see all the smoke in the distance, and word got round that the Pentagon had been hit.
I can’t remember there being a panic, but a lot of my fellow DC workers were very concerned as word had got around that the fourth plane was on its way to DC!
However, the fourth plane – United 93 – never reached DC. And US authorities even to this day, don’t know for sure if the target was to have been the White House or the Capitol.
The story put about by President Bush’s spin-doctors, that the passengers aboard United 93 decided to act once they realized all was lost – i.e., storm the flight deck, attack the terrorists and bring the plane down before it reached Washington DC – sadly did not happen. But why would it have done: it never happened on the other three hijacked flights, and they had many more passengers.
What did surely happen, was that Bush ordered United 93 to be shot down before it got anywhere near DC. This flight was the only plane not to hit its intended target, instead after being shot down it crashed in a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, about 170 miles from DC at 10:03 am.
Once the news spread around DC that plane number 4 had crashed and that there were probably no more hijacked planes up in the skies, most of the workers either returned to their offices – as I did – or they left and started to make their way back home.
I asked Dr. Pearson what we should do, and he said, “just carry on working Mark”! Which is what I did until around noon when I went for an early lunch. All public transport in DC was in the process of being stopped, but most of the bars and restaurants seemed to be open, with customers glued to the TVs. I found a Subway close by and got a meal and a soda (pop to you Brits!) and tried to check my cell phone, only to find it not working. The internet had also gone down, but landlines were still working.
I made my way back to the office, where Dr. Pearson was still working. He informed me he was then going up upstairs to his flat for his lunch. So, I just went back to work. Strange when you look back on it.
My girlfriend Jackie was calling the office, every half an hour or so asking when I was going to get out of DC and come home. I told her the same thing each time: as soon as I can.
Dr. Pearson came back down to the office around 2pm I guess, and told me to pack up for the day, as it would take me ages to get home as there was no public transport. Even most of the taxi drivers had gone home by then. So, I called Jackie back from the office landline and said I was going to start to make my way back to Falls Church, but be prepared for a long wait as it may take a while!
I walked across the city towards Georgetown, which took me just over an hour. I knew at the far end of Georgetown was the Francis Scott Key bridge where I could walk across into Virginia. However, it was a sweltering hot day and I needed a beer or two, so I stopped off at a bar not far from the bridge. It was busy, but not chock-a-block, with everybody watching the news channels on the big TV screens. It was there for the first time, sitting in that Georgetown pub with a cold pint of Sam Adams lager that I saw the footage of the first two planes fly into and then strangely disappear into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center. Images that will never be forgotten.
There had been mixed reports on the news channels, some saying it was at first believed that a small private plane had hit the tower by accident but less than 20 minutes later, it was obvious that a terrorist attack had taken place. Everyone in the pub was coming up with their own ideas as to who had done it and why, I just listened and drank my beer.
Somebody in the pub mentioned that the buses in Virginia were running again, but the Metro trains were still closed. So, I drank up and made my way across the Francis Scott Key bridge out of DC and back into Virginia – Rosslyn to be precise. Another five minutes and I was at the bus terminal, and the guy in the pub was right – the buses were running again! Thank the gods, that’s saved me another five mile walk home!
I remember our local left-wing newspaper The Washington Post, had been busy and got out a special afternoon edition, covering the attacks. I bought a copy to read on my bus journey back to Falls Church. As I was boarding the bus my cell phone started ringing – more good news the phones were working again – it was Jackie, frantically asking where I was. Thankfully this time I could tell her not that far away and that I would be home soon.
I guess I got back to my flat on South Manchester Street, which for those of you who know the area is just off Route 50 (aka Arlington Blvd) very close to the famous “Seven Corners” side of Falls Church, around 6pm. To say Jackie was pleased to see me was an understatement!
She and Justin (our lodger) a taxi driver who in his younger days was in the French Foreign Legion, were watching the TV News when I walked in. Justin who was very politically clued up and like me slightly to the right of George Bush, claimed he knew straight away “that it was the Muslims” who had done it. He was just not sure (then) which of the many types of Muslim it was! But to those like Justin they were all the same to him!
