British speaker arrested as German police halt Dresden commemoration

Lady Michèle Renouf was arrested this afternoon in Dresden as police closed down a commemorative rally in memory of more than 500,000 victims of the terror bombing in the city 73 years ago.

Lady Renouf had just spoken at the outdoor rally in the city centre.  Fellow Briton Richard Edmonds and event organiser Gerd Ittner were prevented from speaking and the crowd was forcibly dispersed. This evening Lady Renouf was released after several hours’ questioning at Dresden’s police station.[spacer height=”20px”]

Dr Fredrick Töben and Lady Michèle Renouf as the Australian academic prepared to leave London in November 2008, following the invalidation of a European Arrest Warrant. Today Lady Renouf was arrested in Dresden after speaking at a rally, where a message of solidarity was read from Dr Töben.

[spacer height=”20px”]Sadly the German police have allowed themselves to be used as political tools of a corrupt establishment determined to silence normal historical debate and rational argument.  On the same day as Lady Renouf’s arrest, British Prime Minister Theresa May and German Chancellor Angela Merkel were attempting to reach agreement after a “security summit” in Munich on post-Brexit plans to continue the alliance between their countries’ secret state agencies, each determined to preserve a neo-Stalinist order.

Fortunately the German people are beginning to resist tyranny, with the rapid growth of a new political party, Alternative für Deutschland (AfD), now the main opposition force in the Bundestag federal parliament in Berlin.[spacer height=”20px”]

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