English Nationalists campaigning in Lancashire
EFP and EDP activists were out and about in Lancashire over the weekend, delivering leaflets for both the 2009 County Council and European Elections. The response from the Lancashire public was very good, with many pledges of support, to vote England First Party in the County Council election and English Democrats in the European election.
We will be out leafleting every weekend – and some mid-day days – between now and Election Day (June 4th), but we do need volunteers to come up to Lancashire to help us canvass and put out leaflets door to door. In some cases we can even arrange a lift up there and back for you and/or overnight accommodation – depending on where you live.
If you cannot physically help then you can help financially. Please send us a donation – however large or small – towards the election campaign.
If you’re online please check our online donation page at www.efp.org.uk/support-us/donate/ where you will see how to make a donation via PayPal.
If you don’t have PayPal, then just mail a donation to England First Party, 40 Birkett Drive, Preston, PR2 6HE. (Cheques or Postal Orders should be made out to ‘England First Party’, with a note enclosed saying ‘2009 election’.) Details of how to make a donation to England First are all on the ‘Donate‘ page.
If you want to help with canvassing/leafleting, please contact us by email or telephone and let us know which date(s) you are available to help.