England Rugby drop ‘Saxons’ name in ethnic diversity drive

England’s rugby union team is the latest to fall into line with the worldwide disparagement of White identity.

This week the rugby authorities decided to rename the England reserve team, previously known as ‘England Saxons’. It will henceforth be known as ‘England A’, because the word ‘Saxon’ was thought to be an obstacle to the all-important drive to make rugby more ‘diverse’.

For some years now England Rugby have been trying to persuade crowds at international matches held at the Twickenham stadium in west London to stop singing their traditional anthem Swing Low, Sweet Chariot. Though there has never been any suggestion that this was intended to mock black heritage, the mere use of an originally black slave song is now seen as ‘cultural appropriation’.

While blacks are encouraged (indeed increasingly required) to be cast as White characters in historical plays, films and television productions, it is forbidden for Whites to stray onto black territory, as it is almost sacrilegious for a White to touch holy relics of black history and culture.

Examples from the world of sport include the renaming of the Washington Redskins as the Washington Football Team; and the suggested renaming of the Atlanta Braves and Cleveland Indians baseball teams. Another American football team – Kansas City Chiefs – have run into similar controversy and banned the use of native headdresses and face paint by fans.

Fans of Kansas City Chiefs are now banned from using once-traditional headdresses and faceprint

The term ‘diversity’ of course always means ‘less White’.

One never hears any suggestion that a Black-dominated sport or a Black-dominated form of popular culture should be made ‘more diverse’.

Perhaps in some cases that’s a good thing. If sectors such as ‘gangsta rap’ were to be made ‘more diverse’, then perhaps shootings and stabbings in London would also become ‘more diverse’, rather than featuring primarily blacks killing other blacks.

Saxons might now be unmentionable in England Rugby circles, but 24 hours after their name was purged, the real historic Anglo-Saxons had the last laugh.

The Cerne Abbas Giant

The famous 180 ft Cerne Abbas Giant, carved into a Dorset hillside, has after years of speculation been dated to the late Saxon period. Detailed sediment analysis, studying grains of sand and long-buried microscopic snails, revealed yesterday that the Giant was created somewhere between 700 and 1100 AD.

No one has yet suggested that he was created by Africans.

Britons’ DNA unchanged in 1,400 years

The new study shows continuing clusters in Britain based on genetic patterns dating back more than 1,400 years.

The new study shows continuing clusters in Britain based on genetic patterns dating back more than 1,400 years.

A major scientific study published today has demolished one of the most frequent arguments used by multiracialists.

Our opponents regularly claim that mass immigration to our shores since the late 1940s has been merely the latest of many immigrant waves – that we are indeed “a nation of immigrants”.

Today’s study proves the opposite.  If one excludes effects of the last 70 years of mass non-white immigration, patterns of DNA in the UK correspond remarkably closely to the ethnic map of 600 AD, and in fact to political and ‘tribal’ divisions of Anglo-Saxon England.

Heritage and Destiny will analyse the full implications for nationalists from this scientific study in our next issue (published at the start of May 2015).

In the meantime we are pleasantly surprised to see media coverage given to the study in today’s and tomorrow’s newspapers:

New Scientist

Daily Telegraph


Financial Times

Sky News

Daily Mail

The full survey is published in the journal Nature, though only a preview is available online free.

HMV Withdraws ‘Anyone But England’ Merchandise

The high street retailer HMV has withdrawn anti-English merchandise following complaints from members of the public and the Campaign for an English Parliament.

A police officer last week visited the HMV store in Kirkcaldy, Fife – part of former Prime Minister Gordon Brown’s constituency – to inform management of complaints about a range of ‘Anyone But England’ T-shirts.

For the full story click here [external link]

Stop Anglophobia! Leicester (23/05/2010)

The Streets of Leicester, 23 May 2010:

May 23 2010 – Stop Anglophobia Demo: Leicester City Clock Tower.

Overall it was a fantastic turnout and a well executed peaceful demo against the continuous Anglophobia happening here in England and also its surrounding countries. Lets keep up the good work!


The English Shieldwall: http://englishshieldwall.weebly.com/support-us.html


Stop Anglophobia – Facebook Page/Photos


Stop Anglophobia – YouTube Video

Spare us the balloon slogans about freedom, identity, democracy and security…

Excellent 2006 article by Frank Kimbal Johnson reposted recently on the Guarding the Old Flag blog.

BLOGOSPHERE, 28 Dec 2009: There are ‘mostly other directed’ and ‘mostly inner directed’ people, and any amount of research has shown that the latter are quite a small minority of the population at any given time. There is a kind of social magnetism which draws people into ‘going with the flow’, as in crowd behaviour at outdoor and indoor events. On such occasions personal perceptions and judgement are usually submerged in the collective response. Hence the old Spanish saying that shepherds may change, but sheep remain sheep. But however rugged one’s individuality, the fact is we are all social animals and therefore obliged to take some interest in the way our society is governed. Neglect of this responsibility leaves the field open to career politicians with the ingrained conceit that they know best what everybody else should be doing and what matters most in the world. They like to call this megalomania ‘leadership’, when all it usually amounts to is self-serving bossiness and exploitation of the gullible via largely complicit mass media.

So when you hear someone disclaiming any interest in politics, you are probably in the company of sheep. Such complacency is of course fostered by bland assurances that British democracy is designed to protect the public good and ensure our most cherished traditions and aspirations inform government policy. Added to which we have the opportunity to choose between main contenders for political office at approximately five-year intervals, thus giving us the kind of government most people want.