After freshening up (as Americans do after work!) I grabbed a beer and settled down to watch the non-stop TV News coverage along with Jackie and Justin. We were told that our bold leader George W Bush, who had been down on Florida’s west coast at a (mainly) African-American Elementary School in Sarasota (which is just south of Tampa), when the attacks happened, would be on the TV at 8pm (Eastern Time – which would have been 1am in the UK) to address the nation, from the Oval Office in the White House.
I asked Jackie to go and get ready as we were going out to eat and we would watch the Bush speech on TV in one of the local restaurants or bars. However, that was not to be the case as we later found out that 99% of them had shut as a mark of respect!
Justin being a taxi driver, thought he knew of a couple of places that would buck the trend and stay open, but when we got there no such luck all closed. But as we turned around to head back home disappointed, Jackie said why not try “Little Salvador” – which was a 99% Hispanic area just off Route 7 – ? “She’s right” Justin said, “if anywhere will be open it will be in there”. And she was, we found an El Salvadoran restaurant open within a minute of entering the ghetto!
Justin was not going to stay himself, as he used to get up at the crack of dawn to start driving his taxi around 6am, but he dropped us off at the restaurant’s front door, saying “now you two are going be alright in there aren’t you!”. “Yes, I’m sure we will mate” I replied. Jackie was a bit nervous, but I told her it would be fine and don’t worry. I said something like “they’re all God’s children like us; we will be fine”!
And we were fine. The manager was very pleased to see us (and my money!), as we were the only Gringos in there that evening. The locals who did not speak much English were fine and kept themselves to themselves, but the manager and the waiter could not do enough for us (obviously hoping for a good tip at the end of the evening – which they got).
From what I can recall, the “local” food (which was very much like Mexican) and beer was very good. We had just been served our main course when Bush came on TV to deliver the most important speech of his career to the nation – and the world. However, probably very wisely his advisers told him to keep it short and sweet, and it lasted less than four and a half minutes.
“Good evening. – Today, our fellow citizens, our way of life, our very freedom came under attack in a series of deliberate and deadly terrorist acts. The victims were in airplanes or in their offices: secretaries, businessmen and women, military and federal workers, moms and dads, friends, and neighbors. Thousands of lives were suddenly ended by evil, despicable acts of terror. The pictures of airplanes flying into buildings, fires burning, huge — huge structures collapsing have filled us with disbelief, terrible sadness, and a quiet, unyielding anger. These acts of mass murder were intended to frighten our nation into chaos and retreat. But they have failed. Our country is strong.
“A great people have been moved to defend a great nation. Terrorist attacks can shake the foundations of our biggest buildings, but they cannot touch the foundation of America. These acts shatter steel, but they cannot dent the steel of American resolve. America was targeted for attack because we’re the brightest beacon for freedom and opportunity in the world. And no one will keep that light from shining. Today, our nation saw evil — the very worst of human nature — and we responded with the best of America. With the daring of our rescue workers, with the caring for strangers and neighbors who came to give blood and help in any way they could.
“Immediately following the first attack, I implemented our government’s emergency response plans. Our military is powerful, and it’s prepared. Our emergency teams are working in New York City and Washington D.C. to help with local rescue efforts. Our first priority is to get help to those who have been injured, and to take every precaution to protect our citizens at home and around the world from further attacks. The functions of our government continue without interruption. Federal agencies in Washington which had to be evacuated today are reopening for essential personnel tonight and will be open for business tomorrow. Our financial institutions remain strong, and the American economy will be open for business as well.
“The search is underway for those who were behind these evil acts. I have directed the full resources of our intelligence and law enforcement communities to find those responsible and to bring them to justice. We will make no distinction between the terrorists who committed these acts and those who harbor them.
“I appreciate so very much the members of Congress who have joined me in strongly condemning these attacks. And on behalf of the American people, I thank the many world leaders who have called to offer their condolences and assistance. America and our friends and allies join with all those who want peace and security in the world, and we stand together to win the war against terrorism.
“Tonight, I ask for your prayers for all those who grieve, for the children whose worlds have been shattered, for all whose sense of safety and security has been threatened. And I pray they will be comforted by a Power greater than any of us, spoken through the ages in Psalm 23:
“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil for you are with me.
“This is a day when all Americans from every walk of life unite in our resolve for justice and peace. America has stood down enemies before, and we will do so this time. None of us will ever forget this day, yet we go forward to defend freedom and all that is good and just in our world. –
“Thank you. Good night. And God bless America.”
