A new ally in ‘racist’ campaign to defend red squirrel against alien invaders

After years of denying that there was even a problem, British officials are now taking decisive action against the threat of alien immigration.

The immigrants in question – grey squirrels – arrived seventy years before mass non-White immigration into the UK, beginning with just two imported by the banker Thomas Brocklehurst when he returned from America in 1876.

Since then the grey squirrel has become an existential threat to the native British red squirrel, mainly because the grey variety carries a disease called squirrelpox which is fatal to red squirrels but harmless to greys.

As with mass non-White immigration, there have been ideologically-motivated attempts to deny that there is any problem with the grey squirrel takeover.

But today’s Guardian brings welcome news that forestry officials in Scotland have developed a new strategy. This involves deploying the pine marten, which acts as an effective predator reducing grey squirrel populations. Because red squirrels evolved alongside pine martens over thousands of years, they are far less affected by this predator than are grey squirrels, who have been here for less than 150 years.

H&D welcomes this triumph of racial reality over political correctness. We hope that policymakers in related fields will follow suit.

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