Yorkshire Forum 19th February 2022 – an attendee’s observations
The following is not so much a report on the recent Yorkshire Forum as a personal celebration of those valiant spokesmen.
Yesterday, like the once-true Royal Mail motto – ‘be through rain, hail, or shine we deliver’ – true-grit attendees of the Yorkshire Forum literally skated their vehicles through the snow-iced streets to Bradford for its post-lockdown comeback. There, four patriotic groups gathered. Disdaining all distracting “divide and conquer” factional vanities, these men, women, plus one discreet baby’s political debut(!) brought, foremost, their concern for “Our Home” – our ancestral homeland whose racial survival is turning bleaker and blacker with every alien mass-invaders’ shipload.
The calibre and character of each speaker was equal to his capacity to project a political stance in accessible mode and dignified manner. Handsome, forthright, heartening!
Chairing the gathering was Dr. James Lewthwaite (a Cambridge graduate archaeologist skilled in forensic digging – an asset for a political truth analyst (!); and a proven Bradford vote-winning former Councillor).
Attending were three former BNP Councillors. Guests travelled from far and wide: from London, Mid-Wales, North Wales, Chester, Stoke on Trent, Hull, Wakefield, Leeds and of course Bradford.
Mr. Steve Crosby (from Belfast) spoke first on Direct Democracy. He offered the Swiss model as a stimulus for the British to consider. This veteran community negotiator presented a short video about how Swiss referendum take three forms: 1. popular initiatives, which are citizen proposals to create a new law and require 100,000 valid signatures on a petition to get on the ballot; 2. facultative or optional referendums, which are citizen proposals to approve or reject a piece of existing law and require 50,000 valid signatures on a petition to get on the ballot; and 3. mandatory referendums which are required to revise the Constitution, join an international organisation or introduce emergency federal legislation.
Mr. Crosby’s point was that in this Swiss system its direct seeking of the People’s opinions placed their concerns foremost as opposed to the “Muppets” as he referred to those whom the general public increasingly despise as puppets who, once elected, act as “saboteurs” of a nation’s best interests. The problem remains (I interjected) of how to undermine the enormously funded and powerful Lobbies who monopolise and tyrannise public opinion and education outlets. With twist-speak they knot, mock, and knock the stuffing out of people, not only their well-heeled, toe-cringeing sock-puppets!
As in the nature of a Forum, energised discussion and cordial objections raised from the floor were welcomed by the admirable chairman Dr. James Lewthwaite (of the British Democrats). Mr. Mike Whitby (of British Voice – a platform speaker later but at this time from the floor) advanced the fact that in our ancient Constitution and Common Law we already have such methods which have been “forgotten”. He called for our people to learn more about them and how to deploy these effectively. Dr. Lewthwaite enjoined that such an age-old legal contingency had been available to the BNP’s disgraced former leader Nick Griffin but that despite his legal background, he failed to raise it in a case when it could have re-established a powerful precedent.
Dr. Lewthwaite went on to accredit Mr. Crosby’s magnanimous humility when he stood down during a city council election in order to bolster the chances of a similar interest’s Party, by not splitting the vote. This demonstration of intelligent political coordination for the greater strength gained essentially in a common cause had me unable to contain my applause! A valuable lesson for traditionalist and nationalist Groups who have often lacked interest in coordinating the dates of their events which effectively means patriots take self-defeatingly divisive sides without chance to hear the others!
Mr. Crosby’s rolemodel proved (in my view) the late British philosopher Roger Scruton’s description of “the British genius for compromise”. Mr. Whitby educated one young person from the floor that it’s not a matter of 40-60 years hence when we shall be racially outnumbered but already we are at the 11th hour! This is true at least since Dr. Scruton in 2001 concerning the immigration crisis had declared “Robin Cook wants us to deny our national identity” and that “there is no such race as the British, Robin Cook tells us”; such politicians “they want sovereignty, loyalty, and territory to be things of the past. Their world is one of international bureaucracies, stateless quangos, and rootless elites”. Such a politician could be well-described (by Mr. Crosby) as a “saboteur”.
Alas Britain’s once popular philosopher did not acknowledge the legendary commonsense spoken in 1968 by the Rt. Hon. J. Enoch Powell who clarified that “in the early 1950s there were fewer than 100,000 non-whites in Britain”. He spoke up as a true patriot yet was pariahed for this intelligence. By 2001, Dr. Scruton noted that “now we are asked [indeed were NOT asked!] to absorb 100,000 or more [in 2022 more like one million alien invaders] every year, without border controls or any proof of loyalty to, or even respect for the institutions of our country”.