From what I recall we watched Bush via an El Salvadoran TV channel, in English, but with Spanish sub-titles. The locals were quiet and reserved with no cheering at the end, but I’m sure there was in those few “White American” bars that were open, almost everybody was pro-Bush – for a few week’s anyway.
Following the attacks, Bush’s approval rating soared to 90%. A week or so later on September 20th, 2001, he gave the second most important speech of his career, when he addressed the nation and a joint session of Congress regarding the events of September 11th and the subsequent nine days of rescue and recovery efforts and described his intended response to the attacks. To be honest I can’t recall where I watched that one. New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani’s highly visible role directly after the attacks also won him high praise in both New York and nationally.
After a few more beers, I paid the manager (including a good tip!). He called us a local taxi and we were back home in less than five minutes.
With everything that had gone on that day Jackie had almost forgotten that September 12th was her big day – in court that is! She had been arrested and charged the month before with drink-driving, and was due to appear at Court House, in Arlington (next to the famous Summer’s Pub where I spent many a happy hour watching English and Scottish football) at 9am. Oh dear, but what can you do. We got an early night, which meant bed before midnight for us, as it would be an early start in the following morning.
It was strange, worrying about this court case with all that was going on in the country, and it must have been even worse for Jackie as she could be looking at up to a year inside, as it was her second offence. We just made the best of it and prepared for the worst. We got up early and took the bus from outside the apartment direct to Court House not really knowing what to expect.
However, what greeted us as we approached the entrance to Court House even shocked me. There were dozens – maybe even a hundred National Guard (the Yanks equivalent of the TA), regular army, State Tropers and normal plod all milling around, trying to look mean and nasty.
I was a bit worried approaching them, but I had to! I explained to a State Trooper that we were here for Jackie’s court case and had been told to report at 9am. But before I could even show him the paperwork, he shouted that the Court buildings were now closed for the foreseeable future, due to yesterday’s attacks, and that Jackie would be getting a letter in due course telling her of her new date with the beak! He ended by saying “Now go away”!
So, with no court appearance for Jackie that morning, what was plan B? We decided to go to my second home – Summer’s Pub – which was only around the corner – and get some breakfast. The Manger was a great guy called Joe from Armenia. He welcomed us in and asked why we were in there so early? “There’s no soccer on until lunchtime Mark”. I explained the court situation, and also that Jackie really needed a drink (I may have needed one too, I forget!). Joe said, “you know I can’t serve alcohol in the main restaurant area – and the back bar where we watch the soccer (sorry football!) does not open until 11am.” I looked at my watch at it was only 9.30am.
“Look Joe” I said, “can you do me really big favour and let us go in the back bar and just have a quick beer and maybe a large Scotch for Jackie”? While he was deciding what to do, I handed him an “Andrew Jackson” (a $20 note) and said, “and this is for your trouble Joe”. Strangely he decided it was OK and we could use the bar for a drink!
As it happens, I had been in the same situation with Joe about year before. It was nine something in morning and I was in Summer’s Pub for breakfast before a big AF-BNP (American Friends of the BNP) meeting which was going to be held in a restaurant directly opposite called The Little Café that afternoon. I was with two other Brits, both called Richard. One was ex-Pat from Arizona, who had flown up from Phoenix for the meeting, and the other was one of our guest speakers Richard Barnbrook, who had flown over with his wife from London. Richard Barnbrook would later become leader of the BNP group on Barking and Dagenham Council, and also the BNP’s only ever representative to the Greater London Assembly.
What I did not know was Richard Barnbrook was also an alcoholic, and after picking at his “full-American” for ten minutes, said “Mark, what I really, really need is a proper drink”! So, as with Jackie a year later, I had to bribe Joe with an “Andrew Jackson”, to let future Councillor Barnbrook sit in the bar on his own with a pint of Sam Adams and a double Brady (with not much coke in it!).
Such was life as Chairman of The American Friends of the BNP!
Anyway, back to September 12th, 2001. After I finished my breakfast, and Jackie had knocked back another couple of large Scotch’s, I called Dr. Pearson and explained the situation, that the Court House had been closed and what looked like martial law been imposed on the streets of Arlington.