So much for the theory. What really happens is that, over the years, certain factions contrive to subordinate the public to an ‘Establishment’ deeply entrenched behind complex legalistic barricades, and with its own self-serving agenda and priorities.

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“New poll shows why multi-culturalism works?”

Over at Pickled Politics, they seem to have gleefully pounced on the George Soros-funded survey of British Muslims, reported in the The Times (posted here), as ‘proof’ that multi-culturalism works. Remarkable that they failed to mention the blindingly obvious bias in the survey… The survey didn’t ask any white English people their views on the subject, let alone the white working-class who are the main ‘beneficiaries’ of enforced ‘enrichment’.

BLOGOSPHERE, 14 Dec 2009: The study and report is a slap in the face for right-wing dogma on the issues concerned for many reasons.

Firstly, it shows that Britain’s relaxed attitude to differences in religion and culture has made British Muslims more likely to identify with this country and be proud of the liberal traditions they live in, rather than constantly face state-sanctioned discrimination like in Switzerland and France.

Secondly, it shows that Muslims (and this goes for minorities generally) feel much more British than their parents. The figure for British born Muslims is 94% and similar for non-Muslim minorities. In other words the offspring of minorities end up taking the identity of the country they’re born in – rather than become the fifth columnists that right-wing columnists portray them as.

Third – Britain is a model for other European countries to follow. Not only for its relaxed attitude towards differences between people, but also because it is moving away from Britishness being defined as a genetic, ethnic or cultural identity. It’s the idea of a nation as a people together – whether towards a common purpose or towards commonly shared ideals, that makes it cohesive. Neither of these need to be defined by trying to exclude people, as Germany and France have consistently tried to do.

This is what makes Britain great and this is why the percentage of minorities who feel ‘British’ is so high.

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UK Muslims are Europe’s most patriotic

'Patriot British Muslims' who aided 7-7 bombers

'Patriotic British Muslims' found guilty of aiding 7-7 bombers

Muslims in Britain are the most patriotic in Europe — but more than a quarter in some parts of the country still do not feel British, according to a new study.

THE TIMES, 13 Dec 2009: The report, funded by George Soros, the billionaire philanthropist, found that on average 78% of Muslims identified themselves as British, although this dropped by six points in east London. This compares with 49% of Muslims who consider themselves French and just 23% who feel German.

The findings, based on more than 2,000 detailed interviews, suggest that Muslims may be better integrated in Britain than in other parts of the European Union.

The report will reopen the debate about the merits of multiculturalism, a policy that has actively promoted cultural and religious differences among minorities in Britain but has been criticised as a barrier to integration by Trevor Phillips, chairman of the Equality and Human Rights Commission.

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Buddhism is fastest-growing religion in English jails over past decade

Buddhism is the fastest-growing religion in England’s jails, with the number of followers rising eightfold over the past decade.

DAILY TELEGRAPH, 5 Aug 2009: Although adherents to the Eastern faith believe in peace and the sanctity of life, almost all of the Buddhists behind bars in this country are serving lengthy sentences for serious crimes such as violence and sex offences.

Some jails and secure hospitals including Broadmoor have opened shrines known as Buddha Groves in their grounds, and there is a nationwide network of chaplains to cater for the growing population.

It is claimed that most of the Buddhists in jail converted after their conviction, and chose it over other religions because its emphasis on meditation helps them cope with being locked up.

Supporters of Buddhist criminals say they also believe the spiritual development they gain in prison will help them once they are released, and prevent them from re-offending.

Lord Avebury, a Liberal Democrat peer who is the patron of Angulimala, the Buddhist Prison Chaplaincy Organisation, told The Daily Telegraph: “The numbers are quite remarkable. I think one of the reasons is that they convert to Buddhism in prison – it’s a reasonable hypothesis that they become interested when inside.

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BNP would love it here, Emma Thompson tells Exeter students

Actress urges students to carry on fighting prejudice; claims Rwandan-born son endured ‘unpleasant’ experiences.

GUARDIAN, 6 Nov 2009: The actor Emma Thompson has urged a university to work to stamp out racism after her adopted son endured “unpleasant” experiences while studying there. Thompson says Rwandan-born Tindyebwa Agaba suffered because of the colour of his skin during his first year studying politics at Exeter University.


On Thursday, during the debate entitled All Africans Now: Artistry and Activism, a member of the audience raised the issue of the BNP and comments by its leader that London was no longer a British city because of its racial diversity.

Thompson replied that Griffin “would feel very comfortable here”. The questioner asked: “What can we do to change the whiteness of Devon and Cornwall? How can we expand our university?”

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Labour let in migrants ‘to engineer multicultural UK’

DAILY MAIL, 24 Oct 2009: Huge increases in immigration over the past decade were a deliberate attempt to engineer a more multicultural Britain, a former Government adviser said yesterday.

Andrew Neather, a speechwriter who worked in Downing Street for Tony Blair and in the Home Office for Jack Straw and David Blunkett, said Labour’s relaxation of controls was a plan to ‘open up the UK to mass migration’.

As well as bringing in hundreds of thousands to plug labour market gaps, there was also a ‘driving political purpose’ behind immigration policy, he claimed.

Ministers hoped to change the country radically and ‘rub the Right’s nose in diversity’. But Mr Neather said senior Labour figures were reluctant to discuss the policy, fearing it would alienate its ‘core working-class vote’.

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