Anti-fascist gangster shot dead

Paul Massey – one of Britain’s leading organised crime figures – was shot dead near his home in Salford on Sunday night.

Massey was a former leading activist in the anarchist group Class War, and together with members of the infamous Noonan family had played a bizarre double role in violent ‘anti-fascism’ and straightforward brutal criminality.


However during the past year he had posted several tweets supporting UKIP, and less than three weeks ago sent a tweet apparently accusing Dominic Noonan of being a paid police informant.

Massey tweet

Paul Massey’s mysterious tweet less than three weeks before his murder – seemed to accuse fellow gangster and ‘anti-fascist’ Dominic Noonan of being a police informant.

In 2012 Massey was a candidate for Mayor of Salford: his campaign manager Nic Seddon was later jailed for murdering his own parents. In April 2015 another close friend of Massey’s, former boxer Paul ‘One-Punch’ Doyle, received a 16-year jail sentence for his role as boss of a heroin and cocaine empire.

Paul Massey (far right) as a pall bearer at the funeral of Class War anarchist Ken Keating in 2011, where Massey gave the oration.

The murder of Paul Massey might spark a new Chicago-style gang war on the streets of North West England.  It should also lead to a long overdue examination of the links between this gangland milieu and ‘anti-fascist’ politics – but sadly it won’t: not in the mainstream media at any rate. However it wouldn’t surprise me to see the national press taking a close look at one or two of Massey’s UKIP associates and family friends…

Former Class War anarchist  and gangland 'Mr Big' Paul Massey endorsed UKIP at the General Election.

Former Class War anarchist and gangland ‘Mr Big’ Paul Massey endorsed UKIP at the General Election.

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