He suggested that I come into work (I had booked the day off to be with Jackie in her hour of need), as there was no point in wasting a day now the court case had been cancelled. He was right as we had a stack of back orders to get through that week and a new issue of JIES to mail out.
So, after the customary farewells to Joe, I flagged a taxi down on North Courthouse Road for Jackie and sent her back home to Falls Church. I walked the short distance to Court House Metro Station and caught the train into DC. What struck me straight away was how empty the train was. OK it was not rush hour, when I usually travelled, but there was hardly anybody on it.
On reaching DC I got out as usual at McPherson Square Metro Station, and took the escalator up to the front entrance, which again is what I normally do. However, what greeted me outside was very far from normal, but then again it was not your typical DC day!
As I stepped out onto “I” Street to walk the couple of blocks to the office, I was greeted by the sight of open top tanks cruising down the street, it was like a scene from North Korea, China, or the former USSR, except the soldiers in those tanks were all black. There were also regular army and National Guard (mainly black) soldiers on both sides of the road, sort of jogging, to keep up with the tanks. It was an unreal sight.
After watching these saviours of the Free World jog up and down “I” Street, for a minute, I pulled myself back together and made my way to Dr. Pearson’s office. It was good to get back to work and away from all the insanity outside.
At first the US mainstream media were claiming that over 10,000 had died in the attacks. And yes, the 9/11 attacks still remain the deadliest terrorist attack in modern history, although after more than a year the death total had come down to 2,977, plus of course the 19 Islamic hijackers, making a grand total of 2,996.
The overwhelming majority of deaths occurred in New York City, with 2,606 people killed either inside the World Trade Center or on the ground below. This included around a dozen Sinn Fein/IRA supporters who were working in the offices of the American Friends of Sinn Fein, which was based in the South Tower, of the World Trade Center. Oh dear, what a shame.
At the Pentagon, in Arlington, Virginia, 125 people were killed, including a good friend of my ex-wife Jenny. Four days later on Saturday 15th September, I drove over to Pentagon with AF-BNP member Tom Avis, who had come over from Ohio for the weekend, to have a look at the site. We had to stand around 100 yards away, as it was completely fenced off as you can imagine. Salvage crews were still clearing up there, but you could clearly see parts of the plane that had broken off when American Airlines Flight 77, crashed into the Pentagon’s west side.
Sadly, all 39 civilians on board United Airlines 93 were killed when it was shot down and crashed into a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, not far from the border with Maryland. Rumours in the bars and restaurants close to the White House have it that Bush was very reluctant to order it shot down, that is why it got so close to Maryland, before being taken out.
Over 90 countries lost citizens in all the attacks, including 67 from the UK (the largest group being from Northern Ireland, working at the American Friends of Sinn Fein office). The UK had the most non-US deaths in the 9/11 attacks.
In the aftermath of 9/11, the World Trade Center site became known as Ground Zero, which stretched over an area of 14.6 acres. I visited it with my buddy Jim from American Renaissance two and a half months later (when we were in nearby Connecticut for Thanksgiving and took a half day trip to NYC to look at it) and I can recall the horrid smell from the fire damage and the soot everywhere. It was an incredible sight.
The Twin Towers, which I visited three times during my stay Stateside, were the most recognizable building of the Manhattan skyline, dwarfing even the famous Empire State Building, which I also climbed to the top of three or four times. Of course, the outline radically changed after the buildings fell, and the Empire State Building became the tallest building in the city again – well for a few years anyway, until the One World Trade Center was finished in 2014.
Hundreds of thousands of tons of debris had to be cleared following the attacks, while it took years to identify victims from body parts discovered at the site.
Plans to rebuild the World Trade Center were put in place soon after 9/11 and twenty years later several new structures have been put in place – the most visible being One World Trade Center, a 1,776 feet (541 meters) skyscraper that is the tallest building in the USA.
As I’m still banned from the USA, I’ve yet to see the setting sun reflect off the windows of One World Trade Center in New York City, build to replace the original buildings, but I’m told it is an incredible sight to see.
And what of those who are accused of planning the 9/11 attacks you may well ask? While Khalid Sheikh Mohammed – a 57-year-old Pakistani Islamist militant held by the US at the Guantanamo Bay detention camp in Cuba under terrorism-related charges – is regarded as the principal architect of the 9/11 attacks, it was al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden (aka OBL) who is most widely identified with the plot – according to the CIA anyway.
