BNP withdraws from campaigning for Glasgow North East by-election

Nick Griffin reveals he would support a referendum on Scottish independence…

THE TIMES, 29 Oct 2009: Nick Griffin, the British National Party leader, revealed during a visit to Hamilton yesterday that he would support a referendum on Scottish independence.

His comments will be regarded as an embarrassment for the SNP, who are unlikely to welcome any suggestion that their referendum plans are supported by the right-wing extremist party. The three Unionist parties at Holyrood oppose the proposals to hold a referendum next year.

Mr Griffin suffered a humiliation of his own yesterday when he was forced to withdraw from campaigning in the Glasgow North East constituency. About 40 protesters heckled the politician and threw eggs when he arrived at the headquarters of L107, a radio station based in Hamilton, Lanarkshire, leading to three arrests. A BNP spokesman later claimed Mr Griffin had been delayed by a previous meeting at a veterans’ charity in Hamilton.

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NEW CAMPAIGN: Become a signatory to The English Claim of Right

English Claim of RightThe English Claim of Right:

Both England and Scotland as part of their Acts of Union of 1707 lost their own national Parliaments and instead Westminster became, and remains home to, the Union Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

The devolution legislation of Prime Minister Blair (The Scotland Act 1998 and the Government of Wales Act 1998) produced change on a massive constitutional scale, especially in Scotland. Few people in England understand the scale of that change. The Scottish Parliament and Government are now largely responsible for economic development, local government, the environment, agriculture and fisheries (with EU constraints), personal social services, education, law and order, public health, transport, housing and a good deal else besides.

One of the key developments in bringing about a national movement for better political institutional arrangements for Scotland (which led to the present Scottish Parliament) was the signing by many of the leading Scottish politicians (including Gordon Brown, Menzies “Ming” Campbell, the late Robin Cook, Alistair Darling) of The Scottish Claim of Right.

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