Yet, frankly I must admit that until then the Canadian Free Expression veteran CAFE campaigner and comrade Paul Fromm suggested that at the word “race”, it would have been the case that I’d think he meant the racing at Royal Ascot!! Appalling but true! All this stealthy conquest through immigration I had recognised by 2001 whereby the HQ for World Zionism had “disappeared the indigenous population” in Palestine. Yet this same phenomena had not yet penetrated my otherwise non-political outlook regarding the race replacement in my own Homeland! Why was that? Scruton nailed that elusive public information when he stated “we live in a climate of fear, in which the most important question confronting the British people – the security of their borders and the loyalty within them – is subject to a strict regime of censorship”. I do not recall hearing anything about that eminent influencer daring to embolden the British people to show up at a nationalist Party rally. What a dunce when it counts! This philosopher defines the “problem”, the “threat”, the “loyalty”, yet was a dolt compared to the doughty attendees at the Yorkshire Forum!
Hats off to all those leafleteers who, rain, hail, or shine, delivered their sterling true alert. The “no-kneeling” leaflet by the British Democrats emboldens those inertia-sunk to rise with common sense (phoenix akin the flag-logo of The British Voice) to say: “No to cancel culture and woke tyranny – their agenda is to destroy our cultural heritage and disgrace our historical achievements”.
The historic stall was well set out by the next speaker Mr. Michael Whitby (of The British Voice). He reminded us that the individual’s mind and body is sovereign, not a human right awarded by any government or “the science”. That our national DNA has changed by just over 5% over 12,000 years. And that we can rely when invoking our protective rights, if only we knew to draw on two and a half thousand years of still extant Common Law and Constitution to say respectfully “I don’t consent” when we are not guilty if arrested for a projected thought crime.
Forensic proof is offered in his well-presented leaflets:
The 2006 book Blood of the Isles, by Bryan Sykes, Professor of Human Genetics at Oxford University, confirmed the result of his team’s ten year study of 50,000 DNA samples from the indigenous British people from all corners of the British Isles. Comparisons were made between those recent samples and that of The Cheddar Man and earlier evidence up to 12,000 years ago.
The results proved that, despite all the claims of “invasions” and that we Britons are a so-called “race of mongrels”, our DNA has only changed by an overall average of just 5% over 12,000 years! The above, added to our peoples proven longevity of 33,000 years, by virtue of ‘The Red “Lady” of Paviland’ (South Wales) proves beyond any doubt that we are amongst the oldest indigenous peoples of the world!
And that we can rely, if only we knew to draw on two and a half thousand years of Common Law to say “No consent” when we are not guilty for a projected thought crime.
The final speaker was Alek Yerbury (from West Yorkshire Region Patriotic Alternative). He amplified how we had “forgotten” that “to unify is unconquerable”, but that “our People who have never been defeated in the last three hundred years can only be tricked into believing they have no power”. His soldierly stance suggested a disciplined approach. I regret we ran out of time before I thought to ask him if he agreed with the Swiss one year’s mandatory military service for every Swiss citizen as highlighted in Mr. Crosby’s talk. To learn to serve in any capacity involving due community service for one’s homeland seems to be an invaluable method to cultivate respect for all labour and levels of contribution to what brings about one’s sense of belonging, sharing and defining us with pride as a grassroots grateful Nation.
The suggestion from Mr. Whitby was a winner for me when he proposed that groups should maintain their identity but that all coordinate together (under a come rain or shine umbrella) called the National Patriot Movement. It’s a now call for the People to stand firm to save themselves from predictable white/black manufactured civil war, coming upon us no longer later – but soon. This mass-manipulation is underway already in our BLM-only life time!
Bravo to the Yorkshire Forum !
No cowering, no surrender,
Michèle, Lady Renouf
PS Before closing the meeting, the chairman Dr. Lewthwaite invited me to commemorate those comrades who had passed away last year, Mr. John Bean, Mr. Kevin Stafford, Mr. Richard Edmonds and others.
I knew Richard Edmonds very well as a hero to both his British and German comrades who always honoured our finest historian Mr. David Irving. With his facility in German, Richard frequently cited his hero when giving speeches at rallies and at German memorials for their soldiers and civilians.
A former school teacher, qualified engineer, and strenuous historical revisionist, this prize-winning orator always stressed that not all Britons during the world wars were duped. The British People were misled by warmonger Winston Churchill – the drunken traitor and neurotic anti-“Hun” who kept from public knowledge all of Germany’s genuine peace offerings which would have ended (and never begun) the senseless killing off of our best and bravest on both sides of this Anglo-Saxon brothers’ war. “Allies = All lies” was wit-and-pith Richard’s apt refrain!
Two days before our national treasure died on 23rd December 2020, he had translated a Yuletide poem written by Berlin attorney RA Wolfram Nahrath (who so successfully defended me and British honour in Dresden). When I mentioned this translation to Attorney Nahrath he texted: “An honour for me”. In turn Richard was deeply gratified at this mutual respect from Germany’s foremost defender of persecuted real history champions. I believe our British lion died, not mehling about cats-paw anti-gentiles, but with his magnificent race and nation foremost on his mind. Richard Edmonds, our great nationalist role-model, scholar and gentleman lives on in treasured legend.
Long Live the British grace and character of Richard Edmonds!
Many thanks to Mr Tony Avery for photographs – H&D understands that a video of the event will in due course be available and we shall post a link