After becoming president in 1992, we are told Bill Clinton made capturing Bin Laden a priority for the US following a series of attacks on US citizens at home and abroad, during the 1990s. Well we know how that ended!
However, it was 9/11 that ramped up the search to find OBL and a $25m reward was offered for information that would lead to his capture or killing or both I guess.
OBL became a sort of folk hero for young Pakistanis in northern England after 9/11. Many wore plastic masks with his face on and carried his image on their smart phones!
His whereabouts were a subject of much confusion, with reports of him hiding out in mountains in caves (and watching videos!) in Afghanistan proving not to be fruitful, while it was also claimed he was attempting to avoid capture in neighbouring Pakistan.
For years the searches turned up nothing but US intelligence agencies claimed they finally tracked him down to a secure compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, in 2011.
The compound was raided by US SEAL Team Six on 2nd May 2011, and the CIA claim Bin Laden was in there with one of his wives and some of his children. The CIA claim the Seals shot and killed OBL (although this has never been proved). This was nearly ten years after the 9/11 attacks took place.
After the raid, reports from Reuters stated that US forces had taken bin Laden’s body to Afghanistan for positive identification, then buried it at sea, in accordance with Islamic law, within 24 hours of his death. However, as there was no imam on board the USS Carl Vinson, where the burial was said to have taken place, this is very unlikely.
There have been numerous claims of OBL been spotted in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Tajikistan, Oman, and even south-east China. However, rumours that he was spotted in the Glodwick area of Oldham recently proved unfounded!
Sadly, there are many on “our side”, who still claim the 9/11 attacks were not the work of OBL and the al-Qaeda organization, or any similar Islamic group. They claim that the Muslims were too stupid to have carried out such a well-planned attack, and it must have been the work of the CIA, FBI, and or Mossad, and organized and carried out by (yes, you’ve guessed it) the Jews!
Some of these are well meaning nationalists, others are just cranks, nuts and loons. Whoever they are they just don’t understand or maybe want to understand that the nineteen non-White men who allegedly pulled off the deadliest terrorist attack the modern world has ever seen, were serious, patient and very well organized. They had the discipline to keep their mouths shut for months, so as not to leak any information about what they were planning to the CIA/FBI etc.
Of course, I’m in no way suggesting that we copy them (even if we could), what I am saying is that their utter dedication to their beliefs enabled them to successfully carry out their mission, a mission few – if any – thought could ever be accomplished. Those nineteen men willingly gave their lives for their religion and what they believed in. Hundreds of years earlier many White Christians did the same. They too were not afraid to die for what they believed in.
We – in our little nationalist movement – on the other hand, are not looking for any of our activists to die in suicide missions, or even just die for the nationalist cause. We are simply looking for White men and women to dedicate their lives to the nationalist cause, so that our White race doesn’t die out by the end of this century. But sadly, we can’t find many White people to even put out a few leaflets at election time, let alone stand as a nationalist candidate!
Let’s be honest here. What happened to the World Trade Center in New York City and at the Pentagon, in Arlington twenty years ago today, is a direct consequence of (most of) the American people permitting ZOG to control their government and use America’s military and financial strength to advance ZOG’s interests at the expense of everyone else’s interests.
When some people are driven into a corner – as many people in the Middle East have been – sometimes they will fight back. ZOG will then scream for the blood of their enemies, and their lackeys in NYC and DC will strike at ZOG’s enemies for them, just as the Bushes, Clinton and Obama have done in the past – and probably Biden will in the future. And the consequence will be that the number of ZOG’s enemies will grow without limit, and not just in the Middle East (as Islamic State proved for a few years).
The Islamic terrorists who flew those planes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, did it because THEY had been pushed into the corner by ZOG. Plenty of ‘our’ people now understand that twenty years on. They know that those attacks were just the beginning of what is in store for America (and the UK).
They know that the CIA/FBI and MI5/MI6 have been very lucky so far, in that they have stopped every MAJOR Islamic attack since 9/11 (although a number of smaller attacks did succeed). But the Islamic terrorists know that they only have to be lucky ONCE, whereas the CIA/FBI and MI5/MI6 have to be lucky EVERY single time!